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Default Day 2 tonight... - 03-02-2010, 12:52 PM

Right guys, I've got a day 2 tonight. I've been texting the HB9.5 I number closed on Monday night. I was thinking of asking her out over the weekend, but then thought, why not tonight? So I asked her if she wanted to come and see some film with me, and she has said yes. Which is nice

Now... The plan is to meet in a tea shop, have a cup of tea, and then head over an hour later to watch the film.

The last time I did this with a new girl (that time it was a girl from Plenty of Fish), I failed gloriously to flirt or come anywhere near kiss closing. I was awkward around her, no kino, and we sat at opposite ends of the sofa in the cinema for the whole 2 hour film.

Look at bottom, she's coming out tonight also hoping to kiss me. Why else do people go on dates? If she wasn't interested, she'd have told me she couldn't do tonight because shes shampooing her neighbour's cousin's pet tortoise. So that's cool.

But, when do I go in for a kiss close? Ideas are as follows, bearing in mind I have presented her a very positive, leading, decisive frame which I can easily maintain:

1. I text her prior to the date saying: "When we meet, I want you to give me a great big hug and a kiss like we've known each other for years".

2. We meet up, and we go for tea. Half way through, I say to her: "You know what I hate? Awkward first dates where we don't even kiss. So, give me a kiss now, lets get it out of the way."

3. I do something similar, but before we go into the cinema. Just as we're about to go through the door, I pull her back and say: 'Woah... Before we go in, I want to get kissing you out of the way.'

3b. Again, outside the cinema: 'Before we go in, I forgot to kiss you properly the other night. Lets do it now.'

4. During the film, find a way to manoeuver into a kissing position, and go for it (how fucking chodeish!)

5. Any other suggestions?

Bascially I reckon I've got free reign to do what I want here. Her image of me is someone decisive, leading, someone who is in command of every situation. It wouldn't be incongruent for me to be very bold with her about kissing. Maybe she even half expects it.

Also, take number 4 out of that above. I am not a chode, I am a Pick Up Artist. I am in control, I take what I want, when I want.


Just get on with it please
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Default 03-02-2010, 01:35 PM

Originally Posted by CovertOperation View Post
"You know what I hate? Awkward first dates where we don't even kiss. So, give me a kiss now, lets get it out of the way."

: 'Woah... Before we go in, I want to get kissing you out of the way.'
Whatever you do, don't say any of these things lol. You don't want to make it sound like a chore.

To be honest, it's hard to tell someone when they should go in for the kiss, without actually being there, cos it's got to be a natural thing that should come when you feel it's right. All I can say is if your making her laugh and you go in with some kino, just go for it. Don't pre plan it. Soon as there is a good feeling going on and your close enough for some kino just tell her she looks stunning tonight and smack one on her.

My advice, your'e thinking about this too much, trying to plan out some smooth moves. Doesn't have to be perfect. She's already out on a date with you, as you said, so she knows that you want her. She's expecting you to kiss her!! Just assume that she wants you to kiss her just as much as you wanna get under her bed covers, and you'll be dandy mate!

It's only technique in its conjunction with meaningfulness that you get a work of art
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Default 03-02-2010, 01:46 PM

One thing I always do is kiss her on both cheeks as soon as we meet. Then put her arm in yours and go where you're going. This creates a sense of comfort and intimacy straight away.

"If you want it to happen, why is it not happening?"
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Default 03-02-2010, 01:54 PM

It's not a military operation! Listen to SJ and the dizzler, you're getting too inside your head before you've even met up. Just be cool, fun and flirty and see where that goes

"Is it wrong for a man to love his guitar?"

"It is if he puts his balls between the strings, and strums himself to ecstasy!"
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Default 03-02-2010, 02:11 PM

This is all top notch advice. Thanks y'all!

I want to get it done early, just to get it right out the bloody way! Once we're past the first kiss, we're on the way then. And I can sit and watch the film with her with my arm around her or whatever, and it won't feel out of place.

The sooner I kiss her, the sooner it becomes natrual.

I need to act and think like a man in control!!


Just get on with it please
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Default 03-02-2010, 02:29 PM

No need for sly plans or telling her what's about to happen to her (this surely ruins the magic).

Go for it CO!!

girls just wanna have fun
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Default 03-02-2010, 02:58 PM

Look man forget all this chode advice.

When you go to the cinema, buy some popcorn, a big tub. Get cuddled up close beside her and rest the bucket in your lap. Once the movie gets going and she's digging into the popcorn, slip your dick out of your pants and up through the bottom of the popcorn box. And when she next goes in for a handful of popcorn, what does she get, a handful of covert cock.

The next dig decision you'll have to make is if you're going to send the kids private or state.

Trust me man.

"If you want it to happen, why is it not happening?"
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Default 03-02-2010, 03:14 PM

Originally Posted by Mycroft View Post
Look man forget all this chode advice.
The big man speaks again. I'm sure CO will be 'whipping his cock out' in public like you suggest. By the way, is this something you've done Mycroft? Are you giving us all advice based on experience like Tom and Kowalski? Also, I fail to see how their advice is chode!

girls just wanna have fun
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Default 03-02-2010, 03:19 PM

She's just flaked on me! Silly cow, said she has a spin class tonight that she promised her house mate she'd go too. She did say 'Another night?', so maybe over the weekend.

The next 2 things I'm going to do:

1. Text her back and say 'That's cool, I was about to text you and drop out myself, I've come home from work early not feeling very well, its probably best for everyone!' (I actually have left work early suffering from a heavy cold)...

2. I'm also gonna text the HB6 I also pulled on Monday (who, actually, is an HB7 judging by her FB account) and see if she wants to come over to 'make sushi' and 'watch a film' and 'drink wine'.

I'm guessing, since I've jibbed work off early, I can throw another sickie tomorrow...

Fucking flakes! Hate em!

Just get on with it please
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Default 03-02-2010, 03:25 PM

Originally Posted by CovertOperation View Post
1. Text her back and say 'That's cool, I was about to text you and drop out myself
Unlucky with the flake dude, that sucks! I don't get why you feel the need to tell her you were going to flake when you were not though. She'll prob see through this mate so you won't be doing yourself any favours. Just tell her you'll ring her about sorting something when your next free.

Go for it with the sushi cooking though! Getting a girl round your house is the one.

girls just wanna have fun
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The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to nova For This Useful Post:
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