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Y45 Y45 is offline
Default Creating Attraction & Escalating - 07-03-2011, 09:37 AM

Hi guys,

So i was out Saturday night with GermanBoy. We had a good night, and opened a lot of sets to the point that opening/approaching came naturally...

I found that once i had opened a set i was finding it very difficult to create attraction and transition from an opener to building attraction and escalating. i got a few numbers but to be honest I’m not content that my game was tight enough to warrant them and i get the feeling they will probably flake.

Can you guys offer some advice; hint/tips on what you do or have done that has worked for you (preferably with examples). I think this would be beneficial to less experienced guys.

Thanks in advance.


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Last edited by Y45; 07-03-2011 at 10:03 AM.
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Default 07-03-2011, 10:55 AM

Stop trying to create attraction if it doesn't feel like it's there. I say this for two reasons.

1. You WILL come across as if you're chasing which is usually unattractive to them
2. If you have to create attraction you're likely then trying to put on a mask and not be yourself. All this means is that if you're successful you'll attract girls who aren't actually into you they're into someone you made them believe you to be.

Be the real you. If the real you isn't enough to attract the people you want then workon changing who you are as a whole, work on the inside to change who you are entirely. Never wear a mask and never feel the need to, you are you and you should never hide that or feel the need to apologise for it. Be confident in you.

Pride, have pride in everything you do, this passion and pride will show through, particularly when/if you get talking about your work.

Find something in your life that is genuinely interesting to others, something unique, something you care about. It's all very well hooking a girl with some random subject that she's interested in but if you've got a topic that she's interested in but relates to you then you're onto a winner. For example, the reactions I get when I'm asked what I do are priceless and the conversation and energy turns onto intrigue instantly, I don't mention my job anymore not because I'm embarrassed or fearful of telling people about it but because it makes things far too easy. Find something you do that's unique or different, I have a friend that does war reenactments who gets a similar response when he starts talking about that, the energy he carries is important to the way it draws people in though - he's a high energy but down to earth guy who's not afraid of looking silly.

Don't see a failure or a flake as a bad thing when you're being you. If you can't attract someone by being yourself then you're incompatible, finding that out is good for you in the long run. Who would you rather be with? Someone who likes you or someone that likes you with your pickup mask on?

Also touch them, touch them from as early as you possibly can and as often as possible. I can't emphasise how important it is and how easily simply touching people can create connections.

Last edited by RLAJay; 07-03-2011 at 10:59 AM.
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Y45 Y45 is offline
Default 07-03-2011, 11:16 AM

Originally Posted by RLAJay View Post
2. If you have to create attraction you're likely then trying to put on a mask and not be yourself.
I never put on a mask. I am confident that i am an interesting person. this thread is about transitioning from opening to moving on to creating attraction im not trying to do this in a fake way. What im looking for is advice on what to do next, where to take the interaction to creat attraction.


- If You Do What You've Always Done, You'll Always Get What You've Always Got -
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Refl3x's Avatar
Default 07-03-2011, 11:25 AM

Originally Posted by RLAJay View Post
Also touch them, touch them from as early as you possibly can and as often as possible..
I think these are the words Gary Glitter lives by

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Default 07-03-2011, 11:27 AM

Flaky numbers girls are so sweet arn't they, just don't want to hurt our feelings.

You can turn to flaky numbers around playing txt and phone game, but I take your point you'd rather not be there in the first place.

Creating attraction covers the entire middle block of game.

This is a really excellent question but you could write a book about or make a DVD about it.

Staying too long in comfort won't help if you're doing that. Although while your there you HAVE to fuck with her head, so she rings her girl friend up next day and says 'yeh we really connected, if you've messed her brain up good enough she'll genuinely believe this mystical 'connection' which every girl bangs on about has occured, the legs will open just after that.

Again, shit loads of material out there for on this but if you want to keep it simple just ask her questions that AFC's won't ask and respond with a bit of inteligence rather than predictable.

I gamed this hippy chick in tescos once she was next to coffee, I quickly grabbed a jar of fair trade and said 'I'm passionate about where my products come from and the lives it affects, I wish more people were. In reality I couldn't give a fuck where my coffee comes from but she had blonde hair down to her arse. I had her, she thought she'd connected with someone, you're AFC would have said I like your hair its nice, thanks my boyfriend, thinks so as well. Okay, hippy chick flaked becuase she had a boyfriend and that wasn't cool., man.

If she goes on about dancing don't be an AFC and start talking about holidays, she's telling you how important it is to her, work with it.

You don't say if you K close prior to number. If you want to reduce flaky numbers just kiss her.

If you kiss her number flaking is reduced massively.

Again, you know how to do this get her away from the herd and kino the fuck out of her.

My kiss closes are pretty much 95% and that's because of the method I use. Okay Gambler is a cunt, and a boring one at that, but if you listen to his audio stuff (torrent it) as I did, three and half bastard hours I was ready to slash my wrists his kiss close methods work, tried and tested.

Kino, lighly touching her, doing the eye thing and slowing speech right down then hit her with your kiss close lines or just go in.

I could on and on but in short if she thinks, you've connected with her and she's been kissed, she'll answer your call.

Don’t think about rejection shouldn’t even enter your head, don’t think about it, just do it, no hesitations. Talk to her.

It’s the only way to get good

Top 10 ebooks | Flaking | Revitalizing Old Numbers | Cold Reading Pussy | Being a Challenge to Women
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Blanca's Avatar
Default 07-03-2011, 11:31 AM

Attraction isn't something you do, it's something you are.

Escalation is easy. Kino kino kino, then kiss her. It doesn't need to be any more complicated.

It's just advice, fellas. Do whatever the FUCK you wanna do
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Default 07-03-2011, 11:38 AM

Originally Posted by Y45 View Post
I never put on a mask. I am confident that i am an interesting person. this thread is about transitioning from opening to moving on to creating attraction im not trying to do this in a fake way. What im looking for is advice on what to do next, where to take the interaction to creat attraction.

You asked for hints and tips that worked for others. You keep using the word "create" and I disagree with that, it conjures an image of someone trying to make another person attracted to them through routines. Don't do that, it's not real at all. To paraphrase Blanca above, attraction is something you are, not something you create.

Be natural. Take interactions wherever you want them to go, if you're interested in someone go direct, be honest, be confident and be truthful. Open with telling her what made you come over - most likely the fact that you think she looks great.

If you're confident about it you won't get rejected immediately and most will simply be impressed by the fact you were up front unlike most. Where you take the interaction after that doesn't matter at all, being fun and enjoyable to be around matters far more. We all naturally want to spend more time around those we enjoy ourselves best around, just make sure you touch and keep things flirtacious when you're able to in order to ensure you stay well away from being friended.

Last edited by RLAJay; 07-03-2011 at 11:43 AM.
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Y45 Y45 is offline
Default 07-03-2011, 03:56 PM

ok i dont mean "create" it out of being fake. that isnt what im getting at.

i think i got an answer from your reply though. i'll try lost more kino which is something i was not doing at all.

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legend's Avatar
Default 07-03-2011, 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by Y45 View Post
ok i dont mean "create" it out of being fake. that isnt what im getting at.

i think i got an answer from your reply though. i'll try lost more kino which is something i was not doing at all.
Of course we create attraction. I create attraction by being an interesting person. Is that fake? No, because whatever I create to be an interesting guy is based on my own personal goals, enjoyment, etc. Subsequently, girls will be attracted to me. Now unless you can convey this to your target, then you cant create an attraction. And to convey this, you need to be able to stay in a conversation. Your issue isnt that you cant create attraction or you are not interesting enough, your issue is being able to stay in a conversation long enough to create that attraction, to build that comfort and then close that deal. Opener (direct, indirect, canned) will only get you thus far. But once that is initiated, what do you say? Which pebble can you throw in? What will be your next hook point? Be attentive in the conversation. There are 1001 things to talk about and to get the conversation flowing. And the key is to use that to insert how interesting a person you are. As with other things, it takes practice and experience and perseverance....!

I am LeGeNd...
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Default 07-03-2011, 04:55 PM

Originally Posted by legend View Post
Of course we create attraction. I create attraction by being an interesting person. Is that fake? No, because whatever I create to be an interesting guy is based on my own personal goals, enjoyment, etc. Subsequently, girls will be attracted to me. Now unless you can convey this to your target, then you cant create an attraction. And to convey this, you need to be able to stay in a conversation. Your issue isnt that you cant create attraction or you are not interesting enough, your issue is being able to stay in a conversation long enough to create that attraction, to build that comfort and then close that deal. Opener (direct, indirect, canned) will only get you thus far. But once that is initiated, what do you say? Which pebble can you throw in? What will be your next hook point? Be attentive in the conversation. There are 1001 things to talk about and to get the conversation flowing. And the key is to use that to insert how interesting a person you are. As with other things, it takes practice and experience and perseverance....!
Hmm, this is true, I was going by the context in which it was placed really opposed to the specific word. Asking how to go about it isn't being oneself, it's being someone else and that's what I was getting at. You rightly put things straight though, he needs to look into learning how to hold conversation and flow forwards naturally with whatever responses he gets.

Y45, what you need to do is start learning how to pull topics out of her responses, let's say you ask what she does for a living, you have a number of options depending on her response.

For example, let's say she responds with "I'm an admin clerk at Clarks Solicitors"

You have a number of options here, you can ask another question based on parts of her response, those questions could be any number of things ranging from where that is because you didn't know there was one in the area to asking whether she enjoys it or asking her if there's something else she'd rather be doing, there's a tonne of questions you can ask from something simple like that.

Or, you could make a joke, obvious response would be telling a law joke here.

What's the difference between a good lawyer and a bad lawyer?

A bad lawyer can let a case drag out for several years. A good lawyer can make it last even longer..

Or you could tell a story, perhaps someone in your family is involved with law?

Or you could flirt, not much to go on with that, perhaps a flirtacious tease about powerful law positions, admin doesn't exactly fit though.

The point is that there are many types of responses you can make conversationally and when you understand this and understand specific topics they've given you through their responses you can talk forever.

Last edited by RLAJay; 07-03-2011 at 05:08 PM.
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