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Phil 07-11-2010 03:48 PM

wow i should write a book :).. thats probly already written ha

Flamma 09-01-2011 07:19 PM

yeah, pretty much the same thing happend to me. Everything happend when i began learning about PUA and it all happend during a course of maybe 5-6 months actually which is a bit longer than yours. This must have been the most painful Love/Female experince i have ever had but i have never grown this much as a person . Now that this is all over, i noticed all the benefits it had gotten me. A whole lot of confidence, less fear about things in general because i think my mind subcounsciously thinks "hell, if i surivived THAT which at the time seemed like it was gonna be the end of the world , i will definetly survive THIS if it turns out bad". The only diffrence is that u guys accepted her NO and went on. I never really got a NO but it seemed like she liked me so i did an all out romantic bullshit thing in the middle of the night, asking her to meet me like in the movies and ofcourse got rejected. Broke alot of PUA rules too but i didnt care because not knowing how she felt drove me crazy and i was sick of constantly trying to figure out how she was feeling about my by over analyzing everything. In the end im wiser, stronger and more confident so i see her as a sacrifice that had to be made to gain these new qualities which in the future might get me 10 more girls like her and alot of other things.

Flamma 09-01-2011 07:22 PM

Sure it might feel good to get rid of the problems but dealing with negative emotions will in the end make you stronger as long they arent too much. Just like hitting the gym. When you work out you break down your muscle to force them to grow stronger but if you over do it you will lose muscles. There was an eastern philosophy saying "fear, anxiouseness and uncertainity are our compasses towards growth"

tebbs 10-01-2011 01:39 PM

it is hard, I know , i knew a certain chick who exceled at fucking me up, she will wait for weeks and weeks on end then send me a really wierd text just to cause drama and emotion.

I then go out sarging, forget about her then, pow 6 weeks later a mad crazy txt would come in, she would also always txt just before I was about to go out for a sarge with the boys.... grrrr...

so the only advice I could give would be go out sarging

BCB 10-01-2011 03:15 PM

This is how I look at this kind of situation

In your head you build these various women up to be your perfect partner, and in many cases the fact that they're unavailable makes them even more desirable. We all want what we can't have afterall.

So, we try to move on but can't because we've spent so much time thinking about this girl that if we try to go cold turkey we can't because so many of our thoughts involve that person.

What i've come to discover is that the only way to get past these girls is to fill that space with something (or someone) else.

I'm sure plenty of you have been in relationships that have ended and you kept thinking about your ex, until you met someone else, then all of a sudden they slip out of your mind.

I guess what i'm getting at is that in my opinion the best way to get over these unavailable girls is to get out there and meet some available ones. Chances are there's someone out there who ticks just as many boxes but who isn't taken

Midas touch 10-01-2011 07:55 PM

I've got nine-itus.

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