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Evolver UK's Avatar
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Default Wedding Crash and Burn - 17-07-2011, 12:59 AM

So just got in from a guy I know from works wedding party - probably not an ideal night to start my journey but I feel at least I've taken my first conscious step. To set the scene there were roughly 80 people there, most older (50's+) and most were couples.

As soon as I arrived I spotted the work group (10 people and their other halfs) so headed over - on the way saw the bride and groom, hug and small talk about their day. The groom immediately shouted out there's a nice bridesmaid over there (hb8) u should buy her a drink. I made my usual excuse went to the bar where the work group were.

This was at 7.30, apart from sitting down for a bite to eat I basically spent the whole of the night (until 12) in the same place, chatting to work group, watching the dance floor. Throughout the night the groom would pop up and say aren't you gonna buy hb8 a drink but needless to say I didn't - she was either on the dance floor or sitting at a table with her group. Towards the end of the night she was in close proximity to where I was standing but again I did nothing. After the last song and people were leaving again she came over and the groom basically brought me into a conversation with her - he disappeared and so it was just me and her, with a few people from work behind me.

hb8 - you don't have to talk to me its ok
me - no its fine how was ur day
hb8 - ah yeh it went really well thanks
me - shame about the weather (it rained all day)

There was a bit of chat about weddings and that we both have another one to go to next weekend but then I went into question mode and reeled off the following

me - so how do you know the bride?
me - so where did you work together?
me - so how you getting home?

There might of been some more but thats the gist of it - we both started looking away and I think there was a well see you later.

Pretty much a disaster and to be honest it feels like I have so far to go at this point.

Things to work on
Act impulsively - when the groom first mentioned her and we saw each other I should of broken the ice by going over and introducing myself.
Don't be so self conscious - get on the dance floor, don't prop up the bar.
Don't interview - I need either some canned material or to somehow relax around woman and try to have fun.
Talk to everyone not just targets - be the life and soul

Advice much needed guys
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Lovefish's Avatar
Default 17-07-2011, 01:22 AM

Im not in a positon to give you any advice at mo,nor should i as im clueless at the mo also:S
But im feeling you dude and the awkwardness also.When im talking to a chick i like im always in my head thinking "I like you,how do i get you to like me" aarrggh.
It does however seem youve learnt some lessons tonight tho.
It sounds like youve got another stab at her round the corner right?!as theres another wedding u will both be at next week??
Im trying to think of it this way,Ive got 2 choices right now.Either try to do this to the best of my ability even tho im A scared shitless and B have no clue what im doing at the mo,but have a chance of living a more fullfilling existence with a new found confidence and way more love and sex than ever before.
Or B do nothing and continue on in my life doing nothing and being totally miserable and sexless for the rest of my life!!
Dont give up
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daleinthedark's Avatar
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Default 17-07-2011, 08:14 AM

Ok the simplest of advice... Mystery calls it negging but most other people would call it flirting

Just be fun and tease her!

Its that simple - just like when you were in the playground
The more you do it the easier it gets and the faster you think of things. Sure you might make a mistake once or twice or go to far but keep a cheeky smile as its part of the learning process.

Originally Posted by Evolver UK View Post
hb8 - you don't have to talk to me its ok
evolver: "I'll put up with you - I do a lot of charity work with special needs" or
evolver: "yeah you look a bit boring" with a wink

Just 2 simple lines you could use, just joke around, tease her like you would your close friends.

Be desireless. Be awesome. Be gone
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Evolver UK's Avatar
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Default 17-07-2011, 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by Lovefish View Post
It sounds like youve got another stab at her round the corner right?!as theres another wedding u will both be at next week??
Well no - not the same wedding, but I'm not thinking along the lines of having another go, more annoyed the way the convo went.

Originally Posted by daleinthedark View Post

evolver: "I'll put up with you - I do a lot of charity work with special needs" or
evolver: "yeah you look a bit boring" with a wink

Just 2 simple lines you could use, just joke around, tease her like you would your close friends.
Ok, so next time out this will be my aim...
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Default 17-07-2011, 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by Evolver UK View Post
Well no - not the same wedding, but I'm not thinking along the lines of having another go, more annoyed the way the convo went.
Pick it up on facebook! She'll be on the grooms or his wife's friends list!

Send her a message saying

"Hey X, I was a little shattered when we met the other day, shame i didn't get a dance with you! How about we pick up our conversation without the bridesmaid dress sometime? xxx"

Thats said there are plenty of girls around so you shouldn't focus on 1 bad interaction! Get out there, meet more, talk to more and embarrass yourself in front of them. I have some really good nights out where I'm kiss and number closing all over the place. I also have nights out where I suck and offend girls with accidental racist comments (which i didnt even mean) or drop my drink over them. All I'm sating is dont read into it too much but remedy it next time!

Be desireless. Be awesome. Be gone
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aofelix's Avatar
Default 18-07-2011, 03:28 PM

awkward conversation... i feel for you. its hard getting into this shit.. im pretty new too but really you just need to chill and be yourself.

dont pick it up on FB. leave it. too much hassle for one girl. if you see her again, then go for it. i think trying to work round a bad interaction where the girl has shown no sexual interest in you is a waste of YOUR time and it can make you think too much about her... and honestly its a bit of a losery thing to do. do it if u dont give a shit and just wanna see if u can get get attention... but if u do care a bit, leave it cos it might drive you a bit needy/crazy. plenty of girls out there amigo.

if the groom wanted to intro you badly, you should have done it earlier when the party was still on and everyone was having a good time.

bang out the intro, tell her shes cute and announce to her (and the people around her) you're going to serenade her to the next love song with a cheeky grin on your face, add a few boring comments and tease her, wink and say you'll catch her later then go to the bar and have a good time with other people.

this opens it all up for you and makes the night more comfortable. she knows you think shes kinda cute. she knows you're fucking around with her and love song serenading... etc.etc. if i were you then, i'd be able to go up to her being a bit touchy feely at any point in the night and flirt. if i was in a conversation with her and others, i'd probably just fuck around and tell them "hey im gonna serenade a love song to her later... isn't she beautiful" for laughs. everyone usually finds that shit funny. aslong as u say it right, you're not taking yourself seriously but showing a lot of confidence and intent.

also its good to sometimes cut a conversation short. if its going shit, leave on a good note. nothing worse than trying to carry on a conversation when you're starting out and watch your status go from being the cool new guy shes just met to a boring motherfucker.

Last edited by aofelix; 18-07-2011 at 03:31 PM.
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Default 18-07-2011, 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by aofelix View Post
awkward conversation... i feel for you. its hard getting into this shit.. im pretty new too but really you just need to chill and be yourself.
Agreed... I was obviously thrown by the groom's intro right at the start. I can be 'that guy' now and again but not often and only when I'm in my comfort zone.

FB is a no no - funny thing is I was already checking her out after I wrote the post that night - bad eh?

Originally Posted by aofelix View Post
bang out the intro, tell her shes cute and announce to her (and the people around her) you're going to serenade her to the next love song with a cheeky grin on your face, add a few boring comments and tease her, wink and say you'll catch her later then go to the bar and have a good time with other people.

if i was in a conversation with her and others, i'd probably just fuck around and tell them "hey im gonna serenade a love song to her later... isn't she beautiful" for laughs. everyone usually finds that shit funny. aslong as u say it right, you're not taking yourself seriously but showing a lot of confidence and intent.
I can't ever imagine saying that - I definately have some way to go!!!!

Originally Posted by aofelix View Post
also its good to sometimes cut a conversation short. if its going shit, leave on a good note. nothing worse than trying to carry on a conversation when you're starting out and watch your status go from being the cool new guy shes just met to a boring motherfucker.
Yeh I guess this the whole abundance mindset, I only cut short convos when I'm bored, but now I think of it every girl I've been interested in I have probably exausted the convo...

so much to learn
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Default 19-07-2011, 06:37 AM

The only way to get better at talking to girls is to go out and talk to girls. Make mistakes, get rejected, find out what works, what doesn't.

Don't be too hard on yourself for this one girl - you are just starting out and its hard to be the confident life and soul of the party from the off when you are naturally not that person.

My advice is to hit the wingman threads and get out with some guys regularly. That way you have a brother in arms when you go out - they understand your insecurities, they understand your fears, but in the end, they will push you into action. And action is the key my friend.

No one turns into casanova after reading a few books. This PU stuff aint easy, but it is rewarding if you put the time in.

Much love,


PS. Weddings are shit for sarging (unless you are Jazz).

"Using no way as a way, using no limitations as a limitation." - Bruce Lee
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