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Dr_Zed 14-01-2021 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Stein (Post 129966)
Re the James Tusk thing it's kind of a general issue with the bootcamp model in general. There's no way to fix deep ingrained social issues in the space of a weekend. Regardless of how good the advice is or isn't.

In terms of people like first person approacher, they have much deeper issues than not being able to get laid, and they're better handled by mental health professionals who are held to some form of professional standard, unlike pickup coaches.

Indeed. Someone like FPA could clearly be fixed by both therapy and then some coaching to be more "normal" and adjusted. Definitely no quick fix though. Depression/anxiety (well, any mental health issues) are outright the most unattractive traits that a guy can have, especially if issues actually arise from scarcity of women in the first place. I had a wingman who confessed that he only got his first sexy time after 5 years of counselling (then some game). Guys who get into game late in life, have the hardest time.

Easy test to see if someone has game or not (when women are removed from the formula), is to see how reactive they are to adverse situations. It's amusing when you have folks come here preaching the outright gospel of Mystery Method and then lash out whenever they're criticised.

dan300 14-01-2021 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 129971)
Signs of dishonest and pseudoscientific tendencies. He basically claimed that eating only meat cured him of all his problems and that he was healthy and happy... meanwhile he was jacked up on some pretty heavy farma, crying all the time and eventually decided to temporarily kill himself.

There's a difference in dishonesty and believing that a diet worked for you.

You might consider the fact he was hooked on benzos dishonest but that dishonesty was mostly to himself. When you have an addiction, you don't usually realise it until it comes to the point you're totally fucked, have no choice but to face it, or indeed when/or you get better and reflect on that period.

Furthermore, it's notable how his work was continuing help others the whole time, whilst he could barely help himself.


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 129971)
And now he’s immediately back selling the same product without publicly addressing these things appropriately.

He addressed it in an hour long discussion with his daughter back around late summer time where the whole thing was thoroughly unpacked.

What would you consider appropriate?

I foresee another appearance on Joe Rogan and I can't think of a bigger platform from which to properly address it.

kowalski 14-01-2021 08:44 PM

If eating only meat cured him of all his ailments why was he taking prescription drugs and making terrible decisions that left him in a coma? Because he wasn't cured of everything, because it was a lie.

I watched that and he didn't. It was bullshit. He didn't say "hey, sorry, I'm a hypocrite." And if he wants to save face "my advice is legit, as you can see I wasn't living what I preached and I nearly killed myself, I should have been following my own rules, here's how this wouldn't have happened to me if I had been doing that..."

Or even better "truth is those who have most significantly changed the world for the better probably didn't have a perfectly orderly home and personal relationships, that's just not how that works, they're too busy for that... and that shit about saying hello to a cat, that was my depression talking that's not good advice for anyone that was something specific to me and my fucked up mental state, have you ever tried greeting a strange cat? It's not really a thing they are so skittish you'd have to be there for hours, that's crazy, why did anyone buy that book" etc.

You sound like the Mormons in South park when they defend Joseph Smith over the missing pages. Or Muslims when they defend Mo over not punishing Aisha for being in another man's wagon. Only true believers eat up the trashy excuses their prophets dish out to cover over their inconsistencies.



Stein 14-01-2021 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by dan300 (Post 129976)
Furthermore, it's notable how his work was continuing help others the whole time, whilst he could barely help himself.

Which wouldn't be a problem, except a large part of his advice directly tells other not to do that.

kowalski 14-01-2021 10:39 PM

He even says he recovered from his obvious androgenic alopecia because of his diet. That's not possible. He had a hair transplant and he at least uses something like finasteride to maintain it.



dan300 16-01-2021 10:06 AM

He started using those drugs to help deal with the stress and anxiety of his wife's cancer diagnosis, and ended up hooked. If you decide not to believe that, cool bro.

It's a perfectly valid point that he was giving out advice and helping people with their own crumbling existences, whilst his own world was falling down around him. That's quite a common occurrence; people being able to help other fuckers sort their lives out whilst at the same time can't do it for themselves.

At this point I'm actually going to be very surprised if he doesn't address it properly in the foreword or introduction to the upcoming book. I think there would be no better way he could possibly do so.

kowalski 16-01-2021 10:37 AM

Ok, bucko.

"Rule 8. Tell the truth... or at least don't lie." Jordan Peterson
"The carnivore diet reversed my androgenic alopecia" Jordan Peterson

Which one of these do you not understand? How is it that you follow Jordan Peterson’s incredibly complex arguments yet this is beyond your comprehension?



dan300 23-01-2021 07:02 PM

Do you dispute his daughters insistence that the carnivore diet contributed to healing the 30 or so quite serious symptoms related to her autoimmune disease?

As for any hypocritical accusations that can perhaps rightfully be thrown his way, they don't really matter at present in my opinion, because..


Originally Posted by dan300 (Post 129994)
...I'm actually going to be very surprised if he doesn't address it properly in the foreword or introduction to the upcoming book.

kowalski 24-01-2021 02:48 PM

So go ahead and wait till his book is published and if in the foreword or introduction he doesn't address his lie about his hair loss, then you accept that he's a hypocrite. lol

That's a logical fallacy.

This is the definition of hypocrite: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

This is not the definition of hypocrite: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings and does not go on to address it in the foreword or introduction of their next book.

You added an extra condition which does not form part of the definition. This is commonly known as the no true Scotsman fallacy.

So you can fuck right off with that retarded shit.

He is a hypocrite, as I have demonstrated, and your fallacious argument for not accepting this is utterly irrelevant to the fact. Blue is blue, call it red if you want but you'll come into problems pretty quick living like that.

The reality is not that this doesn't matter in your opinion, rather that your opinion doesn't matter in this.



dan300 24-01-2021 09:48 PM

I accept his failings because I know what it's like to be addicted to a problem substance. He fucked up, he might have lied, he may have been contradictory to his teachings. I accept that.

He hasn't put out much work since before that period of his life. In fact I only became a fan during it (although I wasn't aware at the time), and my hope is that his future work reflects these failings.

I think he's more than capable of that.

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