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Default Canned v Natural FR - 12-07-2011, 07:36 PM

Canned v Natural the FR

Was really unsure about doing an FR on last Saturday but when it came to mind at work, it seemed a good idea so I’ve put down what I can remember.

Most of the Manc guys here have met me already and was out with a few of them on Saturday. My very first night out with the Manc lads was about a month ago and I had a really good chat with Jaz about being a newbie. The advice Jaz gave me as a newbie was to be a natural straight away, something he would have done if he could turn back the clock. We had this talk about canned v natural that night and having the right attitude. TBH it didn’t make much sense to me at the time. I was thinking so I just flip a switch and it all changes ???

A couple of weeks pass and I listen the RSD Blueprint. It is recommended on here so I checked it out. It’s a bit intense but there are some excellent concepts it was only after listening to this that my conversation with Jaz and ideas I had about Natural Game made sense. So I had to see how this mindset worked on a night out.

So onto the night, after a couple drinks in Paramount we head to Deansgate locks. We pass Barcode I opened a 4 set of girls in line for a laugh, I did use my Russell Brand opener and got high fives/ hugs from the group as it always does. The guys split in 2 and we head Revolution. I go in and see a hen party of about 8 straight away. Ask who’s getting married and tease about which girls I thought would be on the prowl at the wedding, high five the group and walk to the bar. See a 2 set and open with, I think, ex gf then did the best friends test. I could have took this further but doing a routine stacked just just bored me so I decided it was about time I did something different.

I wonder off on my own for the rest of the night and went downstairs to the dancefloor. First girl I see I lock eye contact with a smile, and she smiles back ‘ I say well, are you going to say hi ??’ We swap names then I rip her body language ( her arms were folded.) I get her in a corridor near the bar as I could hear, then she said she had a boyfriend. I use my usual destroyer ‘ You’ve only just met me don’t tell me your life story’ then she walked off. I think my delivery was a bit poor I didn’t follow on fast enough. I go on the dancefloor and have a laugh with a mixed group. Got more into dancefloors since I’ve been aware of game, I feel they’re the easiest way to build social proof. All I did was mimick a guys dancing and I was centre of attention in the group.

I go outside on a balcony I see a blonde girl on her own. Look at her just say ‘yo’ and sit down with an FTC. Asked who she was with and somehow we ended up talking about her job. She worked in a gym and mentioned she thought there would be load of fit lads, but only 13 yr olds go there. So teased her about perving on 13 yr old boys and threatened to walk away which worked pretty good. Her friends on the other side dragged her away. Go back in open another group by commenting on her dress saying’ I was well gonna wear that tonight!!! ‘ this just came to my head ( Note I’m sure I got this from somewhere so won’t take credit). I told the girl the dress was cool and that a girl I talked to upstairs had the same one. The set went well but couldn’t take it upstairs.

Next I get a text from the other group saying they were in Sakura as one guys had trainers on. I’d never been there so I thought I would check it out. On the way out open 5 Irish girls with my silence then hi opener, did it over the shoulder this time and worked better, tried to get them to come Sakura but they had only just paid to get in Revolution.

Go in Sakura and walked in without paying !!! Straight away high five 2 people as I walk in and open a set near the toilet at the back. It was one girls 21st so I opened based on that. Go toilet come out and use one of my favourite lines. ‘ You girls are so rude! We were talking for 2 minutes and you didn’t introduce yourselves.’ I lean by the wall lock them in pull them close to talk. You should have seen the bouncers look nearby at this point I was convinced he was gonna step in !!!!!!!!!

Couldn’t take this anywhere because of her friend so I decided to leave it. Next I see 2 girls dancing on the side. Grab one girls her hand spin her around. Told her she should be on the dancefloor. She wines there’s no space so I go on and she dances with me briefly but the friend ruins it. While they are dancing I tell them I have seen some old friends and open another 2 set just by saying ‘yo’ for a laugh. Now I see the previous set sat down so say to the current set ‘Sit down with me for a minute I have something really important to ask’ this actually worked !!. We sit down and I used a dhv story of mine, didn’t do bad but they left pretty pissed off with myself for letting it slip out. The plan was to use this as pre selection for the other 2 girls. I ended up talking to the first girl again and got her close and tells me she has a boyfriend my response... ‘great you’ll have to introduce me’. Then talked a bit shown her a picture of me and my niece ( this is absolute gold, by the way, never fails !!!!!). She shows me a pic of her nephew but she kept saying she had a BF and I’m convinced she didn’t so I just ignored it, she then went back to dance but her friend started talking to me. I talked to her for a bit then I RAN OUT OF THINGS TO SAY  .............but just kept chilled sat back and smiled she kept talking and I was back in the rhythm.

A few minutes later I was fed up with the club and decided to leave. It was only half 1 so I thought fuck it and went in Revolution on my own. See the Irish girls again but with a blonde girl I didn’t meet before. I ask the group if they had been hiding her from me. I get in the group and tease lightly about them being Irish (I have Irish blood btw ). This went pretty well but I had lost my voice a bit. I couldn’t get her from her friends. So moved to a bar area. On a table nearby see a blonde girl look her in the eye smile and say ‘ So you going to say hi ’ again worked quite well. Quickly locked her in and started some banter she turned out to be Dutch which was good for banter. For an experiment I copied what I had done in Sakura when I just chilled out. If the girl reinitiates conversation I would class it as an IOI. Did ok here and tried out a couple of new negs. I lost my voice during this set so decided to go home. Voice tone is something I am working on and have just downloaded some recommended mp3s I’ll go through this week.

Overall I feel I learnt a lot from the night. Being less reliant on routines made me feel a lot better with my game and it is absolutely the way forward. I now think routines that aren’t your own are pretty poor eg who lies more, ex gf ( unless you use them for self amusement !!!) but openers and story’s you come up with from real experiences are fine as long as you don’t rely on them all the time. Importantly as I could see this night you can open with and talk pretty much anything providing your body language and attitude are spot on. Also gained confidence I was solo for nearly all of the night, so I have no excuses for not going out if I’m free Friday and Saturday night.

Still loads to work on I definitely need to escalate more and be more persistent. Come to think of it I could have closed most sets that night and need to get my timing right on that front and be more persistent. I’m disappointed I didn’t try a number close routine I did last week which worked pretty well.

Anyway I feel I’ve come a long way since joining the forum and I’ve really enjoyed going out as much as I have. So if anyone has any feedback on the FR or any questions feel free to comment

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The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Neon For This Useful Post:
Darood (14-07-2011), Jaz (13-07-2011)

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Junior Member
Default 12-07-2011, 08:51 PM

I agree with you about the natural game... I havent been doing this for too long, but I think that just saying what you are actually thinking and not something that you are trying to remember comes across a lot better and doesnt look as 'robotic'...

On the other hand when I just open a set and start having a friendly chat, I seem to get carried away with just talking. Quite a few times now I would open a set and get a conversation going, but I would not escalate or try and close or I would miss IOIs or opportunities to tease the girls a little bit, and would realise that only when I have left the set. That could be because I'v had a bit too much to drink or just lack of practice.

So, in conclusion . . . ) Canned material is ok if you are a bit nervous, but if opening is not that much of a problem then just say what comes to your head. But, its good to rememeber that each interaction with a girl/group should lead towards something - social proof, number/kiss/fuck close etc and to have the 'structure' in mind.
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Junior Member
Default 13-07-2011, 07:42 PM

Neon whats the voice things are you using?
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Junior Member
Default 14-07-2011, 05:33 PM

Originally Posted by Volk View Post
Neon whats the voice things are you using?
Listening to Sound of your voice from Carol Fleming which has some really good points. Roger Love Vocal Power is another one I have been recommended, not listened to it yet but will do by next week.

Available on any good torrent sites.

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chops147's Avatar
Default 14-07-2011, 06:30 PM

Originally Posted by camarda View Post
all this effort. all this text. and for what? to make you believe that you need to practice to get better.

natural... canned... inner game... outer game... its not even real. its a sham that we buy into. on the hope we can feel something with a girl. the funny thifkng is its not even required to feel intimacy and love. infact its completely the opposite. thinking you need to plan intimacy and connection.

do all this pua stuff (which by the way you are doing very well... the drive is very very impressive) but do it for fun. please do not expect anything out of it.

it is as empty as the lines you use on women to get what your brain tells you you want
funnily enough the first time I f closed was when I was doing a friend/orbiter thing, but I was actually cool with being friends and I did show sexual intent (I didn't say I wan't to fuck her).

Life is Like poker
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