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dan300 24-07-2018 08:42 PM

Haha nah cats are cool. Just a lot more reserved and chill than dogs.

I'd really like to get one or the other, but I'm not at home much and it definitely wouldn't be fair on them. Nor do I even have a yard.

I haven't seen that. Looks to me like it's a bit like "Don't breath"

kowalski 24-07-2018 08:54 PM

Dunno... I'm watching Don't Breathe right now. Will say if they are similar in a couple of hours.

I first watched Blue Ruin by the same director as Green Room. They are both very simple in situation set up but the execution is excellent.

Also, I watched the second in the Cloverfield series the other night. That was pretty great too. And, Ready Player One... which started well but really fell off as the story "progressed".



kowalski 24-07-2018 09:59 PM

Half way through: It is very good but [spoiler alert] they shouldn't be being silent they should be making noise. So, I'm already not with them.



kowalski 24-07-2018 11:02 PM

That was kind of wack and every plot move was telegraphed. I was about 80% on the old guy's side.



dan300 24-07-2018 11:07 PM

The plot twist with the girl he was trying to impregnate was fucked up though. I watched it in my place on a second date with a chick and as far as I recall I didn't expect that at all.

kowalski 24-07-2018 11:23 PM

Not really and (disclaimer: I don't believe in justice) how is that not justice? They already fucked up going in there to kill and rob him and the other bitch, as far as we know, killed his daughter.

It's not worse than prison or war but both of those things are cool because they are done by governments. Fuck off.



dan300 24-07-2018 11:36 PM

All correct, but isn't it twisted as fuck to imprison a girl, raping her regularly in the hope she'll have your baby, because she accidentally killed your daughter? that's fucked up.

If I remember rightly the girl was actually pregnant, gets killed in the crossfire by the robbers, then crazy blind guy goes even more crazy because his rape baby is now dead too.

kowalski 25-07-2018 12:03 AM

He never raped anyone. He kidnapped her, after she killed his daughter, and artificially inseminated against her will using a turkey baster. It is not clear that it was an accident that she killed her, maybe not. She hit her with her car and her parents settled out of court for $1million. Heavily implying that it wasn't a simple traffic accident. DUI?

His holding her for less than 1 year while she bears him a replacement baby, is totally fucked up... but is it more or less fucked up than the 8 -20 years she'd have spent in a US Federal prison if found guilty of killing the girl? I don't think you can compare and contrast. They're both fucked up outcomes.

Green Room is better. Simpler. You can pick sides. There are less points when the characters do dumb shit. So you can feel like maybe you could end up in their situation.

I'm not following characters with their bad decisions. After a few bad decisions, I actually hope they die. Fuck them. Bad writing / direction. These Don't Breathe kids were cunts from the first frame. Watching them die was great. Pity the girl got away.



MikeH0ck 28-07-2018 07:25 PM

Saturday, 7 approaches

3 BRUTAL rejections

I think I must have picked up the "chick repellent" instead of sun cream again:rolleyes:

Approach 1

Saw a lovely brunette with platted hair. Approached once with "I'm approaching you because I find you pretty", which was promptly ignored.

Decided to reapproach, BRUTAL rejection of "Can you just leave me alone please".

After which I made a SHARPISH exit.

Approach 2

Two set, went up to both, said "I love you and I love you" gesturing to each of them.

Heard them sarcastically say "Thank you" and then something else about seeing me doing it around town the other day and about it being "not cool".

This reaction crushed me so I got out of there as soon as possible and didn't bother to re approach or anything.

Approach 3

Saw two chicks walking, I liked the look of both, approached from the side of one saying "I'd like to get to know you".

To which she replied "No thanks" and that she was already engaged and she'd "never heard that from a random person before".

Again, I was crushed by this reaction and slowly walked off in the other direction to sniggers from passer's by.

Approach 4

Saw a foreign chick in the supermarket, said she was pretty and that I'd "like to get to know her more". She backed away at first, but then smiled and said "thank you"

But she didn't give me anything to work with to take it further and my state was in tatters after two BRUTAL rejections.

Approach 5

Weakly approached a chick with shopping bags, she literally ignored me and carried on walking. I did not reapproach, anticipating a bad reaction if I did.

Approach 6

Tesco Express approach, not many people about so felt confident, saw a chick walk in that I fancied, went straight in to her, no hovering about like I sometimes do, went in, opened with "I'd LOVE to get to know you". She said she was taken but thanked me for the compliment.

Approach 7

Best approach of the day and one of the best of my approaching career!

I think I was helped by there being no one else in the immediate vicinity when I stopped her.

I said she was pretty which she took well and said I'd love to get to know her , to which she replied "in what way".

So I committed and said "on a man to woman level" to which she responded positively.

Then she dropped the bombshell:

She was only 18!

We still had a chat and it went well.

This here is a PRIME example of what I mean when I say I WISH I was 18 again.

I really, really, REALLY wish I was 18 or even 21 or there abouts again.

But a nearly 11 year age gap isn't going to work with my baggage (or lack thereof). And the mentally dark times I've been through in my early 20s, an 18 year old doesn't need to know a person like that.

So we chatted for awhile and went out seperate ways.

Which I am not sad about.

The only thing I am sad about is my age and that's the one thing I can't change. It's a confidence boost if nothing else but I wish this was 2008 and not 2018:cry:

So yeah, glad I pushed through the brutal rejections and finished on a good note, but it was bittersweet at the end with the 18 year old girl because it just felt so weird.

I've been conscious 10 more years than her, 10 more years of memories, 10 more years of being an adult.

It's just such a mindfuck.

kowalski 28-07-2018 08:01 PM

Theo Von is the pound for pound funniest man alive 2018.



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