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Default Need Advice Please - 16-02-2011, 10:26 PM

thanks to those that truly tried to help but that one rude reply does it for my, bye

Last edited by PinkRR; 19-02-2011 at 09:51 PM. Reason: rude reply
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Default 16-02-2011, 11:01 PM

He's a stalker, get a taser and taser him a couple times... he should stop then ahahah

No, seriously get a restraining order and if he shows up near you call the cops. You could also charge him for stalking, the police will pull his and your phone records and see if he called you from a cell registered in his name.

PS. remember that a restraining order is just a piece of paper, it won't really stop him from coming near you, so beware that he could become even worse after you slap him with a restraining order.

If you didn't think I'm an asshole at least once, it means I didn't make my point.

"One must rise by that by which one falls" - Hevajra Tantra

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Cefai's Avatar
Default 16-02-2011, 11:05 PM

Approach him. Ask him what the fuck he's playing at.
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chops147's Avatar
Default 16-02-2011, 11:24 PM

be afraid......be very afraid

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Refl3x's Avatar
Default 17-02-2011, 12:10 AM

Get in touch with your Mobile Network providor, their security team will trace the withheld numbers, you can then contact the police who will get in touch with your phone providor.
The police will contact him and fire a warning shot across his bow.

Hopefully this will be enough to show him you are serious about not taking any shit from him and its got a 3rd party involved..the police

Any further stuff and you can travel the route of a restraining order etc.

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Maxemillion's Avatar
Default 17-02-2011, 02:24 AM

wow there's a girl on the forum and she isnt offended that we try to learn to pick up girls. so.. who lies more, men or women? lolololol this guys pedastalled you, he thinks you;re a goddess and scrutinises everything you do or say as a purposeful special message to himself. He's gone lovestruck mental and you should tell him you will go to the police if you keep seeing him around you. Any positive attention you give (including not so positive..any attention at all) in his mind equals you love him and want to be with him forever. how do you know about pickup?

The Fuckest Uppest

Last edited by Maxemillion; 17-02-2011 at 07:54 AM. Reason: over friendly
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Default 17-02-2011, 07:28 AM

Get in touch with your Mobile Network providor, their security team will trace the withheld numbers, you can then contact the police who will get in touch with your phone providor.
If he's smart (and strangely enough some of the nuts out there are really smart) he makes his phone calls either from pay phones or from a disposable cell phone paid with cash.

The Protection from Harassment Act defines harassment as a "course of conduct" amounting to harassment and provides that it must involve conduct on at least two occasions. The act also defines harassment as a behavior which causes alarm or distress.

So, since you received more than 2 phone calls and if the police can trace back the calls to him you've got all you need.
Also the fact that he shows in places and at times when he expects to find you without no reasonable motive (since he lives 45 min away there's no reason he shows up at your local grocery store and at your local gym) should be grounds for the protection from harassment act.

Note that the Act just provides for a jail sentence of up to six months or a fine, so if he really is nuts he could get worse.
Also file for an harassment restraining order: How to File an Harassment Restraining Order | eHow.co.uk

If you didn't think I'm an asshole at least once, it means I didn't make my point.

"One must rise by that by which one falls" - Hevajra Tantra

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Refl3x's Avatar
Default 17-02-2011, 08:01 AM

Its a Game to him, dont play it -- get the police involved, they will just have a chat with him but its enough to shake up his reality.

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BCB's Avatar
BCB BCB is offline
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Default 17-02-2011, 08:52 AM

If you don't mind me asking, would I be correct in guessing that the breakup was instigated by you?

To be honest, I don't see where all the restraining order advice has come from. Based on what you've said, I see it somewhat differently.
I think that for whatever reason, he's heartbroken. As you said, you got on really well, chatted all the time, and he quickly moved in. That sounds like someone falling for you pretty hard to do that. And then you broke up, which I guess involves him moving out too.
I expect the reason that he got other people to contact you through dating sites was because of jealousy, and it was nothing more than a badly thought through attempt to put you off being on there.
He's probably popping up all over the place because he wants to see you, or to talk to you.

Have you actually just tried approaching him and saying very casually "Hi, I didn't expect to see you here"

I expect that if you did, you find that he has no malicious intent, he's just trying to force a situation for the two of you to reconnect again.
Either way, approaching him and being very casual about it will allow:
a) Him to say whatever he has to say
b) You to either set him straight or give him another try, depending on what you want.

To be honest, unless there's a direct threat against yourself (which it doesn't seem that there is) I'd say that attempting a restraining order is pretty futile

"Can't is the cancer of happen" - Charlie Sheen
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Refl3x's Avatar
Default 17-02-2011, 09:05 AM

Originally Posted by BCB View Post
If you don't mind me asking, would I be correct in guessing that the breakup was instigated by you?

To be honest, I don't see where all the restraining order advice has come from. Based on what you've said, I see it somewhat differently.
I think that for whatever reason, he's heartbroken. As you said, you got on really well, chatted all the time, and he quickly moved in. That sounds like someone falling for you pretty hard to do that. And then you broke up, which I guess involves him moving out too.
I expect the reason that he got other people to contact you through dating sites was because of jealousy, and it was nothing more than a badly thought through attempt to put you off being on there.
He's probably popping up all over the place because he wants to see you, or to talk to you.

Have you actually just tried approaching him and saying very casually "Hi, I didn't expect to see you here"

I expect that if you did, you find that he has no malicious intent, he's just trying to force a situation for the two of you to reconnect again.
Either way, approaching him and being very casual about it will allow:
a) Him to say whatever he has to say
b) You to either set him straight or give him another try, depending on what you want.

To be honest, unless there's a direct threat against yourself (which it doesn't seem that there is) I'd say that attempting a restraining order is pretty futile
They split up--I bet she ended it, we are making assumptions that she has told him to leave her alone already. This is totally unnacceptable behaviour and constitutes harrassment -- she does need to have told him to leave her alone though.
Phoning her and hanging up? - its intimidation.

Ive been stalked by 2 girls in the past.

Restraining order comes down the line, just getting the police to have a word with him comes first and will be enough to disuade him.

Ive got female friends who have been drugged and left naked in a field (raped)
one that was subjected to torture for years, (she kissed me and her jaw clicks because of the amount of punches she took to the head from her ex) (he is in prsion now for a long time)

Anyway -- tell him its unnacceptable behavior and to leave you alone-- then get the bloody police involved and stop the shit he is pulling on you in its tracks

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