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Default Day 2 tonight... - 03-02-2010, 12:52 PM

Right guys, I've got a day 2 tonight. I've been texting the HB9.5 I number closed on Monday night. I was thinking of asking her out over the weekend, but then thought, why not tonight? So I asked her if she wanted to come and see some film with me, and she has said yes. Which is nice

Now... The plan is to meet in a tea shop, have a cup of tea, and then head over an hour later to watch the film.

The last time I did this with a new girl (that time it was a girl from Plenty of Fish), I failed gloriously to flirt or come anywhere near kiss closing. I was awkward around her, no kino, and we sat at opposite ends of the sofa in the cinema for the whole 2 hour film.

Look at bottom, she's coming out tonight also hoping to kiss me. Why else do people go on dates? If she wasn't interested, she'd have told me she couldn't do tonight because shes shampooing her neighbour's cousin's pet tortoise. So that's cool.

But, when do I go in for a kiss close? Ideas are as follows, bearing in mind I have presented her a very positive, leading, decisive frame which I can easily maintain:

1. I text her prior to the date saying: "When we meet, I want you to give me a great big hug and a kiss like we've known each other for years".

2. We meet up, and we go for tea. Half way through, I say to her: "You know what I hate? Awkward first dates where we don't even kiss. So, give me a kiss now, lets get it out of the way."

3. I do something similar, but before we go into the cinema. Just as we're about to go through the door, I pull her back and say: 'Woah... Before we go in, I want to get kissing you out of the way.'

3b. Again, outside the cinema: 'Before we go in, I forgot to kiss you properly the other night. Lets do it now.'

4. During the film, find a way to manoeuver into a kissing position, and go for it (how fucking chodeish!)

5. Any other suggestions?

Bascially I reckon I've got free reign to do what I want here. Her image of me is someone decisive, leading, someone who is in command of every situation. It wouldn't be incongruent for me to be very bold with her about kissing. Maybe she even half expects it.

Also, take number 4 out of that above. I am not a chode, I am a Pick Up Artist. I am in control, I take what I want, when I want.


Just get on with it please
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