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Default 25-01-2011, 08:07 AM

Originally Posted by Three Greens View Post
Great to meet up with some of you on Saturday. Sorry I had to bail out on you all afterwards but I had a stag do in Brighton that night.

Looking forward to meeting up again sometime soon when Im back from the USA

BTW Do any of you do LGW Airport Nights ???
I do (usually with Captain Freedom and Cashy)

Tap me up fella

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Junior Member
Default 25-01-2011, 09:13 AM

Hey guys, I read your report and it sounds like you had alot of fun which is exactly what I'm looking for, so when are you guys meeting up in London again?
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Default 25-01-2011, 04:03 PM

Saturday was Looooong! But it was good - met more blokes than I did birds, but since they were all top lads I can't complain! haha
I can't remember on Saturday whether we had arranged to go sarging this Friday or Saturday night... probably both tbh! Either day I'm available, so bring it on!
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Junior Member
Default 25-01-2011, 07:32 PM

Nice one Scamp

I was evening thinkming about heading down there tonight but I have a full on day tomorrow and wouldnt be able to let my hair down.

I'll have to catch up with you Captain Freedom and Cashy in a couple of weeks time. But keep me in mind. I was thinking of doing a Monday night at STN too just for a change

If your on Facebook check out 'Joe Bloggs' which seems to be the main 'Airport Night' location up there.

Cheers !!!!!!!!!!!
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Rebus's Avatar
Thumbs up Lay Report: 28 January: London crowd - 29-01-2011, 01:41 PM

Friday 28 January 2011

Rebus, JohnnyB, Craigus & later on Arkanzie

Earlier in the day, I'd been out on a lunch date with a hot girl that works near me. Evening time, and I met JohnnyB and Craigus at Cargo around 8.45 PM. Cargo was packed and I wasn’t in my groove. We opened some sets - nothing of note except JohnnyB losing his scarf!

We stood like some AFCs against a wall feeling lame and tired. I knew the solution: energy drinks! Let’s leave Cargo, head to a newsagent and each down an energy drink.

Suitably revived, we walked across Hoxton (f-r-e-e-z-i-n-g cold night) to another nightclub. As we walked in, JohnnyB briefly opened a slim Lithuanian bird smoking outside.


We got the drinks in and Lithuanian bird reappears to give JohnnyB the chat. I touched her on the cheek and she responded aggressively. How could I top that? Well, as part of a game we were playing that night with overtly direct sexual escalation language, I worked into the convo the repetition to her four times in a row of “I wanna fuck you in the ass”. How did this aggressive girl respond to this outrageous statement?

By spinning around and saying that it says “McKenzie” on her ass! (a huge logo).
Well, she had been drinking...!

JohnnyB continued the chat on a less offensive basis; I privately commented to Craigus, “this is an opportunity for JohnnyB to play good copy to my bad cop”. That was a cue for Craigus and me to head towards the 2-set that I had briefly opened earlier on route back from the toilet.

Preceded by much fanfare, Arkanzie turned up almost two-and-a-half hours late so we gave him a right slagging.

Summary of outcomes with the 2 set:
  • Craigus e-mail closed the slim blonde girl – an outgoing cutie.
  • I fuck-closed my target (her friend): a size 8, 5’5” hot piece from the Middle East. No LMR.

My timings are approximate, but I reckon that the second time I talked to my target was 10.50 PM and by 12.50 PM I was fucking her – including the time taken to travel back to her flat. At 12.05 PM I announced that me and her were leaving (to catch the last tube of the night - what an awesome time constraint, which I bigged-up to give urgency to leaving! I already had my sexual hook points with her, as I'll explain below).


Did a strategy chat with my crew to explain my concerns over women from hardcore Islamic religious cultures in Middle East. Then I thought, “fuck it!” and chatted to my bird again.

I used a heavily loaded non-judgemental frame (used on two distinct occasions) nuggets were “Wow! It must be so different the liberal, outgoing, modern culture over here in London compared to the culture over in the Middle East.” and “you must love living here, it's a chance to be open, to expresses yourself… being open to new things... to enjoy living in London when you are no longer have the way your culture constrains women from studying, working and expressing themselves.”

Some lesbians kissed in face-hugger style nearby to silly overreactions by a nearby group (they took photos! Losers!). I seized on this, “that’s what London’s like, it's so much more liberal than other places – gay or straight, it doesn’t matter – what would happen to these girls in Middle East?” / “they… they would be killed - executed” / “Exactly… here people express their sexuality without any crazy overreactions”.

UK Liberal Expression 1 -- 0 Middle Eastearn Religious Control

  • Sexual expression through sexual language;
  • Sexual expression through kino (back massage) with NLP language around it: “as I work your back, feel it work deep into your body” & “inside you” & “deep inside you” & “this is just a basic massage, to do it properly, I’d need you lying down”.
  • Sexual expression through wildly salsa dancing in the space around us;
  • Sexual expression through eye contact and holding her close with arm around her waist; during most of my time talking with her in the bar, we were joined at the hips.
  • + passionate slow kissing
Update: After I left, JohnnyB k-closed & #-closed the passive-aggressive Lithuanian. Nice one! Get her ass, mate!
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johnnyb's Avatar
Default 29-01-2011, 03:56 PM

As usual Rebus covered pretty much what happened in the night, slow start, good idea with the energy drinks, although I have to say for 99p they had more of a placebo effect

So after Cargo, losing my scarf and wondering the streets through the cold, we head to this nightclub, open at the entrance this slim blond lithuanian, she can't stop smiling and says Hi back, but doesn't reply to any more chatting, later I realise she had a few drinks and her English wasn't great

Inside we get a few drinks, as I still have a sore throat I didn't have any alcohol all night and it did make a bit of a difference, from now on I don't need to drink when sarging . We notice this 4 set of girls at a table dressed a bit burlesque, one of them even had a mask on and comes near us with her phone as flashlight looking for her purse aparently, we joke around a bit, I lost my scarf, then we bump into the lithuanian and her friend. Direct sexual is not really working, later I find out why, a lot of guys were being touchy with her, she doesn't understand half of what we're saying, but she responds surprisingly to Rebus' ass joke

Going out with her for a fag, I don't smoke so a bit of a turn off, but hey she's cute. Playing a bit of push-pull, kino is not yet working, her friend is around. We head inside as she grabs my hand and we try to make our way through the now packed club. As she goes to the toilet, I join Rebus in his conversation with his target, Craigus did well to isolate the target's friend. We all have a nice chat, I think I heard the middle east girl is into some phd, wow the girl is smart, she is deffo into Rebus, kino comes naturally between them. Anarkzie calls Rebus that he finally arrived after 2h , I notice the lithuanian outside the other entry, as one of bouncer didn't want to let her back in, play a bit of the saviour role.

We go back in, decide to escalate, she tells me she likes me but doesn't know why, we go downstairs, they have a ring dance, music is not that great, doesn't matter, kino comes naturally, she is all wild now, grinding me. Her friend comes back and wants to go, she stays and leaves her friend to go by herself, k-close & # close. She's tired and wants to go home, we hug & kiss outside and then I go back in. Rebus is about to go with the 2-set, looks like a f-close for use, stick around with anarkzie and Carigus for a bit then decide to to catch last tube, it's freezing cold and don't to get a night bus.

Been txt-ing lithuanian most day , teasing her about last night, I like you and I remember you comes from her a few times, so we leave it for a date later in the week.
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Default Rebus, you legend! - 29-01-2011, 04:41 PM

Well, most of the night has been covered by Johnny & Rebus, so I'll just add a couple of lines about it:

I still have massive AA issues as in approaching sets by myself - I just don't feel confident enough to open and keep a group of girls entertained, but playing Rebus' wing with the Iranian and Aussie 2-set was magic.

Rebus was being Direct from the get go with the Iranian bird (she was dead hot btw!), so I isolated the Aussie bird to let Rebus do his thing.

Spent loads of time chatting with the Aussie, but I wasn't really escalating too much - kept hinting for us to go downstairs to dance, but she wasn't going for it (now I think of it, I should have just taken her hand and marched her down there!)

I ended up email closing her quite early on:

Aussie: I wasn't even gonna come out tonight - I was so shattered after work!
Me: Yeah, I know what you mean - I always just wanna chill after work on a Friday night; usually I can be found sitting with a few beers watching people do faceplants and shit on youtube.
Aussie: (laughs) Faceplants?! whats that?!
Me: (explain, make her laugh a few times, then) Oh my god, i cant believe you've not watched this sort of thing! you're like a faceplant virgin! you're gonna give me your email right now, and I'm gonna open your eyes to some of the funniest shit the internet has to offer!
And that was that...

And that also concludes my contribution here - the rest of it is as Rebus & JohnnyB posted. All in all, considering i'm still fighting a bitchin cold atm, it was a pretty good sarge.

Now bring on tonight!!!

Much love,

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Snake Eyes's Avatar
Jason's Pong Champion, Snakeman Steve Champion, Hexxagon Champion, Breakout Champion, Zookeeper Champion
Default 30-01-2011, 08:23 PM

Sounds like you had a good night!

Well done guys and well done Rebus for the club exit! I don't know how many times now I have not slept with a girl I've kissed! Its very frustrating!

I always lose scarves/gloves on nights out. I have now succumb to the lower end of the Primark range due to their expected life span! Roll on Summer.....
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