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Tom 13-07-2009 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Avon (Post 3219)
There are times though I wish I had a harem and had it on tap....

Well it's quite good to have a fuck buddy but you probably have more of a desire to meet women, whereas I sometimes find myself not being too bothered about meeting new girls because I know I can get regular sex. This can be good too because hopefully I don't come across as needy.

Tom 13-07-2009 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 3202)
I'm looking for girls who want to get down to it straight away. On the same night if possible.

He wants sluts basically ;)

Tom 13-07-2009 04:03 PM

That text things pretty handy K there seem to be a lot of people asking for stuff on text game but most pu programs don't cover it.

But I seem to remember I got to 11 out of 21 in table tennis which is more than a quarter more like a 3rd! and it was my first time, yes that's right you popped my cherry on the table tennis table.

Retro 13-07-2009 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 4226)
11 in your highest scoring game 3 in your lowest.
I'm going to make another plea to Adam. Adam if you're out there and you can hear me, please come share your omniscient knowledge of text game with us mere mortals.

I'll 2nd that.. this is something i need to start to work on now :)

Retro 15-07-2009 07:59 AM

Guy's i need to get your opinion on something (that should get your attention, works in the field :-) ) LOL....

No on a serious note, i really do. Can everyone post just the basic grounds on how they operate once they have a number, as i really don't have a clue and i can't find anything on the old tinterweb on just basic rules so i can use that as i stamp out pattern until i learn the best way forward? I'm not after content, just basic structure of the interaction.

So all i'm after is:

1) how soon after getting a number do you text (not bothered about the content)?
2) When you want to ask for a meet up (or date, day x or what ever you want call it), do you do it via text or do you call her?
3) If you call her for a meet up, how long do you leave it after the initial number close and how long do you leave it after your last text?

So this is where i'm at (just to put a bit of flesh around it).
I get my 1st number close on Saturday night.
Text her Sunday:
me: I totally kicked your ass at thumb war last night missy :-)
HB: As if you did! :-)
me: You were good but you got whooped! We should just go out anf hustle people at thumb war war for free drinks, we'd rock!
HB (late after i went to bed): Ha ha! Hustle with thumb wars? That's an awesome idea. Nobody'd expect that!
me (day after): Yeah, and you could unleash you sign language skills so no one would know what's going on! We've got this sorted ;-)

And that's where we are up to, no text back as yet. So i'm wondering do i just wait till later in the week and call her and ask her for a date next week, do i text etc etc. Hence why i want just a general frame work to stamp out time and time again (with my own content), untill i learn for myself what works and what doesn't.

So would love to hear from all of you (K, Jaz, Swype, Darood, Madforit, Anthony), just to see what you all do, to see if there is any common ground.

Cheers guys


Jynx-Manchester 15-07-2009 10:43 AM

i love how you leave me out cheers retro

Retro 15-07-2009 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Jynx-Manchester (Post 4257)
i love how you leave me out cheers retro

Not intentional Jynxy..I actually missed Adam out of that list as well (just spotted it now, opps) Well what's your game? how do you do it? :biggthumpup:

legend 15-07-2009 11:35 AM

And he left me out...ne'er mind!
This is my take on the matter:

You have started well with the texts, reminding her who you were, the thumb fight, sign language, slight negging etc etc. If she hasnt texted you back within two days, text her again but dont mention to her about the thumb fight anymore. She probably think you got nothing else interesting to say...! Come up with something completely random to get the texting going again. SOmeone posted this text a while back "e.g. white top or black top". Or a few weeks ago when the weather was scotching I texted this HB "trainers, sandals or flip flops?" and she would immediately reply "flip flops, why?" Then you explain why and start the textin going again.."hows you been", "havent heard from you since the last text", fancy going for a drink on Saturday"...I think you get my drift.

Anyway, thats me and my text game. I hardly ever speak on the phone. Just text, arrange a date, meet up and have a good sexy time..!

Does it work? Well, it works for me! Each to its own..!

Much Success....

anthony 15-07-2009 01:49 PM

This thread is hotting up nicely. I’m glad I made it onto ‘the list’ – but last place? ;)

For me, text game is just a game to get into actual interaction - I know that my actual real life game on day twos etc is good, so I just want to make that happen. I personally would have cut the thumb war thread off before you did, and perhaps just not replied for a while - I prefer to end the interaction myself, rather than have her do it.

My text game is probably pretty different to many people on here - I calibrate it based on the girls I'm into and what I want. I don't go sexual in texts.

After meeting, I tend to text the next day, even make it the evening perhaps.

Often I go for friendly texts which show my interests. I don't have any formulas or set texts I send out, just usually expressing what it was like to meet them, something about the night or them, and a few other things. I often throw in a sentence or two about what I'm doing - make sure this is reflective of my qualities as a person (eg, if in a day I wank, watch Tv, go to the gym, and make some music, you can guess which ones go in a text). I also throw in a smiley face :)

For the invite, I like low risk day twos – coffee, checking out some art, something that will take a few hours perhaps at a maximum. Why would I want to spend an entire day and evening with a girl I hardly know, and hardly know I like? I wouldn’t, and I guess that women – generally more vulnerable– feel the same.

“[random stuff] gonna check out some art for a few hours on Saturday if you fancy it, no worries if not :)” with some other bits, is usually good for me. This is not a question, it is an invitation to something cool that you are doing – an invitation to your reality, your world! I would stay clear of questions.

If the text interaction fades I will send an invite like that out anyways.

I want to move to phone game eventually (if the girls speak good enough English).


Retro 15-07-2009 02:59 PM

Top top stuff guys, thanks for your input. Sorry to miss you out Legend, just rattled some people down on the post, but i did say everyone before it;-). Some nice common theme's in there too which will give me (and anyone else in the same situation) some good stuff to get started by. Looking forward to this weekend to get some more numbers and start doing this stuff on mass :-)


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