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chops147 chops147 is offline
Default 14-07-2011, 06:30 PM

Originally Posted by camarda View Post
all this effort. all this text. and for what? to make you believe that you need to practice to get better.

natural... canned... inner game... outer game... its not even real. its a sham that we buy into. on the hope we can feel something with a girl. the funny thifkng is its not even required to feel intimacy and love. infact its completely the opposite. thinking you need to plan intimacy and connection.

do all this pua stuff (which by the way you are doing very well... the drive is very very impressive) but do it for fun. please do not expect anything out of it.

it is as empty as the lines you use on women to get what your brain tells you you want
funnily enough the first time I f closed was when I was doing a friend/orbiter thing, but I was actually cool with being friends and I did show sexual intent (I didn't say I wan't to fuck her).

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