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samster 27-04-2011 06:50 AM

Really awesome field reports!

Ali 27-04-2011 09:14 AM


Great seeing u the other week, wow has your game gone on leaps and bounds, i mean seriosuly, amazing!!!

Also, thanks for the props at the end.

I'll head down to bristol soon dude, prob when u have more space in the flat :)


we are doing day game on friday and i have my old wing simon up from bris on sat and sun night, i expect a few of us will be out sunday night, not sure about fri/sat yet though, poss out thur night too but again not sure yet

Cefai 28-04-2011 10:43 AM

Nice post MB!

Obviously 'sarging' with you the last year or so I've watched how you've developed and to be fair, you've been getting better and better every time I see you. When I met you I thought your skills were pretty much the same as mine, after the last time I went out with you I remember thinking to myself that you had come on leaps and bounds, compared to me where I've not really made much progress. I'm guessing you have a lot to thank for hanging with the London daygame lads, moving to Bristol and living with BCB. These all seem to be huge influences on you. Good job!


Originally Posted by monkeybuster (Post 43782)
As some of you may know, approaching was (still is) a massive hurdle for me.

Funnily enough, that night in syndicate I remember thinking "Fuck! MB has become fearless" I wouldn't of said you have a problem with approach any more. I'm specifically thinking of when you pointed out a hotty at the bar for me to approach and I just couldn't do it. You approached her 'acting alpha' no problems.


Originally Posted by monkeybuster (Post 43782)
I've realised the importance of social momentum; if you think you'd like to speak to someone, just speak to them. I just the first thing that comes to my head (being natural). Okay, the first few times it feels awkward, but after a while, I stop caring which in turn makes my conversations and lot more fluid and engaging. When I start a night out, I tell myself, I have all the conversation skills I need to get chatting and I have faith that I will do what I need to do to get her number.


Nice one Monkeybuster! Onwards and Upwards.

monkeybuster 28-04-2011 11:28 AM

Cheers for the words of encouragement! I've definitely had my ups and downs... Just need to keep the momentum going...

As a side note, I want to chat to seriously hot women now... 6/7/8 are all good... but I want the 9's and 10's now! I'm sure i've got the charm to do it... confidence will be the biggest factor in success. This might be over simplistic but the more I chat to hot girls, the more confidence I will get! I've learnt that it really is that easy?

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