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Default 22-12-2015, 12:58 AM

People on here like Kowalski because, once you actually bother to read his ideas in depth, you realise he really knows what the fuck he's talking about. The guy's been doing this for a long fucking time, and frankly the fact that he can come across as short and abrasive is pretty much down to being out of patience with spelling out why the dumb ideas in the pickup community are dumb. It's a slap to knock you out of an entrenched pickup mindset rather than hand holding you through it all. I argued with him myself when I first started posting; I thought he was a dick and he thought I was an idiot. The thing is though, the better I got, the more we naturally started to agree.

That's how it is here. You'll get good advice if you ask for it, it just might not come in the form you expect it to. If you regurgitate standard pickup nonsense you'll probs get shat on, be it briefly or in great detail. And if you can't take someone calling you 'embarrassing' without reverting to weird projections about substance abuse, all the time not realise you're being a dick right back yourself, you won't last long.

Y'all think it's bougie, I'm like, it's fine
But I'm tryin' to give you a million dollars worth of game for $9.99
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Default 22-12-2015, 01:09 AM

His ideas? He didn't offer an idea. He just insulted for absolutely no reason at all.

The substance abuse thing was correct. I also hadn't said anything wrong at that point. I stated an opinion, which is all that it was. I think Adam Lyons has some good advice to offer... there's nothing "embarrassing" about that.

Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxATWmbxIP0 I like this. I've tried it, it worked, and it worked again.

Here's another. This is the one I was talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIx_aRK4f0w also use this regularly.

Now, Kowalski, rather than insulting and telling me how embarrassing I am for thinking Adam Lyons' material is fairly good, how about you tell me something better? Nobody from RSD unless it's Jeffy, please.
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Default 22-12-2015, 08:39 AM

I'll look at this vids later, i don't get you tube access at work.

A better way to think of all these guys - Gambler, Adam Lyons would be BUSINESS MEN. The only thing Kezia Noble has going for her is her tits. They ARE NOT studs with women. They don't pick up loads of chicks. I met Gambler once and was hugely disapointed, he's a good actor & business man I'll give you that.

100% serious I'd rather take advice from Kowalski, Stein & couple of other guys on here any day of the week over any of these pick up guru's. The difference is the guys I mentioned from here actually do this stuff & live by it, they don't just sit putting up scripted videos & making loads of internet posts & taking no action.

There's a lot of evidence to suggest that Adam's marriage to Amanda was purely for his business - they aren't really husband & wife. There's also a lot of evidence to suggest he went bankrupt starting several businesses multiple times in the UK & is barred from working at board/executive level for any UK company at this current moment in time, hence why he moved to the USA in order for him to start up more businesses - do some research on these & see what you find.

A better way to look at all this is improving yourself & your life as a person. Women is just one by product of that along with general life satisfaction, finance, career, fitness etc. I don't know what Kowalski's opinion of Mark Manson is but I like his stuff - he goes more in depth than just running robotic PUA routines and talks a lot more about life. He's actually moved away from dating/PUA & gone down the life coach route which I prefer. Way better than any of those other PUA's.

Only question i would have is: how have you improved since you stopped posting on here? What is your evidence you've improved & what do you measure it by?
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Default 22-12-2015, 09:16 AM

Yeah - he can at times get a bit wishy washy & go off at a tangent & you do get the feeling he struggles to put his thoughts or concepts into words at times & can get a bit flowery.

Forgot as well that another guy that's really good is James D. Wolfe. I can't comment on RSD, but Manson & Wolfe shit all over these other PUA's by a country mile.
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Default 22-12-2015, 01:39 PM

There's quite a lot to reply to so I might unintentionally ignore something.

Kowalski, if you read back, you'lll see that it was actually you who got "butthurt" because I offered a different opinion something, making me embarrassing.

As for Adam, Kezia and Gambler... I already know that Kezia is a shower of shite. Gambler, fake or not, gives effective tips on little things like escalation in a club for example. I don't think good advice and experience have to necessarily go hand in hand. Before "somebody" quotes that and insults me for it, I want to explain what I meant: Lets say a guy really likes the advice Gambler gives, so he applies it and gets some pretty good results, he's getting laid more regularly than he used to be or at least getting more makeouts... his confidence will go right up, surely. Now lets say he finds out Gambler is fake... should that guy stop applying what he learned? Of course not. Guess what, Kezia doesn't fuck a lot of girls either, but I guarantee if a guy applied everything she teaches then she'd get laid more than he was when he was at the point that he had to Google how to get girls and he found her videos... even though I will say, again, that she's fucking awful.
That's all these guys are to me, the odd little tip for when a particular situation is foreign to me. I haven't said they're the best thing since sliced bread, just that I think they're pretty cool sometimes. If we're going to bash them for being fake though, we shouldn't do it on a forum where RSD seem to be adored lol. Tylers bidaily approaches must have only been going on for 2 and a half weeks, or he just has the worst sensory acuity on the planet and has only managed to turn ~35 of them into sex. But even then, there's still some good advice from Tyler.

I'm already on a forum that has some pretty good advice and friendly people. This one has a lot more of a "this is how it's done, it's a science and not an art" vibe... which is confusing to me if you're suggesting Mark Manson of all people, who correctly describes pick up as (primarily) an emotional process rather than a logical one. I'm not looking for advice, though.

How have I improved? Hate that question. It's like "qualify yourself to me" but anyway... I've improved financially by quite a lot. I've improved my qualifications by an absolute fucking mile and I'm still going, I've improved the quality and quantity of women in my life (and currently taken it back down to one woman, who I'm exclusive with but not in a relationship - how fuckin' weird is that shit?), I'm physically stronger and a lot better looking. I employed this "in at the deep end before you get chance to think" attitude, and I live by it. No doubt it'll fuck me over one day, but for now it's working magically for me. I'm excited for the future, for the first time since I was 8 years old. I'm addicted to the feeling of accomplishment.

I want to say, it's fucking crazy how my reputation on this forum is the complete opposite to my reputation on the other one... it's understandable, but it is pretty cool.
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Default 22-12-2015, 01:57 PM

Alright, fair point... by the "mid afternoon, hope it's only alcohol" comment, I was pissed off and I was being a dick too.

It was more of an insult than an opinion, but 10/10 on the reframe.

I will admit that "that was mid afternoon so you were probably fucking wasted by then. God, I hope it is only alcohol." was exactly the same thing, though. I shouldn't have responded in that way.
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Default 22-12-2015, 02:24 PM

Just the general vibe that I get from people here. How is "You are embarrassing" offering an opinion? That's like me saying "You're a dick." is me politely considering a different perspective. If so, then that's exactly what I'm doing. I think you were being a dick. "Offering an opinion" can make you a dick.
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Default 23-12-2015, 06:40 AM

Chicks love full grown men arguing on forums

Know Thyself.

Have fun.
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Default 23-12-2015, 07:30 AM

Originally Posted by J.Daniels View Post

This one has a lot more of a "this is how it's done, it's a science and not an art" vibe... which is confusing to me if you're suggesting Mark Manson of all people, who correctly describes pick up as (primarily) an emotional process rather than a logical one. I'm not looking for advice, though.
Not really sure where you get that idea from at all. If anything the vibe i get from this forum is that there is a lot more to it than just lines & routines - it''s more to do with developing your life and yourself as a person. There's no "this is how its done vibe" because its real life so every situation & outcome can be different, unlike scripted PUA which tries to come up with an answer for everything. Thinking of this as a science - that's what traditional PUA does and fails.

Originally Posted by J.Daniels
How have I improved? Hate that question. It's like "qualify yourself to me" but anyway... I've improved financially by quite a lot. I've improved my qualifications by an absolute fucking mile and I'm still going, I've improved the quality and quantity of women in my life (and currently taken it back down to one woman, who I'm exclusive with but not in a relationship - how fuckin' weird is that shit?), I'm physically stronger and a lot better looking. I employed this "in at the deep end before you get chance to think" attitude, and I live by it. No doubt it'll fuck me over one day, but for now it's working magically for me. I'm excited for the future, for the first time since I was 8 years old. I'm addicted to the feeling of accomplishment.
That's a hell of a lot to have achieved in 1.5 years, especially trying to tackle multiple life area's at once. So how have you managed to majorly improve your qualifications so quickly in such a short space of time? As someone who has studied academically & within industry and achieved quite a lot career & qualification wise, this has taken me the best part of 8-10 years to get to where I am job & qualificaiton wise, so I'd be really interested to know how you've managed to advance this so quickly in much less time. The same goes for finances - unless your a millionaire or you've lucked in on inventing the next facebook. Again, I have a good amount of savings that's been built up over time, i saved a lot more by going self employed 2 years ago & earning almost double what i earned before. But I know from experience that building finances takes time. How have you improved them so vastly? Gambling?

You can't be exclusive with someone but not in a relationship. Either your in an exclusive relationship & your 100% devoted to them only, or your not. It can't be half of each. To be exclusive but not in a relationship is a statement which makes no sense. The only thing I can think of is that shes your fuck buddy & your sleeping with her & her only, She's not your girlfriend, she's just the only women you have sex with. That would make more sense.

Originally Posted by J.Daniels
I want to say, it's fucking crazy how my reputation on this forum is the complete opposite to my reputation on the other one... it's understandable, but it is pretty cool.
Who even cares about your reputation on a forum? If you do or this is something important to you, I think you have quite a few things in your life that need sorting out.

You've improved in effectively every single area completely dramatically in your life in the space of 1.5 years? There are very few people in this world that could do all of what you've done in the last 1.5 years, life just doesn't work like that without a hitch. You've not really given any evidence or indication as to how you've improved, so you've still not really justified anything. Either your very lucky, or your just speaking bullshit.
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Default 23-12-2015, 09:52 AM

Originally Posted by kowalski View Post
That is the dumbest comment in the whole thread, which is quite an accomplishment.


You have proclaimed yourself the arbiter of what is dumb and not dumb within this thread.

Know Thyself.

Have fun.
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