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Pavel 26-04-2010 09:49 AM

yes ... if i would b such a good writer as u r .... i take me ages to wright anything down because english is my second language .(try to create field report in polish :hihi: ) yes it was good to work with u . u are the first person i met in Bristol who actually take whole thing as a lifestyle and not afraid to chalenge . (sorry guys) .
sorry by my poor dance floor acting but ,but its not my cup of tee. at least when im sober. will try to improve though .

monkeybuster 27-04-2010 11:00 PM

Saturday Day Game - First time
Sorry for the delay on getting this done but work has been too manic! So:


I decided that I would branch out my efforts and try a bit of day game. I managed to get out round about 3-4ish. The night before, Pav and I discussed where the best parts were for day gaming. He said that shopping centres are a bit of a no-go and I tend to agree; Everyone is rushing around, getting whatever they need to do done. And we fancied something a bit more relaxed. So we attempted the Water Front, a few parks and pubs around the place.

Though the sun was waning, it was busy. There were crowds of people scattered around the harbour, so we pitched our flag and bought a couple of drinks. Now, I've never intentional gone out in the day to practice but I had a good feel for it. You have to bring the energy down from the night game, which I found easy. I also wanted to hold true and not sit-around-talking-game all day either.

We moved from bar to harbour to bar intermittently and attempted a few sets but nothing was really working. It's seemed like the softly-softly approach was not working too well as we'd casually start conversation and not really engage.

So Pav (in all his greatness) suggested we get some money involved. We sort of made the rules up as we went along as this was the first time I really played this. Here they are as we played them:

1.£20 in (or whatever! The higher the better!)
2.£5 is given back for every approach.
3.The guy holding the money gets to choose each approach
4.Choosing your own approach doesn't count (as I found out!)
5.The girls you don't approach, the guy holding your money gets it.
6.You have 30 seconds to approach.
7.You can't send someone in to your blown up set (i.e. you man fucks up an approach and he sends you in to mop up – not cool!) Basically, each set has to be with different people.

Now, most people probably wouldn't play this game. But that extra kick up the ass to get your money back will be extra impetus to approach. I find the direct approach can be harder... just because it feels slightly unnatural... well... I mean, different to night game. Most girls are expecting to be approached at some point at night... but day is so much more personal. When I subscribed myself to achieve social awesomeness, I also decided I would do anything to achieve my goal! Even lose money!

I went to get a couple of notes from the cash point, and noticed a couple of girls walking round taking pictures. They were a bit too far and walking away for me to make that approach... but I remembered them for later ;)

We went to grab a bit to eat and Pav pointed my first set out. A couple of dark haired girls sitting outside a bar. The clock started ticking. I was hit by an adrenaline bomb that nearly took me out... but I shut my thoughts off and approached.

[me] “hey there... I was just walking round Bristol trying to get to know where the best places to go are. Are you two from Bristol?”
[girls] (look at each other, then look at me)... “Nno... no hablo ingles...”

Shit! I knew what that meant. I should have taken those Spanish classes! (It was reminded about the time I attempted to chat a Spanish girl up before; After about 5 mins trying to communicate, she just got up and walked away when I was mid-sentence. She left me talking to thin air! Classic blow out! And I wasn't about to do that again!) So I just bombed and didn't even to attempt to converse and walked away with my tail between my legs.

Pav said: “What the hell was that!”. I explained! Still! It earned me a £5! Woo!

Not long after that, I spotted a couple of ladies sitting in the window of a coffee shop. It was a hard approach as they were in crowd of people deep in conversation. Target acquired! I told Pav. He stalled slightly, sucked in the fear and went for it as I held back.

Fair dues to the guy! He blitzed it. I probably would have seriously shit my pants! He got talking to them for a good 5 mins. They were apparently a couple of French girls and were pretty hot! Even though he didn't get their number's, he completed the task. Earned himself some cash back!

It wasn't long before I spotted another couple of girls just sitting down to chill for a bit. So I sent Pav straight in again and this time he was away! Straight in talking to them. After a few minutes he signalled me to come over. We all got chatting and it turned out they were from Poland! Pav obviously had the advantage over me. We chatted for a bit longer; I let Pav lead as it was his play (and could speak their language!). I can't remember if he got their number. Maybe it was a bit too short a time frame ask for it.

We left the set buzzing! As we were discussing what just happened, we decided to get a drink somewhere and I was walking up the road I spotted the couple of girls that were walking around taking pictures. I instantly spun round to Pav and said “My set! Back in a bit” and off I went.

I got talking to these girls for a bit then Pav joined at me. We had these 2 girls in conversation in the middle of the street for at least 10 minutes. It was awesome; Though great socially, it was a little raw on leading anywhere. I'm starting to see where I need to start to escalate. I mentioned that we should all hook up later and go out for something to eat but they initially turned me down... later the one girl said said that she won't mind my number.... Playing the same game, I said, “One minute you don't want it, the next minute you do! But you've had your chance!” - I felt I could have got their numbers but for some reason didn't! I think I let my pride get in the way because they blow me out initially.

I said we'd probably bump into them later on and we would catch up with them then. (We never did!). Either way, it left me feeling elated!

By the time we hit the bar it was getting on, so I called it a night.

Good day! Defo on for when I'm back off holiday (which will be interesting as I'm going on my own – long story!). I'm sure there will be plenty to report!

Blanca 28-04-2010 10:47 AM

Fantastic report dude! I tried daygame with Pav ages back, but nothing really worked out for us. It was a combination of things - like you said, Cabot Circus is rubbish for gaming. There are too many 15-year-olds and couples. But similarly, as K pointed out, even when we did see a hot approachable girl, we weren't pushing ourselves to do it because we had a mindset of "the shopping centre is crap for approaching".

Serious respect for having a good crack at it though, daygame is so much more daunting and if you can get over that hurdle (something I still want to do) then you're away.

I'm determined to give daygame another shot. I didn't get the most out of it the first few times and this money game thing is a wicked idea.

I'm back tonight, I'll post something in the wingman section.

monkeybuster 28-04-2010 12:56 PM

Quality K! Love the feedback. Last night I was so tired, I almost subconsiously wrote it without too much thought. Reading it back, there are few negative beliefs there. So top man for pulling me up on that!

I will have a look at each and think about how I can smash down those walls!

Cheers for the feedback! Keep it coming.

K - p.s. I'm getting through that book slowly... I will get back to you soon about it. But I'm loving the line of thought.

nova 28-04-2010 01:31 PM

Well done MB. This is inspiring. I'll second everything K said. Particularly the fact that shopping areas aren't out of bounds and that you can number close when you choose to, no time restrictions apply. Basically there are no restrictions, that's beauty of day game!!

monkeybuster 16-05-2010 07:18 PM

Bristol -15th May 2010
Hi guys! It's that time again!

Well, first thing was Cheltenham feel though. No biggie... just a logistic issue. So I stayed in Bristol and caught up with Ali who recently joined the board (alright mate!). It seems like he's been doing this for a while. I rocked up to his flat and it's a bit of a bachelor pad! Balcony, Pool table and a phat flatscreen. All near the centre of Bizzle. Nice!

We had a drink and his then headed off into town. We went to some hot little Cocktail bar at the top of Park Street. Tasty posh little place; not your usual chodey chain bar that I've often frequented at the start of the night. Exotic drinks, the right amount of people and some good old school Funk playing in the background. Awesome warm up venue.

I said to Ali that I would follow his lead as I felt he had more experience at PU than me. And I wanted to see how he worked.

Problem was, I didn't get a chance to at the start of the night. As we walk in, he turns to me and says “Right! We need to walk in, split off and start chatting to first group of girls we get to!” I was a rabbit in the head lights (it was the wildcard effect!). I didn't think about it... and just rocked into the place.

3 seconds in I lucky found a hen party to chat to. Jokingly I asked the bride why she was dress up like a Princess (playing the fool!). I was in; standing in the centre of their circle, chatting up the brides maid and her fit friend.

This continued for about 30mins. We talked to loads of different people, groups, mixed and random girls sitting on chairs on their own. It was weird because I felt like I had my first dose of high social proof. We worked the room and I felt that we owned a piece of it. But the best was yet to come.

Ali and I spotted the 2 set in the corner, so we made our way over to them. They had a couple of seats next to them. I asked if anyone was sitting in them. Through a rye smile they said 'Yeah sorry... they're taken'. They didn't want these 2 randoms sitting with them. We said fine.

We stood there near them. And I took the initiative to sit down in a mixed set of older looking opposite them. I sat next to a girl and a Ali sat next to a guy. The girl I sat down next to turned round and said...

“You can sit there... as long as you don't talk to us” - It was in a jokey fashion.

I remember think “Bitch! Right you're having it!”

The strange thing is, I don't really remember what I said but we started talking. I was really careful to not ask any questions. I've been wanting to practice a bit of Juggler none question theory (you know, where you never ask direct questions. Just strong statements like “Beauty is a common thing, but what really matters is a good personality and open outlook on life”... wait and see what they respond with).

Next thing you know, we'd been talking for 5 mins. She turns round and says to me:

“So... where you from?”
“OMG! I thought we weren't going to talk to me? We've been talking for 5 minutes!”
“Ha! [Some fluff I can't remember]”
“I from Chepstow – I've just come over from Bristol to have a good night out”
“Yeah... I know Chepstow well”
“Really? Funny! Most people don't know where it is! It must be only educated people that know where it is [She was a 27 Lawyer – very well spoken and educated and not from Bristol so I assumed she went to Bristol uni – where the posh people go!]
“[stories about Chepstow]”
“I'm thinking about going up to Clifton later.”
“[opinions of Clifton, the nightlife and the stuck up people]”

etc, etc, etc.

My conversion went on like this for a while until Ali said we should move on. It's funny though, how you can turn a conversation round from “Don't speak to me” to her asking me questions! I like those Juggler statements, they seem to work well.

The funny thing was, Ali turns round to be and says “You know that 2 set in the corner (now a 4 set... their mates came back to claim there seats)... well, they've been staring at us the whole time” By sitting down next to them, chatting and laughing with another group, we'd raised our social proof. I turned round to see them sitting there, looking at us, sitting in the way girls sit that just screams “Hey come and speak to us now!”

For some reason, we never did. This was a bit of a turning point in the night for me. Thinking back, I realised I was fucking knackered... it was only 12.30 but I was flagging already... and I couldn't have a drink to prop me up cos I was driving (me and drink – a completely different post!)

We headed up to Ponana's (literally haven't been to a Ponana for about 8 years!). The place was rammed! Too rammed! And to a non-pissed, tired, sarger, I was flagging big style.

Though I was funked, I had a couple of good chats.

First, whilst stuck against the wall, I started chatting to this pretty girl part of a hen party. I started teasing her about her mate copping off with some guy. I bet her, he'll be necking her within 2 minutes. We laughed and joked for a bit. And then she went off to find her mates.

Later on I saw her with her mates... I pointed at her and said “OMG! You actually DO have some friends” She giggled and said:

HB: “We're going to dance... are you coming?”
MB: “We're just going to get a drink... we'll come and find you in a bit”
HB “... okay …” [into the crowd she goes...]

I didn't see her again all night! Doh! I've done this a couple of times now and completely lost the opportunity. And, as always, those opportunities never appear again! Dudes! Slap me round the head if you see me do this again! I should drop everything and just followed!

Other stuff was pretty minimal and not interesting enough to write about.

It was a good night, but I was a little off. I'm still having issues approaching seriously hot sets or are more than a 2 set. Also, I need to start escalating more and a lot quicker. 3 months in and my game is improving, but I still have a long way to go.

Cefai 16-05-2010 11:41 PM

You're doing well man. From what I've seen and read from your posts I wouldn't say approaching is a major issue for you. The big one is taking risks by moving things forward and closing.

If you can get your hands on RSD's transformations, do it. In Ozzies section of the seminar he talks about closing. He talks about how closing is why you're in the game in the first place. But in a far more long winded and inspirational way.

nova 17-05-2010 10:12 AM

Nice one MB. Sounds like you had a ball. Was great that your mate got you to just get stuck in straight away. It's the old chesnut of the longer you leave it the harder it gets. Good game!

I agree, escalation is something you need to consider more if your going to capitalise on those opportunities.

monkeybuster 20-09-2010 10:28 PM

So, it's been a while since I created a report. Mainly the reason is because I hit a lull in my PU; not going out much, working too hard, etc. nothing to write home about... I'm sure we all do it from time to time.

The main thing is that I tried to do as much as I could; if I was out and about and chatting to a lovely lady the charm just seemed to be turn on. Nice! Why is this? My theory was PU is becoming a part of me, rather than some alter ego that I hide away in a cupboard hidden only to wear out on a weekend. For me, this is important. Strengthening the pulling muscles I already have rather than replacing myself with a fake stunt double.... ultimately, I see this a change within myself rather than a change of the myself; Good!

I was getting frustrated though. I felt like I wasn't going out enough. My belief is that 90% of PU is putting yourself out there; So I moved to Bristol. I was looking for a flat at the time and BCB (hello mate!) decided that he was looking for a flat too. The best part is that we found a flat slap bang in the centre of Bristol! Cha-ching!

I've been out every single night in the last week and I can honestly say I'm having a right laugh. If I can look back at when I started I've come on a load! I notice that my approaches have become more confident, I can hold a conversation better and I'm getting more numbers than ever! Mainly due the fact that I'm now living and breathing PU. Here are a few things I've learnt along the way:

Have fun! - That should be the sole reason you go out! It bugs me standing in a group other guys and you can see them dancing whilst looking round all over the place looking for girls to chat up. If you're doing that, you're not truly in the moment of having fun! Let it go... have a laugh and notice the girls more naturally. The main side effect of having fun is you'll find the girls will come to you. I found this strange at first.... I'll be dancing and smiling, laughing with my mates and the next thing I know, I'm surrounded by girls! (obviously this PU stuff becomes 100x easier if they come to you right?) It's seems the simple fact that you're giving out a good vibe attracts the people around you. But I'm not gonna get all 'The Secret' on you... but try it for yourself; you'll see what I mean.

Chatting to girls is the best way to become good at chatting to girls - There's a similar concept in Judo... the best exercise in to learn Judo is Judo... That's it really. Just do it. Don't fuck about, just chat. Nothing else but chat... honestly, i've been so surprised that open people are! More people have chatted to me than I initially thought. The one thing I took from the Blueprint is that, actually, I am worth speaking too! More and more, my mindset is changing to believe that if someone blows me out, then its more a problem with them! I'm not going to take it personally, because I know I am a good, nice, honest, interesting guy. So if anyone is rude enough to not give me the minimum respect a human being deserves, then thats not a person I want to know. (This is my belief for any relationship; business, family, PU.)

DON'T MISTAKE ACTION FOR PROGRESS - Keep pushing your boundaries - Don't stop moving forward. Do the things that scare you. For me, there are still some approaches / situations I still feel uncomfortable with. I've realised (for me) that on the other-side of pain, on the other-side on the uncomfortable situation, is the growth I'm looking for. The growth that will stretch my limited beliefs beyond what I initially thought was comprehendible. There's no way round it. Only straight through the middle. Usually the observation of that uncomfortable situation is a lot worse than actually going through it. So jump straight into the middle, suck it in and learn to feel comfortable with being uncomfortable. Also there is no ONE-SIZE FITS ALL OPENER - On the flip side, there is nothing wrong with that type of opener. There's only the right opener for that situation. I've battled with my own consciousness to decide which is better, my canned openers or my natural 'Hello' opener. But I realised that both are good as each other... like I said before, at the right time and place. What we need to avoid though is that we become inflexible with how we being our conversation; I've seen guys fall into the trap of opening with the same line over and over and over... not good... you're not assessing the situation properly.

Also, heres few other things I've noticed about PUA (and traps I've fallen into along the way)

Don't sit there all night an talk PU.... Just DO PU!!! I've seen people sit for 2 - 3 hours talking about PU this, PU that.... Zzzz. Seriously, talking about it is not doing it. So scrap the chat and crack on! If your out to do PU.... then get on with it,
Don't mistake mentoring as progress, especially if you have barriers to jump over yourself - Yes its a lot of fun, but if you do it too much it's usually a distraction from making progress yourself. Stop hiding behind other people and crack on!
Always be talking to people! It helps because; 1) You'll meet people 2) It's self-perpetuating... the more you talk to, the more people talk to you.

There's so much more I've learnt. But there is soooo much more I have to learn... One thing I do know, is that I'm in the right place to get good at this! Slap bang in the middle of the party!

CovertOperation 20-09-2010 11:49 PM

There's so much here I can relate to MB. Having just watched that Derren Brown video on that there other thread, more than ever I'm conscious of my need to continue to push boundaries.

Sounds like you're doing well though man! Keep on opening!

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