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CovertOperation 09-01-2010 12:28 PM

The covert operations of CovertOperation
I'll dump all my field reports in this thread, to save starting loads in the future. Might also be nice, in time to come, to look back at my progress.

So lets start with last night. First time out in the field since I've started getting back into my game, so I was pretty nervous. I pumped myself up, got myself all ready and 'in state' and all that, walked tall, chest out, etc. Looking back, I put way too much pressure on myself last night. I need to relax a little.

Last night could have been better, for 4 reasons:

1. I got really drunk (only myself to blame)
2. There was a remarkable lack of girls in the club we were in
3. The club was just a massive dancefloor - hardly any chance for talking to girls
4. My mates are from the 'lets stand in a massive circle and dance' school of going out, and none are into PUA.

So chances for approaches were limited. I did get into some banter with a girl in the cloak room, which was fun. She was a really fun girl actually, but not very attractive. I didn't close. Looking back, I wish I'd have number closed her, just for the practice.

Only other approach of the night was at the bar, when I was getting a drink. I negged a girl on her coat, which was like sheepskin: "Hey... Cool coat, but how many sheep sacrificed themselves so you could stay warm tonight?"

I sounded like a f*cking animal rights activist! We talked for 10 seconds, and she got back to her friend. Interaction over.

Thinking back, I didn't think this through properly. She was in a 2 set, she was HB8, her friend HB5 or something. I went straight in for the HB8. Given the state of the people in the club (lacking any attractive women), she was flicking guys away left, right and centre, probably the hottest girl in there last night. She flicked me away as well.

Had I thought about it, I'd have realised she was getting so much attention from guys, and I was just going to be another one. I should have gone in and focussed on the HB5. Got the HB8 working for my attention a little, made myself the prize. But no, drunk and over confident, I steamed straight in for the HB8 and she saw it for what it was. She flicked me away like I flick crumbs off my jeans after I've eaten a biscuit (great analogy, huh).

So that was that. As lame as that sounds, there are some huge positives for me to take from last night:

1. For the first time ever, I felt like I was leading every conversation I was in.
2. I was very consciously 'in the moment' last night. If I felt myself going inside my head, I pulled myself right back out.
3. The banter with the girl in the cloak room was great. First she messed up giving me my ticket for my coat: "Do you do training for your job? Because if I were your boss I'd put you through training again after the mess you've made there!" (delivered with a grin, playfully).

And then later when I went to collect my coat we got talking again. She asked me what I did:

HB: So what do you do?
CO: I'm a professional dolphin shaver.
HB: You're what?
CO: I shave dolphins.
HB: Er... really?
CO: Well have you ever seen a hairy dolphin?
HB: Haha, well I guess not.
CO: That's because people like me get jobs shaving them.
HB: Haha, cool. How do you do that then?

And we rolled into a funny conversation with me describing how I shave dolphins. This is actually a routine I read elsewhere on the internet, but works a treat. And I can talk bullshit for hours, so its fun to play around with. Definitely better than telling her the truth anyway!

So yeah, positives and negatives from last night. I hope the negatives aren't just excuses for inaction, although I fear some might be. But I am on a learning curve. The big thing for me last night was that my AA was a no-show with the girl at the bar. Which is tremendous progress from where I was before Christmas.

So, that was last night. I had a really good laugh with my mates, and woke up this morning with my face in a half eaten kebab. Nice.


michael81 09-01-2010 12:51 PM

good work
Hi fella, well done for loosing the AA and getting out there. Last night might not have gone as well as u planned but you got some positive experiences and learnings from it. You can read all your like about game but nothing beats getting in the field and learning how to deal with different situations, some you win some you loose. Your right about the booze though, your just like all the others lads drunk and trying to get laid so you need to stay sober and be your cool confident self. I learned that myself last year! Nown - go out late 10pm hit a bar sober and enjoy seeing everyone smashed being pricks when you can then hold a conversation and start gaming to the best of your ability. Look forward to seeing your progress mate!

Mycroft 09-01-2010 02:47 PM

Nice post matey.

There are a load of positives to take from that experience.

Drinking is a vice of mine too. Its way too easy to get drunk when all your mates are around. If not from boredom or habit from your friends actively encouraging you.

As far as the hb8 maybe a more direct approach would have worked. You say you want to work your way in through the friend? I'm not sure that's such a great idea. Leaving aside that it will have been tried a million times, is your game good enough to move from the friend to the target? The friend will smell it coming a mile off and become a huge obstacle. No one likes to be used like that. My bet is you end getting off with the friend if anything.

In a club full of drunks, why not be the guy that strolls up and says 'Hi, I don't think we've met, I'm covert operation'? In a situation were she's the only hot girl in the club any approach is going to be a direct approach anyway.

If you don't have the balls for that yet(and neither do I) I'm fond of the old "Hay are you girls rich?" I'm looking for a rich girl to look after me. Buy me drinks, take me out......improv from there. If they really don't want to be approached it will die on its arse but its usually enough to get a convo going.

Simply David 09-01-2010 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by CovertOperation (Post 13334)
CO: Well have you ever seen a hairy dolphin?

Have you met me yet??


Originally Posted by CovertOperation (Post 13334)
Definitely better than telling her the truth anyway!

Naah braah, be proud of who you are, and always tell the truth. Xxx

CovertOperation 09-01-2010 09:05 PM

Depends Dolphin mate, but mind out if you do, you might end up bald as the day you were born!!

RE: The 'telling the truth' thing, obviously I would if she pressed me on it but the 'dolphin shaver' thing seems more fun to talk about than my Uni course, which isn't much fun to talk about!

nova 12-01-2010 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by CovertOperation (Post 13356)
the 'dolphin shaver' thing seems more fun to talk about than my real job, which is political research. Although I'm sure I could make that sound interesting if I tried hard enough...

If you have a passion for something share it with a girl. They are open to influence from us guys.

CovertOperation 13-01-2010 02:14 PM

Out on my lunch break with 2 wings, one of whom we were meeting for the first time. Had a coffee and talked through our goals. I wanted to try a direct approach, as well as just opening sets (for the time being, my focus is to open sets, and not worry about closing. Baby steps an stuff...).

As we left the coffee shop, I thought 'I could approach and warm up', and spotted 2 girls sitting in the corner. But then I thought, 'Nah, I'll just open when we get outside'.

And then CLUNK! I realise I'm talking myself out of an approach already, which just won't do. So, I pile in, open them indirectly with an opinion opener. The girls weren't too great, but it was good to get talking. Afterwards I felt myself shaking a little, nerves getting to me. It felt fucking great - that's the rush!!!

Out into the street, it was bloody freezing. The streets were very quiet, a mixture of post-Christmas overdrafts and freezing cold weather, and sets were divided between the three of us. I opened 3 more times. The first was a girl walking down the street, who I opened asking whether its best to floss before or after brushing. She said before, but seemed comfortable talking. I was focussing on my body language, talking slowly, expressive, hands out of my pockets, showing ease and comfort.

I then went for what I think is a direct approach. 30 seconds afterwards, I spy a girl coming the other way wearing blue gloves and electric blue tights. I stopped her as she walked past: "Hey, I couldn't let you go past, but you look really cool! I love the whole blue thing you've got going on!"

She smiled, said thanks, and walked on - and I'm assured by one of the wings, looked back a few times with a grin on her face. I think I caught her off guard a little. She seemed slightly shocked. But it feels good to have done it!

A short time after, I opened again: saw a three set coming the other way, so used canned material again with an opinion opener. After 15 seconds of talking to who I thought were 3 x 18 year old girls, I notice they've all got the same white shirts on under their coats. "Umm... Can I just ask how you guys know each other?" I asked.


FUCK I've probably just opened a set of 15 year olds. :D They easily looked 18! Shame...

So, that's my lunchtime sarge. Only openers, I'm focussing on opening and not closing right now. Which probably sounds lame to some of you who are pretty advanced, as does the use of canned material, but that's the boundary I'm with at the moment. I am slowly pushing them back, and will get there soon.

Arranged to meet my wings on Saturday night for my first time on night game with propper wings. Looking forward to that!

Simply David 13-01-2010 02:26 PM

You did good bro, baby steps help to see its not that scary, 2nd time round you'll be running.

nova 13-01-2010 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by CovertOperation (Post 13535)
I realise I'm talking myself out of an approach already, which just won't do. So, I pile in, open them indirectly with an opinion opener.

Love it mate! Knowing that you were trying to get out of it and fixing this bad thought before you'd even started.


Originally Posted by CovertOperation (Post 13535)
So, that's my lunchtime sarge. Only openers, I'm focussing on opening and not closing right now. Which probably sounds lame to some of you who are pretty advanced

Not lame! This is a bigger step than you're giving yourself credit for. Keep at it and you will learn so much from every interaction you get into. The best bit is using your lunchtime as opposed to waiting for the wkd. Taking every spare moment.

DeanoC 13-01-2010 08:35 PM

Was good to meet you today dude. You showed real balls with that first approach and caught me totally off guard, kudos for that!

As a newbie, it was a real eye opener and a positive experience sarging with wingmen rather than as a lone ranger and I'm looking forward to ripping up them clubs on Saturday...I can hopefully use my student dicsount card as well and save a few quid :D

CovertOperation 13-01-2010 10:30 PM

Adam - yep definitely mate with the body language thing. After a few weeks of practice, I've already instinctively learned to pull my hands out of my pockets before approaching, and use them dynamically through the set to help with expression, control and energy. As ever today, once I got through that first set in the coffee shop, and then a further opener in the street, I would have talked to anyone...

Deano - good meeting you too mate! And I genuinely mean what I said - before even meeting you, I'd spotted you in Costa Coffee without realising it was you and thought "Fuck, that bloke's got well cool hair!" :D

Thought you did well today as well mate. Your big goal was to beat your AA - I thought you did that very well! We all have it to begin with, but as I think you found, AA just melts away after an approach or two.

And even if the girls don't speak English, you don't know that until you've opened them!! :D

To the next sarge comrades! Come ride with me, through the veins of history...

DeanoC 13-01-2010 10:39 PM


Deano - good meeting you too mate! And I genuinely mean what I said - before even meeting you, I'd spotted you in Costa Coffee without realising it was you and thought "Fuck, that bloke's got well cool hair!" :D
Thanks dude, now where's the :blushes: emoticon :D


Thought you did well today as well mate. Your big goal was to beat your AA - I thought you did that very well! We all have it to begin with, but as I think you found, AA just melts away after an approach or two.

And even if the girls don't speak English, you don't know that until you've opened them!! :D
Haha, just my luck. Defeat my AA and build myself up to open and the fecker doesn't even speak English :p


To the next sarge comrades! Come ride with me, through the veins of history...
It'll be fun alright, any ideas on where we're gonna go?

CovertOperation 14-01-2010 01:50 PM

Met my mate in town for lunch. Wasn't planning any game, but it didn't quite go that way, and what happened was actually very interesting.

We went a fried chicken place. Got seated, and then went up to order. 2 tills being worked by girls, one HB5 and another HB9, gorgeous, blonde, big eyes, tanned... Fantastic! (quick side comment: Aren't girls bloody brilliant?!?!)

So me and my mate are queueing, and I click into Game mode. Open my body language, full of energy, talking to my mate about fun stuff, smiling and laughing. Broadcasting "We are having a good time here, you can join us if you want..."

As luck as it, we got the HB9 to serve us. We go up to her till. She asks what we'd like. My mate very kindly says "I'll get this... What do you want?"

"You'll get it?" I ask, flashing the HB9 a knowing smile. "Bloody hell, that's a pretty amazing result..."

And suddenly, and this is the bit I really, really like, she burst out laughing. She thought it was absolutely hilarious! I have no idea why - what I'd said wasn't particularly funny or anything. But she was suddenly really enjoying the interaction.

I wasn't about to let her off the hook that easily. I was still standing side on to her, looking at her over my shoulder, facing my mate, broadcasting: "I am still talking to my friend, you are still a guest in our conversation". I grinned, and said "Bloody hell, that's not very professional is it?"

She laughed more, before regaining her composure. We ordered, with lively conversation and gentle ribbing of her throughout. Looking back this was an unconcious application of David DeAngelo - never give a straight answer. So:

HB: Do you want spices?
CO: What the fuck are spices?
HB: How hot do you like your chicken?
CO: That's a very personal question.
HB: Haha, no, look here, you can have four different levels of spices.
CO: You're so pushy! Maybe I don't want to tell you!
HB: Well you need too so I know what to ask for.
CO: What's your favorite?
HB: I like mine very spicy.
CO: Great. I'll go for medium.

I was picking up on a bit of an accent, probably European. Suddenly, I turned away from my brother, and faced her square on, leaning towards her on the counter and staring her down. Suddenly I was broadcasting "I have switched my focus to you. You are now the centre of my attention."

I looked at her with a smile, and said "I'm getting an accent. You're not from Liverpool, are you?"

She said no. My mate (poor kid, he must have felt so left out!) said it sounded like Newcastle.

CO: No, I don't think you're British. I think European.
HB: That's right.
CO: So where from?
HB: Guess.
CO: Ok... Say something and give me a clue.
HB: Like what?
CO: Say "sauna" [I thought she was swedish]
HB: [laughs even more]
CO: I know that laugh... Germany?
HB: No.
CO: Poland?
HB: Yes!
CO: Really, that's so cool, I'm going to Poland next month.
HB: Really?! Where?
CO: Erm... I'm not sure how you pronounce it... Waclaw?
HB: [Laughs more}
CO: Obviously that's wrong...
HB: You mean Vaclav [I think that's what she said!!]
CO: I guess I must do.
HB: Well I hope you have fun. What drink do you want with your meal?
CO: Erm can I have a can of coke... In fact no, I'll have a glass of coke.
HB: [Laughs even more. At absolutely nothing. Fuck...]

We paid up and left. And this is where I'm kicking myself: Why, oh why, didn't I fucking try and number close?! My mind set (see above) is still on learning game and opening. I haven't got round to the whole 'close' thing yet. It was so easy, the whole interaction went absolutely perfectly. All it needed was for me to say, 'So look I'm gonna go eat my chicken. But how about you give me your number - I need someone to teach me how to ask for directions and order water melon in Polish'. But I didn't.

The stupid, stupid thing is, the reason I didn't close wasn't because I bottled it. It was because at no point did I think 'Right, time to close'. At no point did I intend to close. Which is just ridiculous.

So, lots of positives to take from what was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. But one big negative, which needs to be addressed: I need to begin to think about closing. I am learning to open, I am learning good game. Yesterday I opened sets everywhere (including fucking 15 year olds... :s), I opened with direct game, and today I had a perfectly executed interaction with a really gorgeous girl.

But, I need to learn to close. Not even that - I just need to start thinking about closing. I just need to learn, not to go into an interaction thinking 'I'm going to close', but at some point during interactions to begin to think 'this is going well, and there is some potential to close this girl. So lets do it...'

But overall, the positives here far outweigh the negatives!

Simply David 14-01-2010 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by CovertOperation (Post 13595)
The stupid, stupid thing is, the reason I didn't close wasn't because I bottled it. It was because at no point did I think 'Right, time to close'. At no point did I intend to close. Which is just ridiculous.

Naah braah, dont think of closing, you'll get stuck in your head and she'll close up.

You did great, stayed natural and this vibed better than you thinking gotta close gotta close...

Be natural and make an excuse to see her based on what you've talked about, like you said, I could use some polish lessons, its a natural extension of the conversation and you could have closed based on that.

But stay out of your head, dont go in thinking gotta close, it'll fuck your shit up.

Just have fun.

picard 14-01-2010 06:43 PM

Co, shud have numberclosed the polish girl! fo sho!!!!!!


CovertOperation 14-01-2010 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 13603)
It sounds like you are running 'no blow out' game. You can't be blown out because you're just making conversation. Right?

If you're not gonna close, why open? Sure it's good to be a social guy, if that's what you were being. Being social wouldn't account for the fact that you are mainly being social with hot girls.

Given your motive, it is insane not to close.

I hate how right you are sometimes...

Well, I think in my head I've developed this defence mechanism. At present, I am learning to open girls, and that's what I'm practicing. Having 30 second conversations with girls, and not allowing a desired outcome route me through the conversation. Just letting it flow open ended. This is being done mostly consciously, since I am learning piece by piece (plus with the help of The Rules of the Game).

Through the set today, my thoughts 5 seconds after were "that was a really good interaction with a girl. That is good progress. Well done."

However, 5 minutes later, I had moved onto "Hang on - I should have closed there."

Today represents a watershed for me, then. The time for just opening girls has passed now. Truth is, when I'm winged, I will happily go and open any set you ask me too - precisely because, as you say, I know without a desired outcome, I can't be blown out.

Well, the time has now come to take a few steps further. I now need to push on in these interactions, and when possible, consider moving towards a close. I think, as Dolphin says, this shouldn't become a preoccupation, as I'll really fuck up my balance.

But when the opportunity presents itself from now on - as today - I need to close.

So the new strategy is to go in hoping to have a good interaction, and not worrying about closing at all. However, if the interaction goes well, then push for a close.

This is the next step.

CovertOperation 17-01-2010 12:56 PM

Ok, so I hit the town last night with DeanoC. After a very frustrating night out on Friday, surrounded by my non-PUA mates and making all sorts of excuses not to open anyone, I was determined to kick on last night and make amends.

It was also my first ever night out sarging with a wing, so I knew we'd be ok once we got going. I also made sure I wasn't putting too much expectation on myself. I thought of last night as my debut in the field, so I was stretching my legs, and just seeing how I got on.

A quick run through of last night then, before some brief thoughts and action points. We went to Korova first and had a drink. Deano opened a set on the table next to us, asking for opinions on tattoos. The girls seemed to hook in, but then their boyfriends came and sat on the table behind them. We made a swift exit.

It was now my turn to open. I spotted two girls at the bar. Again, this bit represents huge progress from me from a month ago - I didn't have a hint of AA, and swooped straight in with a canned opinion opener ('Is it still cheating when your girlfriend goes out and kisses other girls'). However the interaction was low energy, and I didn't know how to transition into other stuff. After a minute we ejected again, and left the bar, re-evaluating along the way.

One thing that occurred to me was that opinion openers such as this are hopelessly unsuited to night game. I thought I might get some more joy if the opener was more fun - after all, girls were out to have fun, they weren't out to have in depth conversations helping me solve an imaginary problem for my imaginary friend!

Dean and I headed for Heebie Jeebies. We circled around the place, looking for a set to open. But this is where we went into a bit of a lull. For whatever reason, we just couldn't open! We came up with all sorts of excuses, saying they weren't my type or whatever. But looking back, I think these were just poor excuses for not taking action.

We went to the side of the bar, and took stock. This wasn't good enough. Fuck it, we said, we're not going to be the people who can't even open! So we headed back across the courtyard area of the bar, resolved to open the next set we saw, no matter what.

I spied a two set - HB6 and HB5 - standing looking sort of bored. I strode up to them, energetic and confident. As I did, I remembered an opener which was more fun than other stuff I'd been trying, and which had the backing of some highly experienced people:

"Hey guys. Quick question: Custard. Do you prefer it hot or cold?"

They both said cold, I said that's disgusting, we rolled on into a conversation, and chatted away to them both for about 15 minutes. I was working the HB6, going kino and negging and so on. And it went well.

From there, opening sets suddenly became really easy to do, and we opened several more. I used the Custard opener to death, but once the set was open, I didn't use any more routine or anything. Just me, talking to girls.

We left Heebies and headed for the Raz - a shitty student club, but packed with women. At this point, my game deflated a little. I was absolutely fucked, having been out until 5am the night before and up at 8am for work, and becoming increasingly drunk. We opened a few more sets and chatted away. It was fun.

All in all, a really good night! Points to take from it:

1. That period in Heebies when we couldn't open anyone wasn't acceptable. I will say this openly and frankly, I was intimidated by beautiful women. I didn't feel as if I had permission to open them. The only way to conquer this is to push into these sets in the future, and to begin to find it normal to speak to good looking girls. They won't bite!

2. Openers: I found the custard opener worked really well, and might work this into an opening routine of short questions which can lead into cold reads (Custard, hot or cold? Orange juice, bits or no bits? Coffee, black or white? etc). But once sets were open, I wasn't using any routine, and was just being myself talking to the girls. I found that worked fine.

3. Closing: I didn't attempt to close anyone, again, which I should at least have tried too. What was remarkable last night was the number of girls we spoke too who had boyfriends already. I didn't realise it'd be so many! Either way, the HB6, I should have tried to number close at the very least. If only for practice.

4. Winged night game: On Friday night, I didn't open a single set. I was with my mates, who are non-PUA, and found it difficult (if not impossible) to open sets. Ridiculous. I do feel as if I am allowing it to become too much of a comfort zone, that I can only open when I am winged. Last night was great, and I was much more confident, especially after we'd opened a few sets.

5. Drinking: I probably drank too much in the end, and by the end of the night I was finding it difficult to keep up with conversations. I'm not an energetic chatty drunk - I'm a drowsy, sleepy drunk (as a rule of thumb, from when I start drinking, I've got 6 hours until I need to go to bed!). Next time, perhaps I'll drink a little less, and get more sleep!

With my game, I will always see the negatives, because these are the things which need focussing on and changing. But I should also just give myself a little break! Last night, I did things I wouldn't have been able to do a month ago. So as much as there are things to take away and learn from, and as much as there are frustrating sticking points throughout my game which I will address, there are other parts of my game where there has been drastic improvement. Last night was just my debut, and I've got a few games to play yet before I start to work it all out. Only I can do that. Its in my hands and no-one elses.

We woke up this morning (Dean was staying at my place) hungover and messy. We headed out to a cafe for some scrambled egg on toast before driving Dean back to the station. We must have looked a state, puffy eyes, greasy messy hair, probably still a little drunk, me in my crusty old hoodie, Dean still in the same stuff he wore last night.

We finished breakfast, and went to pay. I noticed the girl serving was quite pretty. I scanned her up and down - HB7. Dark hair, slim, tights and shorts, and bright blue nail varnish.

"Cool nail varnish" I grinned at her.

"Thanks. I think it makes me look like a mermaid though."

Game on... :D

CovertOperation 22-01-2010 01:55 PM

I am angry and pissed off. With myself, of course, there is no-one else to blame for this.

Met up with a wing on my lunch hour today. For the last few days I've been feeling very down beat. For all the reading I do about PUA, I've felt like I'm getting nowhere. I've been in the field, but increasingly, I just need some major progress to keep myself moving forward. All the momentum I had a fortnight ago has washed away. Its left me feeling like I need a shove / kick in the right direction.

I opened 2 x 2 sets on my lunch hour. Went fine. The first was two Spanish girls. I began to move towards closing, which is some progress - saying I wanted them to teach me Spanish. But they said they were leaving the country tomorrow. Fine, at at least I asked. The second set was ok, fairly fun conversation, even if just for 30 seconds. I didn't move towards a close though, just ejected.

Generally I feel deflated right now. A few weeks back, I was bouncing around. I was starting to open sets with ease, and it felt great to be able to approach girls in the street, and even in night clubs. But just lately, I've started to get very bogged down. I haven't seen any results yet. I haven't closed. And I'm getting impatient.

Today I wanted to move towards closing. I did, but only very lightly. I kinda felt like, after 30 seconds of street conversation, it was stupid to try and close from there. Grr.

Out tonight with non-PUA friends. Might get some sleep when I get home, and then NLP myself to the fucking eyeballs before going out to pump myself up a little.

But I've hit a massive hump with my game. It'll be great when I get over this. But right now, I am struggling.

CovertOperation 22-01-2010 07:23 PM

Of course you're right K. I think today as well I was suffering the exhausting effects of a long week of 14 hour days in work. So I'm going to rest myself tonight, sleep in tomorrow morning, and then make sure I get a good few hours in the field tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night. I am putting myself under an immense amount of pressure, which I don't need to do!

Tonight, after another 12 hour day in the office and after a week of early starts and late night, I am going to stay in, have a few tins, and watch a few films. Take it fucking easy for a change.

I'm meeting a wing for coffee tomorrow, hopefully get in a few hours of game, and maybe get a night out in tomorrow night if anyone's about.

Deeeeeeep breaths...

CovertOperation 26-01-2010 03:55 PM

Was out this lunchtime with a wing from Liverpool. A much better day, much better than last week. The sets were fine - opened, talked a little, disqualified, etc. And I opened with ease.

But the important thing for me was just the approach I took, and my feelings towards what I was doing. Last week, I felt a little disconnected and disillusioned. But today, possibly after listening to Tyler Durden on the way into work discussing reality and breaking down reality to make it stronger, I realised that every time I'm out, its just another session in the PUA gym. Its just another session of lifting a few weights that I couldn't lift a month ago.

I'm not gonna become buff and ripped overnight. Its gonna take time. The important thing is to make sure I keep going to that f*cking gym, keep following my routine, and be persistent. Because even if I can't see the results on the surface, the muscles beneath the skin are definitely becoming bigger, stronger and more flexible.

I'm also dosed up to the eyeballs on Beechams. Hence a slightly misty eyed post!! :D

CovertOperation 28-01-2010 01:26 PM

More day game today. Met Mick on my lunch hour, and we circled around town, opened a couple of sets each. It has felt much better this week, much fresher and easier to open the sets around me.

I opened three sets using canned material. The first two were odd, because both of them responded with the same question: "Is this a joke?". Strange... The third set, four young Irish girls, went very well. Mick came into this set with me, and we sparred with the girls a little. A few shit tests which I fended off. The girls finished asking where the Albert Dock is. I said 'Its right over there - see that massive sign that says 'Albert Dock' on it? That's sort of a clue'.

The girls said they were going off on the duck boat tour thing that they do in Liverpool. I said I hoped they had a good time... Although later, I said to Mick how this was an obvious instant date opportunity. I couldn't have gone through with it as I had like 20 minutes left on my lunch hour. But for future reference, that'd have been fun.

Then, the big success. Mick wanted to try a direct approach. So he did. Then it was my turn (I'm not gonna let anyone outdo me!!!). After a few failed attempts to approach, I spotted a slim blonde coming the other way.

I sucked in my AA... Took a deep breath... And said 'Hey... I just had to stop you, and tell you, but you're the most gorgeous girl I've seen all day!'. She smiled and said thanks, and I walked off - heart racing, but God it felt good!

Another few weights lifted... Another successful PUA gym session!


Mycroft 28-01-2010 01:56 PM

Direct approach, nice one mate.

nova 28-01-2010 04:30 PM

Nice one CO. I guess the girls may have thought the canned stuff was a joke because it is rehersed (like a joke).

Anyhow, good work on the direct approach!

CovertOperation 30-01-2010 09:32 AM

I'll keep this one brief. The tiniest of tiny baby steps last night, which is progress.

Was out with my non-PUA mates last night. I've had a problem in the last few weeks with this group of friends. They don't approach girls, have major oneitis issues, and are belittling of my mission to talk to more women I don't know. This has meant, in previous weeks, when I've been out with them I haven't opened any sets myself, possibly partly through fear of what my mates would say.

Last night we were out in town. After a night of getting frustrated (and lacking the bollocks to take action), I finally made a move. I was speaking to one of my housemates, a decent lad. He was complaining that we were just standing in this bar, not talking to anyone. I turned and saw two girls behind me, HB7s.

'You mean talking to girls like them?' I asked. He said yep. 'Ok, lets ask them about custard.'

I turn, choke down my AA (which I still get), and open the set. Good body language, hands expressive, and although I was pretty drunk I thought I explained myself pretty well. It turned out these girls were French, and I had a little banter with them about this.

I turned to bring my mate into the set, but he hadn't followed me in. He'd snuck back into the group of lads we were out with, to watch from the safety of the pack. Fine, but after a few minutes chatting to these girls, one of them said 'I have to go pee' and took the other one with her. It wasn't exactly the best pick up ever - I was drunk and talking shit.

So the girls leave. And what's the first thing that happens? My other mate - who has also been watching the interaction (and who has been most vocal in his mocking of me), comes over and takes the piss, waving two fingers in my face and laughing. But I grinned back, and said 'Fuck me that was fun' - because it was! I got that tremendous fucking rush that comes from opening a set, from talking, even if its shit conversation.

'Why are you so happy?' he asked (literally he asked that, in those exact words! What a twat!). I just told him the truth: 'Because I spoke to girls I've never met before. That's progress - and that was actually really good fun!'

I told him, if he thought it was that easy, that it was his turn to go and speak to someone. But he declined. Fuckin chump.

So, as I said at the beginning, that was a tiny little baby step last night. But that is still progress. I only opened that set. But opening a set with my non-PUA friends around is an important chunk of progress in itself. Little piece by little piece, this jigsaw is fitting into place.

Probs out again tonight. So, lets go!

CovertOperation 02-02-2010 02:43 AM

This is gonna be fuckin brilliant...

I'm not even going to bother keeping this short. This is my first ever field report which includes number and kiss closes. And by God, I'm going to enjoy writing this!

Went out tonight with Mick, a wing from Liverpool. We had decided to not touch a drop of alcohol, and to just game. We've done day game, with progressing results. Tonight was our first night out doing night game. And the level of success I had was just phenomenal - at least, it is compared to what I've had in the past.

We started with a few canned approaches to warm ourselves up. Very simply, opening girls with the standard opener about custard. The first bar we hit was La'Go. Decent in there, Mick opened a set, and then I did another, four girls by the bar. Just opening and then ejecting. That went fine.

We left La'Go. As we did, I spotted a two set standing there having a fag, one HB9.5 (this girl was fuckin smokin!), and another girl who turned out to be her sister. So I opened them, again, custard opener. Mick came in and dutifully winged the sister, and I isolated the HB9.5. We joked about custard for a short time, before conversation just rolled on. She told me stories about how she once had her drink spiked, and we had a really fun conversation, the contents of which now escape my memory.

Now, I didn't use any routine beyond the opener. However, I did apply one or two principles of game. The first was kino. I was very quick to touch her arm, and actually found she returned the kino. There were probably all sorts of IOIs, but I can't be arsed watching out for them.

Next thing she gets a ciggie out, and asks if I have a light. I didn't. She spots a group of 4 lads standing to our right.

HB9.5: They're smoking, go and see if they've got a light for me.

CO: No! If you haven't got the balls to ask them for a light, you don't deserve a light.

HB: Oh pleeeeeeease!

CO: Ok, come with me...

I put my arm around her, and lead her up to the lads.

CO: Guys, this is Hannah. She was too scared to come and ask for a light herself, so I've had to bring her over.

One of the guys offered her a light. But, I wasn't about to step back. I struck up conversation with one of the guys. We chatted almost as if the HB wasn't there. After 30 seconds, she turned to me and asked me something, interrupting my conversation. But I flashed her a glance, as if to say 'Don't interrupt me, I'm talking to my buddy', and then turned back to the guy and carried on talking about his course. After another 30 seconds, I returned to her, and we carried on chatting.

It was just so fucking flirty, and it was so easy to do. After a good ten minutes of chat, I decided it was time to go - Mick had done his duty winging the ugly sister, and I didn't want to hold his evening up.

CO: Well its been lovely talking to you, I've gotta get off now, we're gonna go find somewhere with some cool people in it.

HB: Oi!! Ok, well, I guess I'll see you around?

CO: Definitely - here's my phone, put your number in it.

And, I number closed her. I number closed the hottest, hottest, hottest girl I've ever number closed. I didn't use a shred of routine after a canned opener, and simply applied some very simple principles of PUArtistry. Before I left, I got a kiss on the cheek, and have her a massive hug. She said I was the nicest guy she'd met for ages.

Looking back, I wish to fuck I'd have gone for a K-close. We were all over each other, the flirtiest I've ever been with a girl. It wouldn't even have been difficult, after the cheek kiss, to turn to her and go: 'Ok, now give me a propper kiss.'

FUCK I wish I'd gone for it. But a number is good enough, and far outstrips anything I've ever done. Mick and I walked off. As I turned the corner, I got my phone out, and texted her a text I've seen on Kowalski's text messages thread: 'Hey, who was that really good looking guy you've just been talking too? He was well cool!' She replied with a giddy text. Fuck... Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!

The night from there was ups and downs. We were opening girls absolutely everywhere, especially just out in the street, not necessarily in bars. Some went ok, some walked on. The opener was always the same: The custard opener. Moving on from this is something I want to do on my next sarge.

After a while getting annoyed at being rained on, we headed into Heebie Jeebies. We walked around upstairs. On Mick's prompt, I opened a girl walking past just by going 'Hey, high five!'. She looked at me startled, then grinned and gave me a massive high five. Why was this so easy to do? Why have I spent all my life unable to talk to girls, when it really is this easy to talk to them? A problem with having a successful night with PUA is that you realise just what a complete tit you've been all these years, sat there with your mates going 'Shes fit... and that one... and that one... shall we go home soon?'

Anyway, we're in Heebies. Mick opens a three set, and quickly isolates his target. I went in with the other two, and got isolated with one of them. HB6, not too hot if I'm honest. But by now I was buzzing. In state. In the zone. Whatever you want to call it. There was a girl by us pulling some amazing dance moves. We tried a few of our own - doing that one where you hold hands, pull apart, and then have a wave going from one side of you to the other, if you see what I mean?

I did all the same stuff as before, and again, went very kino, very early. In the past, I've not liked going kino with a girl. Its always been 'Well, that's kinda seedy, and she doesn't want her personal space invading.'

But you know something? Fuck, it works wonders. I found the more I went kino with this girl, the more she reciprocated. We flirted and joked more. I decided to push for a kiss close. The reason for this was very simple: my last kiss was 4 months ago, and was with a massive hippo of a girl, HB2 (and you wonder why the fuck I got back into the game?!). That was my only proper kiss since splitting up with my ex at the end of September.

Ok, so an HB6 wasn't spectacular. But it would be some very important steps in the right direction.

We hit a moment in conversation, after 10 minutes of outrageously flirty behaviour and me escalating very quickly, where we just stopped talking. Here, I applied one final PUA technique. I looked at her left eye... then her right eye... Then down to her lips... A slight smile... And I leant in and kissed her.

Fuck - its that easy. Its that simple. Its that easy and that simple to do. For the last four months, I've been going out with my friends, and I've been thoroughly frustrated. That was so, so, so, so, so EASY!

We kissed for only a minute or so, before I pulled back. Mick had abandoned his own set after she turned out to be among the more boring women on the planet, and I didn't want to hang around too long. So we left - with me number closing her on the way (just for good measure - I have no plans to contact this girl tomorrow).

We called it a night there. We must have opened 20-25 sets between us tonight. It had been exhilarating. You know that buzz you get when you talk to a girl? Any girl? That amazing sense that its just the best thing in the world? I could feel it pulsing through my veins with every single beat. It was glorious. I felt glorious. I felt like I could have opened any girl, anywhere, easily.

We walked off towards the car. As we did, we spotted a four set falling out of a club. The one at the back was gorgeous - HB9. As she walked, I put my arm around her. 'Hey. You know, you're just the most beautiful girl I've seen all night'. She said thanks. 'Don't mention it'... And we walked off. I had wanted to try a direct approach. Frankly, the state I was in, I could have opened any girl in the world, with any line, and not gave a shit about the outcome.

Its been the most incredible night. For 6 weeks, I've been back into learning the game. I've read books and articles, I've made 100 posts on this forum trying to work it out, I've listened to hours of Tyler Durden, I've been out and day gamed a dozen times, I must have opened 50 women at various points. Tonight is what it has all been building up to. And God it feels good to be there.

Thoughts from tonight, and action points for the next step:

1. I need to get away from the Custard opener. Its become a comfort zone. Now it does kick off conversation with girls, after which I use no more routine whatsoever. But, I need to be more imaginative than this.
2. Kino is a huge part of the game, which I've only appreciated for the first time tonight. Go kino as early as you can, and escalate as quickly as you can. Breaking that physical barrier is one of the single most important things you can do.
3. Routine is bollocks. Absolute, pure, utter, bollocks. Tonight, I didn't neg once. Ok, I took the piss out of girls. I've always done that. But I didn't think 'I must now neg'. Similarly, I didn't consciously DHV, or consciously qualify or disqualify or any of that garbage. My pick ups tonight were based on a single canned opener to wedge myself into the set, and then simply application of broad principles. Yesterday, I watched the documentary with Wayne Elise (Juggler) in. Wayne's style is direct. It was applying his principles that got me success tonight.
4. A good wing is vastly important. Mick was an excellent wing tonight, and I hope he got as much from sarging with me as I got from sarging with him.
5. This shit isn't rocket science.

I'll finish this entry there. Tomorrow I've got to drive to Nottingham for a meeting with my PhD tutors. You know, spend some time doing all that other stuff I've got in my life.

But I'll never forget tonight. As long as I live, tonight will stand out as a shining example of me taking action.

Tonight, for the first time ever, I was a Pick Up Artist!

I love you all. Very, very much!


......................Ps, erm, what the fuck do I text this HB9.5???? :D

Mycroft 02-02-2010 07:58 AM

As we did, I spotted a two set standing there having a fag, one HB9.5 (this girl was fuckin smokin!),[/quote]


Nice work man, well gd results.

picard 02-02-2010 09:53 AM

dude your becoming a natural!

love the usage of custard!!! i mean, yes it is canned (which you acknowledged) but it is a great conversaiton-starter, and if aftetr that you revert to natural chit-chat, it is great, absolutely fantastic!

Loved the Command you had, getting the HB9, bringing her over to the lads, taking real ownership, she must have been thinking "this is the guy that girls want to do business with!" ... lol

the immediate number-close was proof of that!



SensitiveThug 02-02-2010 10:42 AM

This is great stuff mate! All of it is, but the bit that made me smile was how you handled the girl trying to get you to get her a light. The kino sounds like a new thing for you too. Well done all round. :)

CovertOperation 09-02-2010 01:38 AM

Angry. Angry angry angry angry angry.

For the last few weeks I've been learning the basic principles of direct game. I've learned that some of the most important principles you can apply involve assigning yourself a higher value than any female you interact with, leading, and taking what you want. Tonight I went on a date with the HB9.5 from the FR above. Sadly, tonight, I failed to apply any of the principles above.

This field report actually starts yesterday. I also met up with the HB6 from the FR above. My reasons for this were, simply, that I am keen to spend as much time around girls as possible at the moment. Its all practice and experience. The date yesterday was a storming success. She arrived, and I hugged her, very OTT. Immediately I led - her arm went straight into mine, with me putting it there, and we went for coffee. Kino was there in abundance. We went for a walk around the Liverpool Tate art gallery, and joked about the sculptures in there. All the time, she was on my arm, or holding my hand. We left the gallery, and went for a walk along the riverside. Half way down, I stopped, and kissed her. It was straight forward. We then went to a tea shop for a cup of tea on my suggestion (phrased as 'Lets go and drink weird tea and act like we think its delicious when really neither of us can stand it' rather than 'Do you want to go for a cup of tea?). We spent an hour and a half in there, and much of it kissing more. Finally, I drove her home. Outside her house, we kissed again, in the car. As we did, I pulled her over onto my lap. She straddled me in the driver's seat as we kissed very passionately, lots of groping. I invited her back to mine, but she declined. Far enough perhaps.

But the whole of yesterday's date was a perfect, precise application of those basic PUA principles. Confidence, dominance, assigning yourself higher value, not letting yourself work for her affection, leading, taking what I wanted, when I wanted, and ploughing through bucket loads of kino.

Tonight, sadly, with the HB9.5, was very different.

Now there is a proviso here: last week, I K-closed the HB6. I only N-closed the HB9.5. So there is a potential footnote to say that myself and the HB6 were already at a head start.

However, that is no excuse for what was, frankly, a fucking dismal performance from myself. Conversation flowed. I went out with Kowalski's words ringing in my ears: 'Say anything'. And I did, and she laughed. No routine anywhere - that stuff isn't for me. The HB9.5 laughed like a drain, and at times I even felt like she was really trying to laugh to impress me. At this point, she still had me firmly in the frame I left her in last week - confident and leading and dominant.

We had a drink first. I found it difficult to go kino as we did, but I didn't mind as much. We got outside to walk down to the cinema. My plan was, as we did, to link arms with her as I did with the HB6. But it didn't happen. She took out a cigarette and for the first half of the walk was trying to light it. Then for the second half she was smoking it, and carrying her bag with the other hand. No kino.

Then, the horror story: the cinema. This is an arty farty cinema (FACT in Liverpool, for those who know it. The film we were watching wasA Prophet - same director as The Beat That My Heart Skipped, but not nearly as good and about 40 minutes too long), and we were in the room that has sofas instead of seats. So, we sit on a sofa. Next to each other. And then for the whole, excruciating 2 and a half hours of film, we weren't a couple on a date. We were two people sat on a sofa watching a film. I told myself to just take her hand. But I didn't. I told myself to put my arm around her. But I didn't. I didn't have the guts. And instead we just sat there, 6 centimetres separating us which might as well have been 60 feet.

As this happened, the attraction washed away. I could feel it draining through the sofa and onto the floor around my feet. I was no longer the dynamic, decisive, bold, leading man who had absolutely swept her away in a whirlwind 15 minute pick up last week. Instead I was now this shy, nervous, tip-toeing excuse for a man, worried about what might go wrong if he took action.

The film finished. We headed outside. I could feel it going wrong. We decided to head back to my place for a cup of popcorn tea. As we did, I tried to grab that leading frame back. She said she was cold, so I pulled her arm into my arm, and stuffed her hand into my pocket with mine. We got to the car. I guess that was the moment I should have said to her 'Come here... No, a bit closer...' and then leant in and kissed her. But I didn't. We finished sharing a cigarette, and then got in.

As we drove, she suggested we go to hers instead. Fine by me. So we got to her flat. Once inside, we chatted away for ages. I found it just as easy speaking to the HB9.5 as I did with the HB6 - and myself and the HB6 have much more in common. But I still couldn't escalate. We sat at her dinner table, and drank tea. I was trying to open my body a little to her in the hope that she'd respond. But she didn't. The more time went on, the more closed off her body language became.

At one point she took me to her mate's bedroom to show me some photographs. Here, I went kino again with my hand on her back (which was feeling increasingly unnatural) and tried to position myself in front of her where we would be able to chat then kiss. But she quickly moved aside. Looking back, by now, she had made her mind up, and was swerving opportunities to kiss.

Finally it was time for me to go home (about an hour ago), when she said 'Well, you've got work tomorrow, I don't want to keep you too long'. I pulled my coat and scarf on. We walked to the door. We hugged and I kissed her on the cheek. I stepped back. We said good night. And stupidly, I leant back in for a final peck on the lips before leaving.

This was the worst possible thing I could have done. There might as well have been a huge, bright green neon sign flashing above my head which said "WE HAVEN'T KISSED TONIGHT EVEN THOUGH WE BOTH PROBABLY WANTED TOO."

And that's that. The end of a hopeless example of how not to act on a date.


I have the luxury of two dates with different levels of girls to provide an insight into a major part of my game which needs addressing and handling very quickly: value.

Now, I'm not talking about DHV. That's different. I'm talking about how I assign levels of value to girls, and also to myself. This is a fundamental principle of male-female relationships. And it is clearly a major flaw in my game.

With the HB6, I was clear about the value hierarchy. I felt as if I was out of her league. I felt as if she would actually be delighted to be on a date with me (seriously, I'll honestly admit that. I feel as if the HB6 has done well with me). And as such, I didn't really have anything to fear. Frankly, I could have said or done near enough anything yesterday, and nothing untoward would have happened, such was my value dominance over the girl.

Tonight, that situation was turned right on its head. I found myself saying to friends how the HB9.5 was out of my league. I had myself beat before I even turned up tonight. She was amazing. She was incredible. She was unbefuckinglievable. I kept my best clothes clean for tonight, I had a shower when I got in where I washed myself twice over instead of the usual once, I did my hair perfectly... She didn't have to do anything tonight. The deal was sealed. I felt as if I had to win her.

Put simply, I awarded her a superior value to myself, which I felt meant I couldn't act through my own intentions. I didn't want to take her hand in case she didn't like me, or thought it was weird, or whatever else.

This is a major sticking point in my game. I feel intimidated by beautiful girls. All my life, I've watched the most beautiful women walk by and felt as if they don't take any notice of me. They've been on a higher plane than me. You know, I've even felt in the past like they're a different species to me. I always used to avoid talking to the really beautiful girls in Uni halls, because I couldn't possibly understand them. As such I've tended to wind up with girls way beneath my level, and who I know I can do better than.

All of that came to the surface again tonight. Honestly - really honestly - I felt silly talking about the stuff I did (which was 100% stuff I wanted to talk about, I was authentic as fuck). I thought how she must have these really great guys chasing her all the time, the chiselled ones who go snow boarding and ski jumping and rock climbing and deep sea diving. What could she possibly want with a normal guy like me?

I need to conquer that fear. That's a big thing.


There have been some positives from tonight, none the less. I found that conversationally, I was on top form. Even after a long 10 hour day of work, I gabbed like a lunatic. I really can talk for England when I get going, and it was lovely to just let that release without really caring whether she liked it or not. As contradictory as that sounds, given what I've just been saying about value, I didn't feel like I cared what she thought about what I said. And it was the same yesterday. I felt that the conversations I had, both yesterday and tonight, have been at times dazzling. Really, I am very happy with them.

I've also been on 2 dates. And that's progress - 2 weeks ago, I was getting angry at not closing. Now I've closed, I'm getting angry at myself for having shit dates. Soon, I'll be getting angry at myself for not F-closing, or F-F-closing, or F-F-F-closing, or whatever else. I'm relentless on myself when it comes to self improvement. But even so, I should acknowledge that 2 dates is good progress.

And, of course, there is the point to make that an HB9.5 wanted to go on a date with me. And regardless of the positives and negatives of the night, that in itself is groundbreaking. However, its clear there are still some very lumpy bits to iron out.

This is still going to take a very long time to get right. I guess so far so good - but with every success you have, like last week when I closed for the first time, it opens up a whole new arena to succeed in. They say PUA is like a giant computer game. It actually is: you finally complete level 6 after months of trying to work it out and getting angry and frustrated, but then you don't revel in any particular pleasure, but get straight into level 7, and get frustrated all over again.

Anyway, that's that for now. I'm up for work in less than 5 hours. Meeting Flickster on my lunch hour tomorrow for some day game. No time to stop now...

sapmi 09-02-2010 02:21 AM

It's good you're getting day 2's. More than I'm getting! However, why choose the Cinema? That is the last type of venue I would choose for a day 2! Very bad idea! It's better to just share a drink in a pub! Do something where you're both actively interacting, so you can share a range of experiences together!

CovertOperation 09-02-2010 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by sapmi (Post 15130)
It's good you're getting day 2's. More than I'm getting! However, why choose the Cinema? That is the last type of venue I would choose for a day 2! Very bad idea! It's better to just share a drink in a pub! Do something where you're both actively interacting, so you can share a range of experiences together!

Yep 100% correct. The cinema was a dreadful idea, and I won't be going there again on a Day 2. That's the second time I've done that now with identical results. Horrible place!

The better date was taking the HB6 to the Tate. That was top quality, because we had plenty to talk about there. Much better.

Either way, as much of a bad idea as the cinema was, I'm not going to use it as an excuse. I had plenty of opportunities to take action.

Simply David 09-02-2010 10:36 AM

Co, sounds like you were trying too hard mate.

Instead of forcing states upon yourself, try and become them through relaxing and accepting yourself, that’s better confidence than pushing yourself under pressure.

Also, don’t think you have to give up on this one. If you want to see her again because you like her and not just because shes a HB9.5 you can. Just because it didn’t go well you can still turn it around, just be cool.

Simply David 09-02-2010 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by CovertOperation (Post 15129)

Tonight, that situation was turned right on its head. I found myself saying to friends how the HB9.5 was out of my league. I had myself beat before I even turned up tonight. She was amazing. She was incredible. She was unbefuckinglievable. I kept my best clothes clean for tonight, I had a shower when I got in where I washed myself twice over instead of the usual once, I did my hair perfectly... She didn't have to do anything tonight. The deal was sealed. I felt as if I had to win her.

Put simply, I awarded her a superior value to myself, which I felt meant I couldn't act through my own intentions. I didn't want to take her hand in case she didn't like me, or thought it was weird, or whatever else.

This is a major sticking point in my game. I feel intimidated by beautiful girls. All my life, I've watched the most beautiful women walk by and felt as if they don't take any notice of me. They've been on a higher plane than me. You know, I've even felt in the past like they're a different species to me. I always used to avoid talking to the really beautiful girls in Uni halls, because I couldn't possibly understand them. As such I've tended to wind up with girls way beneath my level, and who I know I can do better than.

All of that came to the surface again tonight. Honestly - really honestly - I felt silly talking about the stuff I did (which was 100% stuff I wanted to talk about, I was authentic as fuck). I thought how she must have these really great guys chasing her all the time, the chiselled ones who go snow boarding and ski jumping and rock climbing and deep sea diving. What could she possibly want with a normal guy like me?

Also, Co, you cant hold a girls beauty against her. Beauty is common/skin deep remember, personal qualities are valuable, understand this and your perception of value will change with this girl.

nova 09-02-2010 12:36 PM

Agree with Sapmi here. The cinema is not going to allow you to escalate as you can't talk or even move... except for the cheesy 'putting your arm round her'. Plus you end up sat there thinking the whole time, rather than being able to act.

Pub/bar/cafe my venue of choice. No need to complicate things.

CovertOperation 09-02-2010 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Simply David (Post 15140)
Also, Co, you cant hold a girls beauty against her. Beauty is common/skin deep remember, personal qualities are valuable, understand this and your perception of value will change with this girl.

I wasn't holding it against her necessarily, but I do see your point. I think my sticking point is my reaction to a beautiful girl.

I ruminated on this earlier. It occurred to me that, through life, I've always been taught, one way or another, that beautiful girls aren't there for me. In school, my group of friends (we were one of the more nerdy groups) included the unattractive girls. All the pretty girls hung around with the more scally lads.

Even for the first three years of Uni, I was friends with nerdy people, and the girls in our group were similarly nerdy and / or unattractive. The fit student girls tended to hang around with the rugby lads and AU jocks.

I have forever been taught that, for one reason or another, I am not worthy of attractive girls. They are up with one class of person, and I am down with another. I have never chosen to believe this. Its just how I've been wired. Its just how my internal programming has been written. I'm not saying it can't be changed - because anything can be changed. But working out how is going to be difficult.

It all means that today, when a genuinely hot girl talks to me, I immediately feel unworthy of her attention. I assume she is on some higher plane than I - and this means I don't feel it is appropriate for me to attempt to seduce her.

Perhaps then it isn't that I value the girl too high. Perhaps its to do with valuing myself too low?

How do I address this? Speak to more stunning girls and get used to the idea that they might like me as well? That's probably the only way really. The more I date attractive girls, the more I open them and have good, solid interactions with them, the more my value will naturally drag itself up.

RE: The cinema and a date - as I said earlier, I'm never doing that again! Its fine once you're through the whole pick up thing. But during - its not a good place to be. I have to say I loved the gallery. It was an opportunity, as K says, to screen her a little and see how imaginitive and creative she was. But also to check she wasn't up her own arse and had a sense of humour.

Actually me and the HB6 had a bloody brilliant time. Its a shame the physical attraction is only weak, because we really had a nice day together.

Simply David 09-02-2010 05:39 PM

Co, you need to change your wiring thats right.

But you also need to see the person in front of you. When you see her you are seeing all the previous girls who didnt give you the time of day for social/groupy bullshit reasons and you resent this.

Becareful of validating your ego, wanting to prove something to yourself, you'll only burn out and get confused.

People are different, value the things about you that make you different, and when you go on a date, enjoy it for the experience of being with the other person, laughing together, discussing random or important things and explore the good side of each other. Not to prove you can piss with the big boys.

Life isnt a game, and so PU shouldn't be.

CovertOperation 10-02-2010 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Simply David (Post 15161)
People are different, value the things about you that make you different, and when you go on a date, enjoy it for the experience of being with the other person, laughing together, discussing random or important things and explore the good side of each other. Not to prove you can piss with the big boys.

Life isnt a game, and so PU shouldn't be.

100% true that mate. And I actually did really enjoy speaking to her the other night - the conversation was outstandingly good. Possibly because in my mind I had let go of 'the right thing to say'. I just said what I felt I wanted to say. And you know what? It was so, so easy!

I was just focussing on being myself. I told her what I am passionate about - researching and writing - and she seemed to appreciate that. And if she didn't appreciate that, then I like to think I'd have cut the date short and got home intime for the BBC3 double bill of Family Guy. But she didn't, she accepted it as a part of who I am. And that's great.

We talked endlessly for the time we were together, conversation never ground to a halt. In fact on both of my dates last weekend, I found myself having to literally work my way back through conversations to get back to the original point I had been making. It was good fun talking to her, and I am delighted that I was able to talk to such an attractive woman without really worrying what she thought of me. That is tremendous progress.

My frustration the other night was my inability to escelate towards a kiss close. My own actions were changed by how beautiful I thought she was, as compared with how I approached the situation with the HB6 the day before (by the way I'm still texting the HB6 as well - she's actually got a wicked sense of humour).

Looking back at my post above from yesterday, I actually think that isn't stuff that I can handle consciously. As time goes on, and as I go on more dates and meet more women I actually am attracted too, that will handle itself. All I can do is be persistent.

CovertOperation 10-02-2010 01:26 PM

Opened a few sets on my lunch hour. Went well. I'm still using mainly canned openers, but there are a few points where I am making progress. The first was a direct opener - simply stopping a girl and telling her I thought she was gorgeous. The second point of progress was that I am beginning to natrually progress on from an opener now towards more general good conversation. I opened a 2 set sat on some benches with a standard opener. But then quickly progressed onto normal conversation.

Further, I sort of feel as if its coming much more natrually now. My tail is up with speaking to girls. Things are fitting into place, little piece by little piece.

Very positive.

CovertOperation 13-02-2010 01:05 AM

Just got in from town. Was out with Hustler, plus two lads he'd met on another PUA forum.

Opened a couple of sets, but my head wasn't quite right tonight. I dunno, I just didn't bounce as well as I usually do. I guess that happens from time to time. One of the lads we were with has been doing this stuff for 5 years now, and was giving all sorts of advice which was very helpful.

Got one k and number close. A girl in a really cool bar called Chameleon. They were a seated 2 set, she an HB7. I opened - custard again - and got to talking. The conversation was really easy to run with, I'm pleased with how it went. As last week, once I began to pile on the kino, it was really easy and escalated very quickly. I can't stress this enough guys: kino kino kino kino KINO!

At one point this happened:

HB: I love that t-shirt, red looks good on you.

CO: This is orange.

HB: No way! That's a cool tshirt! Your girlfriend must have bought it for you.

CO: Yeah she did.

HB: Did your girlfriend dress you tonight?

CO: No I dressed myself.

HB: But did she choose your clothes?

CO: No I wouldn't let her.

Why was I telling her I had a girlfriend?? I have no explanation for this. When she asked the first question, I just spat it out as if I had a bird. Maybe this was subconscious push / pull. But I can think of no conscious reason that I told her I had a girlfriend.

After a minute, I said:

CO: Ok, so I've got a confession to make.

HB: Oh yeah?

CO: Yeah... I've been lying all along. I don't have a girlfriend.

Followed by a few minutes of playful banter about 'oh you're just saying that', and me then changing my mind saying 'Ok I do have one' and then 'Ok, fine, I don't' etc.

It didn't have any bearing on the outcome. I got her number and a kiss, and she has since voluntarily texted me and rang me trying to find out where I am. Cool. But I do wonder why I said what I did.

Anyway plenty of positives from tonight. One thing I do want to start doing is fucking approaching sets and targeting genuinely hot women. Too many times tonight, I opened sub-HB7s. Its great and stuff, but I am capable of attracting girls I am also attracted too. I'm out again tomorrow night - hopefully will be able to kick on and open a few more attractive girls.

But on the whole, progress is being made!

aceshigh 13-02-2010 01:28 AM

From reading your other threads it sounds like your making good progress, and are very capable of opening above-HB7s. Sometimes it just takes that extra bit of imagination and discomfort to do so.


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