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Jason's Pong Champion, Snakeman Steve Champion, Hexxagon Champion, Breakout Champion, Zookeeper Champion
Default 11-10-2010, 11:38 PM

Monday 4 October

Exhausted and on a comedown.......

.....I did 5 online approaches! Arrgghhh

After much thought and deliberation I think this along with my 3 approaches on Friday 8 October is an automatic fail (erm learning experience..........no Snake Eyes no in this case fail!! Online is not an approach, 3 approaches is not 5 approaches!). Haha anyway, so I have failed my first attempt at 5 a day for 30 days, but to be honest this hasn't disheartened me. I am still making incrediable progress and this 5 a day was messing me up. I have managed to fuck myself financially this month (although gaming was only a minor contribution ot this), my work quality has gone down and my body and fitness is messed up! Also, I was only approaching for the sake of it cos I got so tired. Right so what to do.......

I need to chill out on the spending and get myself in shape for the Dorset stickler I'm doing on 31 October, so I really need to concentrate on that for a few weeks. I will still game for the remainder of this month and post my thoughts here. However, my 5 a day challenge will officially commence again on 1 November. I will have a few rules this time....

New rules for '5 a day'
1) Online approaches do not count
2) Pointless approaches do not count i.e. girls I don't fancy
3) No approaching for the sake of approaching! 100% all the way
4) Can not carry over approaches even if I do more than 5.
5) But, if it looks like I'm going to get laid I can stop at that approach. However, to make up for this I must make up the remaining approaches in the next 48 hours!

Right so bull shit over, here is how my week went.....

Tuesday 5 October

Met 2 wings, still tired and coming down!

70) Feeling real nervous today so started indirect. Went bad.

71) 3 foreign girls, Oxford Street. 'Russian' I shout. They say yes. I say cool I guessed right. Chat for about 3 minutes. Felt awkward, but manage to get a number close. Wow. Think its a flake, but stay tuned Snake Fans...... (Saturday 9 October)

72) Something in Boots that had no real impact on my life or hers.

73) Piccadilly fountain. Sexy German school kids (they said they were 19) not so sure! Can' remember what I said, but it went well until stupid teacher took them away from creepy PUA man in a suit haha! Boosted my state though!

74) Did another indirect badly - time to go home!!! Too tired, kind of gave up! (apologies my memory is very hazy of this day)

75) Got home. Went for dinner. Spanish girl in Tesco. She drops her sausage, I pick it up (not to be confused with the sausage approach - wrong forum!). We start chatting. Conversation dries up. I see she is kind of looking at me longingly, but then she runs off. Later in the bread isle, she is there again. I say hello again. We chat. I ask her where she lives, call her a fisherman or something, tease her about something else, I can see she wants me big time, 'what's the best way to contact you', bang close! Kind of pleased I managed 2 numbers when I was feeling so bad (turns out neither were flakes either)

Wednesday 6 October

76) My mate at work asked me if I had ever read 'The Game'. 'Erm yeah..... ages ago' I replied. 'Yeah its really cool' he says. Hmmm I say 'do you want to do some approaches at lunch?'. He says yes. Cool! Bit nervous, mainly because this will probably ruin my big pimp reputation at work when they realise how much I get blown out, but hey. I need to destroy my stupid ego anyway (more on this getting me in trouble later - in a pretty big way!!). So we go out and immediately I directly approach a girl who he says is hot. She is German doesn't undertstand. 6 more Germans come along to see what the fuss is about. I say something neither an Englishman or Germanman could understand and bail.

77) A load of students. My target was fit. Was just a chat though about their stupid space mobile thing. Those crazy students!!!

78) Bad approach in a toruist shop

Meanwhile my 'newbie' mate has gone into chat to a girl sitting on the step and spends the whole lunch chatting to her and number closes on his first approach. Damn it!! Beginners luck haha. Actually I'm really proud of him. I ask him how he opens and he just says he said ' hi I saw your own your own so came to chat to you.' or 'Hi are you on your lunch break, cool me too, I'll sit with you' sure it was something along those lines. Very natural and another argument against canned openers!

After work meet some wings!

79) Street ticket girl. Nice chat, fit, goes no where!

80) indirect cafe opener bad!

81) indirect cafe opener bad!

82) Super fit! Meant to go direct, get tongue tied, indirect cafe opener sort of. Was really more of a weird noise!

83) Finally get the balls to do direct. Run up to a girl (literally she was moving fast). I say ' hi I was walking past you and told my friend I thought you were hot so I thought I would tell you.' (was really out of breath from my sprint - this is why I need to train for my race!!!). She is flattered and we speak for a bit, but she has a BF (or at least tells me she does). Oh well I am happier now at least.

84) Aussie 1 Bar. Just chat for a bit. Sorry can't remember opener.

85) Aussie 2 Bar outside. Same group. Chat, number close weak. She is leaving next day, so I never actually called to see if this was a flake.

86) Street, something about shoes. Doesn't stick. Wings say I have no AA, which pleases me. Unfortunately they are wrong on this.

87) 2 set 1 English girl and 1 Venuzalian (back at language thing). Turns out to be other Venuzalian's house mate! See previous posts. Yeah my sexy Venuzalian is here.....

Right into lock down mode. I flirt well with my Venuzlian, make her laugh, we touch a lot and do some more Spanish English lessons. I am chatting to other girls and guys too and generally making good impression. I go upstairs for a tap water. I don't approach as I'm set on my Venuzalian (FIRST MISTAKE). I go back down and chat some more. Sexy one says how fun I am. Guys keep coming in, but I am their favourite, ok seems to be going well. We start dancing a bit. I am doing bits of Ceroc and they are teaching me Venuzalian dancing. I teach them silly English dancing including the 2 handed pill head dance, the Hip Hop wannabe 1 handed dance, the box, the car and the card shuffle. They lap it up!!

I teach her about fuck buddies which she finds amusing and adds sexy vibe. I point out some chode and say he could be her fuck buddy. She laughes and is going good. Tease her about been an angel or something.

More dancing, but what is this!! First AMOG. He is an amazing dancer and steals my girl (apart from dancing he isn't much though!). I know I can't dance as good as him, so I say 'hold up, right everyone lets do English dancing. Box dance! The 2 Venuzalian girls and some random dude start following. The car, They follow! Card shuffle. They follow! 'Okay okay and now for the finale, I'm going to show you the pinnacle of English dancing. This took like 10 years to master! I do the lawn mower (this was actually taught to me by a South African!). They love it and AMOG 1looks at me funnily and runs off with his tail between his legs. Good.

AMOG 2 is dancing with my girl. Damn, this is a big problem with fitter girls!! I dance with not so hot Venuzalian for a bit, but the other one is not biting and carries on with AMOG 2. I fear V2 wants to pull me which I don't want, so I stop and go chat to my wing! I start getting a bit stressed about AMOG 2 (MISTAKE 2) and ask him about it. He tells me to chillout, but I am get quite worked up actually (MISTAKE 3 - in fact this ruins me) (luckily is out of sight of V1 though)!. I am way over stressed - think tiredness from week is partly to blame). He says 'just chill out' 'Don't think, do!'. So I go back and in between songs grab her again. we dance, it is fun, but I can sense I have lost her. She is looking around and looks at her watch too. Oh no!! 'I going home soon' she says. 'Yeah me too!' I say (MISTAKE 4 - very reactive). I get my coat. She is not leaving doh. I hang around a bit (MISTAKE 5) and chat to my wing. Eventually we agree I am doing more harm than good and decide to go. Live to fight another day and all. I say good bye. I then say 'yeah we still on for Saturday yeah (MISTAKE 6 - needy!) and hug her again quite expectently (MISTAKE 7). She says yeah of course, I will text you. I leave! She never text!

Ok this was a bit messed up. The other big mistake (MISTAKE 8) I made here was not upping the sexual tension when I had the chance. I should have been making her break the eye contact and letting her break the awkward silences. This worked in Poland and I forgot to use this as I was all stressed out! I don't think this is completely dead, but it will be hard to revive. May drop a text tomorrow to test the waters here. I should also probably not have gone back to where I met her initally (POSSIBLE MISTAKE 9). I met her on her terms and this has bitten more than once before. Will let you know if I manage to turn this around. However, this is a good example of a guy putting to much emotional investment in 1 girl (see previous posts too - how smitten I am!). Don't do this!!!

I am knackered!!

Thursday 7 October

Need sleep!!

Meeting non PUA friends. Hmmm this will be interetsting.

88) Woman at bus stop - would not count under new rules!

89) Girl on street approaches me! Just directional. probably not aloud under new rules.

My mate is chatting to his ex when I arrive. She is cute, but hands off this one, is my friends ex. However, she lights up when I get there and says to my friend how she is pleased he has some cool friends which I kind of like.

90) Bump into guy. Girl jumps up and aplogises on his behalf. No problem. We start chatting and get on great. They are on a date. She wants to buy me a drink. Ok. She does and slips me her number afterwards. I am pleased at this and also please I at yet more free stuff from girls!! My mates mate asks if I did some Game shit there (what what - how do they know!!! haha).

91) Girl outside. Pretty fit. Goes no where though.

92) American girls. Not fit, but dig us. I am getting too smashed.

93) More tequila and I am completely smashed. Ego enters! Do not drink and game - now I will tell you why.........

.......I am pretty confident as I have been really social all evening and all the girls I have chatted to seem to like me! I see a 2 set. I am convinced in my drunken head I can kiss 1 in 2 minutes (not even because I want to - but because my ego wants to prove to all the guys that I can).

I open. We do stuff with cameras! It is going well, we are all laughing. I some how make them do animal impressions. I isolate the fitter one. In my head its going well. We are really kinoing. I keep putting her hands on me. Telling her to stand closer. Putting my hands on her. In my head it is all fun! She goes off to see her friends for a sec. I go back to the guys I'm with all happy and proud of myself. 'Wow' they say ' yeah' i say thinking they are going to be all imprssed. 'Wow, you were kind of forward there!' 'Erm sorry', 'Yeah you were kind of forward there'. 'No she liked it, I say' 'Erm are you sure, ok I guess' 'yeah of course, she loves me' I beem.........

......I see them outside with my friend so I go in to prove my point that she loves me and go start chatting to him. The girl, her friend and 2 other guys she is with all look at me nervously and walk off quite quickly.
My drunk mate who has known (and respected me to this moment) since I was 0 years old looks at me and says ' Wow they were talking about you!!!'
'What' I say.
'You're the really forward guy!! '

Then suddenly like a playful puppy who has just realised they have done soemthing wrong it dawns on me people are angry at me! 'Bad Dog!!! Bad Snake Eyes!!' Oh oh I have done wrong!

I was not running the train like Ozzy from Transformations said. No instead, 'do do duddle la duh du' it is Rapey the Clown!!!!! Oh no after I tried so hard to avoid him before (Rapey is a charcter introduced in previous posts, he is sort of playful and entertaining, but also kind of 'rapey'). I had been a sleazy drunk not a smooth player type guy! Completely out of my natural character and shows me off very badly in front of all these people that don't know me too well and probably embarass my friend for having me as a friend (if he wasn't so drunk). The worst thing is only I know what was going on in my head. Firstly I thought it was all really playful in my drunk mind (poor drunken puppy) and secondly I only wanted to kiss her to look cool not because I was lusting after her (ok this still makes me look pretty bad..... maybe worse in fact!!). BAD RAPEY!!

94) Yeap I'm still going!! Where's a taxi when you need one! I tell the guys I can open anyone in the bar and I was just trying something new back there that back fired (they look at me weird - oh yeah Snake Eyes that will be the whole PUA thing you've been keeping a secret for the last few months there haha!! I badly approach a hot blond.

95) I chat to some minger outside still drunk and delusonally full of myself!!

Finally I get some sense and I go home.

Friday 8 October

Head ache....realisation.... regret.... actually probably wasn't as bad as I made out and I still have lots of lessons learnt.....

LESSON 1 - Never game for the sake of it as I have been. Basically black or white never grey!! Either don't do it or push through it (preferably the latter if you can!!)

LESSON 2 - Still got 2 solid numbers when my game felt at its weakest. I am obviously starting to make a subconsious change from all these social interations. Even though Wednesday and Thursday went bad I am still happy right now and am happier generally than I have been in years. Just from 4 weeks or so of solid gaming!

LESSON 3 - Don't fill your head with crap. Just do it (see my newbie mate). (However is still a good idea to have backup openers, hooks, negs etc if you become tongue tied. These should just be for emergency though - not the norm. More on this later)

LESSON 4 - Still approach even if you have your heart set on 1 girl (this could have altered my mid set with V1). This would have stopped my neediness and 1 itus with her on that evening.

LESSON 5 - AMOGs will AMOG you. However, fun stuff can destroy cool stuff (see dancing). If you do get AMOGed. Don't stress. Keep haing fun and don't be bothered! Even if he 'out games' you its no big deal. Even Muhammed Ali was not undefeated!! Just learn and improve!

LESSON 6 - Sexual escalation. Eyes and silences. Make her break it - see previous posts on Polish trip!

LESSON 7 - Be careful gaming when drunk. It throws your social compass way off!!! What you view as fun might not be the case for everyone!!

LESSON 8 - Be careful of gaming in front of non PUAs before you get good!

Ok getting late again. Will finish up for now and continue my weekend/today's antics tomorrow.........

Last edited by Snake Eyes; 11-10-2010 at 11:41 PM.
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The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Snake Eyes For This Useful Post:
Darood (26-10-2010), Jaz (30-10-2010), Lovefish (15-11-2011), nova (12-10-2010), themaxx (14-10-2010)

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Starcastle Champion
Default 11-10-2010, 11:46 PM

0k its gettin late so i didnt read ur post but i got the jist... THIS IS BOSS... i reckon i may do a 5 a day...

as soon as i move into town... i will do a 5 a day like this BELTER IDEA MATE

like it

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The Following User Says Thank You to Phil For This Useful Post:
Snake Eyes (14-10-2010)
nova's Avatar
Default 12-10-2010, 05:13 AM

Even blazing through the approaches on a come down! Immense stuff. Like the new rules, and the lessons learned hit the spot again. Favourite bit has to be your persistance when going back in and closing the Spanish girl in Tesco. Inspiring stuff.

girls just wanna have fun
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The Following User Says Thank You to nova For This Useful Post:
Snake Eyes (14-10-2010)
Cefai's Avatar
Default 13-10-2010, 12:53 AM

This is all great Snake Eyes. Though there's 2 of these new rules that I'm not sure I agree with...

Originally Posted by Snake Eyes View Post
2) Pointless approaches do not count i.e. girls I don't fancy
3) No approaching for the sake of approaching! 100% all the way
...if I was using those 2 rules myself, then I know I'd use them as excuses not to approach. I say the approaches to the girls you don't fancy is a good thing. It's practice, get's you in a social mood and gets you G'd up for approaching the hotter girls.

Also, sausage props for keeping up the approaches, even after learning everybody was wary of you being 'Rapey the clown' (That name makes me lol). I know my ego would of slapped me in the face and stopped me approaching for the rest of the night.

Good stuff buddy
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Snake Eyes (14-10-2010)
Default 14-10-2010, 01:18 PM

Holy crap just found this thread - SE you're a machine good work buddy
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The Following User Says Thank You to themaxx For This Useful Post:
Snake Eyes (14-10-2010)
Snake Eyes's Avatar
Jason's Pong Champion, Snakeman Steve Champion, Hexxagon Champion, Breakout Champion, Zookeeper Champion
Default 14-10-2010, 07:25 PM

Thanks guys! Your support is much appreciated!

Originally Posted by Cefai View Post
...if I was using those 2 rules myself, then I know I'd use them as excuses not to approach. I say the approaches to the girls you don't fancy is a good thing. It's practice, get's you in a social mood and gets you G'd up for approaching the hotter girls.
Good point! The idea was to stop myself from counting things like this...

"69) Asked a mother and daughter where a cash machine is!"

Kind of ironic that one is 69!!

I will still be chatty with everyone, but if it is obviously not a proper approach I will not count it.
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Snake Eyes's Avatar
Jason's Pong Champion, Snakeman Steve Champion, Hexxagon Champion, Breakout Champion, Zookeeper Champion
Default 14-10-2010, 08:54 PM

Friday 8 October

Met some wings, so so tired and hungover!!

96) 3 set in a bar, just for the sake of it! Asked about the lottery and talked about been millionaires!

97) Something crap, can't remember!

98) 2 set lottery opener

So this is the 2nd part of my failed attempt at '5 a day', but don't worry the rest is doing me good and I'm pumper for when '5AD V2' starting in November. This time I am ready!!

Saturday 9 October

But before then let me tell you how the rest of the week has panned out........

Location: Westfield shopping centre

99) Met a 'wing original' and some new guys too. Immediately 1 says she's hot and I'm off! Gonna go direct gonna go direct! She walks into a shop ah balls! I follow! Crowded shop, direct original
'hey this is going to sound random, but your kinda cute and I just wanted to say hi'. She looks confused!! 'What hello, do you work hear' she says in broken English! Arrgghh that old chesnut. I tease her about outfits she should wear. She starts to warm to me. She asks me if if I am shopping or just walking around talking to girls!! EEP!! 'No of course not that would be weird haha (nervous laugh)' We chat a bit more. I move her to a quieter bit of the store. I guess wrongly she is Russian! Even better she is Polish! Yes my old favourite!! I talk about my trip to Poland (omiting all the bits from my Polish FR!! Haha). A number close in the usual way! It is kind of awkward as she wants to take my number. I try to call her, doesn't work because of reception, we go outside, finally get each others phones to work and have each others numbers. By no mean a smooth take off or landing, but we just about got there on this one!

100) Book Store: asked what book she has, said I was looking for a present for my Dad. Teased her about her poor book choice. It was an illuminious purple guide to being a woman or something. Started reading embarassing bits of the book to her. Very flirty and fun, but something is bothering her. Hmmm. Enter the BF. Instead of running away like I did before I stood my ground chatted for a bit and went off. I could sense she wanted me, but hey.

101) Boots: 'Your a bit old for that aren't you?' Quite fit blond looking at baby toys or something. 'MUM!' ....Wooah!! Eject Eject! Made me feel bad this one and got AA for a bit again. Took me a while to start approaching again.

102) M&S: Something observational. Decided I didn't fancy her.

103) See a girl on her own, with empty seat next to her! Kerching!! 'Can I sit here?' 'Yes'. We have a good chat. She seems a bit in awe of me. Cool! Only 18, ok that will be it! Just about to close and the goon patrol arrives (her friends!). Balls. I great them like old friends and tell them how excited she is about their meal tonight (I had been teasing her 2 minutes earlier about how bored she seemed about her evenings plans and she had laughed - so now we got are own in joke see!)
Carry on ploughing and talk about some cool stuff she simply must come to! FB close. Chat for a bit and I'm off for my date with the Estonians......

So remember that 2 minute number close on Oxford Street (71) that I thought went crap. Yep here's my Day 2 with them (just goes to show that you should always plough - you never now their situation)......

I had called her on Thursday this week. Again she had seemed frosty, which worried me, but when I called her on this morning her voice had changed. It was more 'Hey Snake Eyes, I'm really glad to hear your sexy voice again, please Snake Eyes take me tonight and fuck me hard (she didn't say this of couse, but I could tell and it felt game on!)
We met at the tube. They were hot, much hotter then I remember! My one I am especially digging! Immediately mine says she is ill and can't stay long! Hmm not a good start!! Yeah yeah, whatever.

So this was a double date with a wing I regularly go out with. He was late so I met both of them and took them for a tour to Tower Bridge and stuff! Was kind of cool, but a bit awkward.Eventually he arrives and it settles a bit. I am feeling a bit tongue tied though, but luckily my wing is carrying it thorugh and I don't feel any attraction drops from me.

After a bit of a fuck up in venues we go to a fairly cool bar and buy some drinks. I pay for a bottle of wine. I don't make a habit of doing this, but don't think it effected the date either way.
We start to get comfortable and my awkwardness goes. Kinoing is increasing with my one and suddenly I get that Game on feeling again. We are very close and it is very jokey and flirty! I tease her about how they have no cars in Estonia, just horse and carts amongst other things. My wing is busy giving English lessons to the other one. My one is still looking hot, but her eyes look very tired (still sexy sexy Estonian blue though!!)

My one starts telling me how cool it was how I had approached her. She says back home she goes up to people and compliments them, but a lot of people find it weird here (and very very scary sexy Estonian girl haha). However, on that same day apparantly she had had 3 other guys approach her! She had even given one her number, but she preferred me, she said as I have a sexy voice and I am handsome. Awwww. Yes Game on I win!!

We continue, but my ones eyes are going a bit funny still! 'I'm sorry Snake Eyes, I really want to stay, but I still feel so ill!'..........Game off I lose!!

It was such a shame! I am quite perceptive of these things and I generally know when a girl is not into to me. This one was into me in a big way! Judging by how hot her forehead was I think she was genuinely ill! We leave for the tube. I consider kissing her, but think 'what is the point'. Sex is definately not up for grabs, I will be the guy who tried to kiss her when she was ill and more importantly I do not want to get ill!!

She has left the country now sob.....

104) Ok so its Saturday night still. I'm going out! Spanish club Leicester Sq: B'Day girl. Fun but not interested.

105) 2 hot blonds: Kind of interested, but no hook.

106) Spanish something: See above.

107) Tall tall girl in club. We get on well. Dancing close. we do mock leery dancing taking the piss out of other guys. Gets a bit hot, but not steamy. Not feeling kiss yet. She suddenly has to go with her friend for a drink. Oh well! Try talking to her once more, but she is slightly dismissive. I am tired and don't have time for her so I leave!

I think there was more here, but I did not have the energy for it this night. I was very deflated by Estonian girls, as I really thought I was going to have her sexy curvy tanned body jumping around on my cock that night.Oh well she will be back soon (although by then she will be a very mediocre girl I suspect after my '5AD V2'!!)

LESSON 1: You need sleep and to eat healthy to do this! I am going to plan this a lot better for 5AD V2

LESSON 2: Sometimes things really are out of your control, don't sweat it - unless any of you guys have a routine for making an ill girl who is leaving the country in several hours not be ill and stay here for 2 more weeks?

LESSON 3: This only took about 3 weeks and I am already starting to feel a lot more confident and secure. There are still holes, sure, but I am so excited about what this is going to do for my whole life in like a year!!

LESSON 4: Had my 1st date from a daygame 2 minute number close! Got my second tomorrow. This does work!!

LESSON 5: I am getting to a point where I really don't care aboout flakes, purely from going out lots! And even better I still really like all the ones that go well and get that emotional buzz from it that I was worried I might lose from doing this! Its like the bad emotions are going, but the good ones are staying! Only time will tell if this is to continue!!

LESSON 6: A lot of people are into this now! I found it worrying that Estonian had 3 other guys approach in similar ways. However, with a bit of hardwork we can smash the competition. Go out there and do it! Lets make this forum the best in the country!!

It is now Thurs 14 Oct. I have stopped 5 a day officially as I failed. However, I will start again in November. I did get a random e-mail close on Tuesday and will keep you abreast of any developments until then still, but my going out will be limited due to other commitments.

Update on girls....

(99) Meeting tomorrow night.

(75) May see her this weekend. Didn't call her for over a week, as I was so busy with my 5 a day. She seems into me, but I am worried she is not fit enough.

(44) have been texting, but not much else. Said I might come to the thing on Wednesday that we met at and didn't show (no way I'm meeting on her turf again). In my head she is now all wanting me because I stood her up, but in reality I think I care a lot more than her! May call over the weekend apologise for not showing and say I will make it up to her.

(19) (71) (29) Flirty chat - not in country!!

(9) May see her this weekend if she picks up. Think she is pissed off, as I kind of stopped speaking with her after I met (19).

(103) Friends on FB! Not replied to message yet!

Will probably to an offical anlalysis of the first 100 just because I get off on that sort of thing and will be good to compare with my 2nd hundred!

Thanks for reading!

Last edited by Snake Eyes; 15-10-2010 at 07:06 AM.
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The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Snake Eyes For This Useful Post:
Darood (26-10-2010), Drum (14-10-2010), Jaz (30-10-2010), Lovefish (15-11-2011)
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Junior Member
Default 14-10-2010, 09:09 PM

wow!! good work Snake Eyes...I'm defo going to try this.

Just do it
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Maxemillion's Avatar
Default 14-10-2010, 11:27 PM

liked this report Snake Eyes. if anything, it proves that pickup is necessary to counteract all the stupid stuff that can get in the way of even an initially really successful chance with a girl. (such as her being ill and leaving). imagine that was one of only a few girls you ever tried to date, random events just get in the way and thats it, no girl.

The Fuckest Uppest
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Starcastle Champion
Default 15-10-2010, 10:26 AM

if you have heard of the RULE OF 6 then u will have pretty much hit on every girls friend in ur city

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