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Default Second date no action - ditch her? - 30-05-2016, 04:45 PM

Hola bro's
'Dating' a girl I met at work. She is 11 years younger than me, and hot. She's a single mom.
Before I go any further please remain calm. I need advice and realise I have fucked up a lot of times with this.
2 weeks ago - asked me over at 11pm, had not dated previous.. When I got there she was in her underwear with a sheet wrapped around. Chatted for hours but she stayed over the far side of the room, so wouldnt come closer. I left at 3 am a very frustrated man. She texted at 3.20am saying she wants to have sex with me but doesnt want a relationship. I texted back I'm looking for a bit more than that..
Went out to dinner a few days later. Got on really really well. Great date. Tried to kiss her on the street, she pushed me away. Went for a drive, kissed her in the car, after a lot of conversation.
Lots more texting, I asked her to do something this weekend, she said she was busy with studying, I said cool and left it, but she started texting again. More texting, then I phoned her Sat night and we chatted for 2 hours, made no plans.
Then we went for a drive today, lots of fun then we started chatting when in a car park, I was in her car, the chat was going stale and I said I have to go.
Went for a hug. Didn't go for a kiss. She was giving me a vibe of yeah no problem see you later. I didn't get any feeling that she wanted to kiss or anything. So I left.
Seriously considering burning her now cos it's becoming so much work to see her. She texts lots but it's so time consuming.
I realise I was a pussy and should've just grabbed her. Any other advice? Pretty pissed off here.
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Junior Member
Default 31-05-2016, 10:56 PM

I know. I'm really pissed with myself.
So I sent a playful text this morning and then she sent 8 messages with funny pics and things.
I then got textng her again tonight. I asked her out Friday night. She said no thank you in a joke way. Then said Friday nights are bad for her, sorry. No counter offer. Kept texting and keeping it funny. Then said to her But I wish you'd let me take you out to celebrate (her achievement today).. she said 'you don't need to do that'..
She sent me a screengrab earlier that showed her changing my name in a playful way but on the side was some guys face in a facebook messenger notification, the thing is I'm feeling really really jealous now. I'm fucking livid. Really fucking livid and a bit nauseous in the pit of my stomach. I've obviously got really bad one-itis. Seriously fucking annoyed. and if i'm honest nearly tearful. How have I let a woman do this to me
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Topas357's Avatar
Default 01-06-2016, 08:00 AM

You need more girls, ask for some wingmen in your area to accompany you. You need more female interraction.
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Junior Member
Default 04-06-2016, 11:34 PM

I think a large part of it is having no other women, or at least not any I want to see...
So now my head is completely wrecked - its been a strange week.
After the weird texting, she rang me on Thurs night to ask me how I was, and have a chat. She appeared to be still interested in things, asking me what I had planned to do on the rejected date. I explained that I am busy and need her to let me know in advance when she wants to do something. She seemed really up for that and on Friday started texting lots of banter texts again.
So I went for it and texted her to be ready Sat night I would pick her up. She responded an hour later saying 'huh'. WTF!
So I texted a few hours later something unrelated and then she texted a few hours after that. Then early today I texted a boring 4 word text and smiley face.
She responded tonight with a video and then an hour afterwards a message about someone being in her house.
I am hoping someone can see the light here, I am baffled. I should mention that she seems to have problems with what others might think if they see us together, as she is a different race to me and just separated not divorced...
My plan is now to cut contact for a few days and if she phones then to seem very busy but keep the message clear - date me or fuck off.
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