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stonecastle 13-08-2021 10:47 AM

By the way Vitamin D is more effective at preventing covid 19 than the vaccine. So you can take vitamin D supplements. Or eat food that are rich in vitamin D.

Dr_Zed 17-08-2021 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by stonecastle (Post 133294)
By the way Vitamin D is more effective at preventing covid 19 than the vaccine. So you can take vitamin D supplements. Or eat food that are rich in vitamin D.

That's a rather broad statement. Any evidence or citations to back that up?

kowalski 18-08-2021 10:07 AM

The fact you even wrote this disqualifies you from the discussion.


Originally Posted by markuk (Post 133276)
Everyone will catch it sooner or later

Unless we assume you are at the cutting edge of research in this area, working around the clock in new discoveries. In which case you will need to enlighten us with your extraordinary proof for your extraordinary claim.

What a donut.



Stein 18-08-2021 11:35 AM

The fact you unironically used the word cuck and bragged about your oakleys disqualifies you from all discussions my dude.

kowalski 18-08-2021 01:03 PM

You just used it unironically and there was no bragging at all. Did you bang your head or something? I remember you used to not be retarded.



Stein 18-08-2021 01:14 PM

Lol the pedantry just makes it look worse, but whatever makes you comfortable.

kowalski 18-08-2021 01:36 PM

I always argue this way. You can call it pedantry. It means the same thing. You got corrected.



dan300 18-08-2021 02:18 PM

My young cousin of about 20 years old got "the jab" a few weeks ago.

A few days ago, she suffered a blot clot in her heart. It's quite the coincidence that she happened to be a healthy young lady before she got this fucking covaids shot.

Thankfully, I think she's going to be ok. But she's been advised by doctors, not to bother getting any more shots. Obviously.

Also, I lost one of my dear sisters last week. It was nothing to do with covaids, but it's fair to say that I'm all out of fucks to give, about anything.

They can stick their jab up their asses.

stonecastle 25-08-2021 11:01 PM

By the way there is an anti covid vaccine march in central London on Saturday the 28th of August at 1pm. Go here for more details: www.standupx.info

dan300 25-08-2021 11:51 PM

For the most part I avoid the news but apparently crazy things are happening in Australia. Literal forced vaccinations and shit.

Oh and, I just seen this cleverly worded post on Facebook..

Does this sound abusive to you?
My friend's husband won’t let her visit any friends or family. He has made her stop all contact with them unless it’s on the phone or computer. He reads and censors her comments on social media. He makes her feel like she's going crazy for thinking he’s controlling, and that she is being ungrateful. (After all, he’s only doing this because of how much he cares about her)
He doesn’t want her going to the gym anymore, He also doesn’t let her go to work (he told her to only rely on him for income and that he will take care of her)
She's not really allowed to go out anymore, unless it’s for necessities, and when she does, he makes sure to have people guilt trip her about it and shame her for it.
He wants her to have this medical procedure done and tells her that if she does it, he will allow her more freedoms.
He constantly says he's only doing all of this because he cares... he is just doing it for her own good.

Stein 26-08-2021 03:40 PM

Depends, if your friend kept accidentally killing elderly people when they went out, and kept posting on social media encouraging others to do it, then hey.

Also, the government isn't your husband. If my spouse locked me away for owning weed or stole my money for parking in the wrong place that'd be abusive too. If you want to be all anarcho-libertarian then whatever, but it's a dumb analogy.

Dr_Zed 26-08-2021 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by stonecastle (Post 133495)
By the way there is an anti covid vaccine march in central London on Saturday the 28th of August at 1pm. Go here for more details: www.standupx.info

As you're in London, you go there and then one it's over, come back and write a field report on it for the rest of us. Your opening line should be "What have you heard about Bill Gates?"

dan300 26-08-2021 07:26 PM

Even with my doubts as to the safety of the injectable, I'm not entirely afraid of it.

What I'm more inclined to dig my heels in against, is the coercion, the threats, the vax-shaming, the exclusion, and all the other shit that some of those who take the vaccine feel they have the right to throw in our direction.

Yes, by taking a vaccine I can eradicate these unpleasant, negative experiences.

And that's the main reason why I won't.

kowalski 27-08-2021 04:37 PM

Over here, at least in my work and social life, it continues to be a non-topic. It is in the news, which I only know because it checked in order to write those words, and people with kids probably give a shit but I've still not encountered any attitude from any person with regards to it on the rare occasions that it has even been brought up and I know people who both are or have or aren't or haven't. It is a passing comment, sometimes soemone will go on to say why and people will go "oh, ok" and maybe say why they are or aren't or have or haven't and then we talk about something else.

So this is the only conversation I'm having about it with 1 Brits and 2 poeple who give a shit and if that were a Venn diagram it would look like one circle from where I'm standing and this is a mental coversation.

Dan, you do particularly sound absolutley insane with some of the things you have said in this thread (I can quote them if you can't already see it for yourself). I couldn't even decipher what the hell that momsnet bullshit you posted about abusive relationships was meant to suggest. They are not analogous on specific points very relevant to the comparison. My personal favourites were your repeated fantasies about the government tying you or your child down to a hospital bed and you transforming into John Whack and ninja-ing them the fuck up. Why are you even letting your mind go there? What's the use of that?

If it comes to that then it does, how does obsessing over and flapping on about it do anything? If you were just letting us know your opinion, that would be one thing but you are clearly spinning around and around on this one. Doesn't that seem like something you would want to do something about?

To begin with it is something you can have an effect on and it will have immediate benefit to you. After you've done that you could choose to use that time and energy on things that might actually help avoid that potential future you fear or just to whack off longer or anything else. Your choice.



dan300 28-08-2021 09:53 AM

I get that some of the things I've said might sound crazy, but not really. The things I've said are how I felt at that moment and were based on what I knew and the stuff I've read. That's why my mind goes there. I do avoid the news as much as possible, but I can't eradicate the things I've learned.

Obviously, you've heard me bang on about the amount of Totalitarian shit I've read. Well, anything I've said has been pretty much based on what I know, and the similarities I've witnessed ever since Covaids came along. If I hadn't consumed so much authoritarian literature prior to this, I'd be as ignorant and deluded as most people.

In the last week, I've contemplated getting the vaccine. Is that indoctrination, despite my strong hesitancy? Yes, that's how tyranny works. One small little step at a time. And all those small little steps lead to me having that thought.

I slapped myself, however, and I'm still not getting it.

Apparently, in Australia, they are almost force-injecting people and kids.

My thoughts of being tied to a bed aren't that far-fetched, man.

kowalski 28-08-2021 11:18 AM

That’s not what I was saying at all. And I made pretty clear what my points were. Try again.

Because you aren’t very intelligent, here’s a pro-tip; respond to the bits that are directly before this symbol ?. That is a question mark and indicates that they are the questions.



dan300 28-08-2021 05:41 PM

I did respond to your questions, perhaps you just didn't, or won't accept my answers.


My mind goes there because of the stuff I've read. It was really scary initially, it frightened the fuck out of me. All of a sudden the world was turned on its head and whilst nobody knew what to do, the behavior of the masses nearly gave me a heart attack. My mind goes there because I can't deny or ignore what I've seen and am seeing. It's useful because I'd rather be aware of the potential as to where things can lead, than not.

Is there anything I can do about it? From where I'm sitting, probably not a lot. Shit is going to happen, the goalposts are going to continue to be moved, and people will bend over and take it up the ass. Even if I'm to do or say something, there are motherfuckers who will try and say you're a crazy tinfoil hat cunt. So, what can I do? Well, I avoid the news as much as possible, and I'll also continue to ignore people who try to ask or pressure me about the Covaids vaccine. I'll find it difficult not to attack them (not physically) but I'll figure it out. I'm just going to proceed with my life and go about my day, and hope that it doesn't come to the point where we're rounded up and force-injected. No point laughing at that or calling me crazy, the way things have progressed, that's a very real possibility, my friend. Remember when vaccine passports were a conspiracy theory? Now they're going to be a "thing" and the masses are bending over and taking it up the ass.

The most realistic likelihood is that, rather than being forcibly injected, we'll just be excluded and ostracised to the point where life is made unbearably difficult unless you get a Covaids shot. That has already started. Some pubs and restaurants have already made rules where you need to produce evidence of having had the Covaids vaccination before being granted entry to their establishment. That's tyranny in action, buddy, and it's partly a direct result of what their government told them to do.

kowalski 28-08-2021 09:46 PM

What I accept? lol you dumbass. It's not about what I accept you literally didn't answer the questions and just got lost in your fantasies again.

You answered some of them in this reply though... because you accepted that you didn't answer in the first one... but again most of it was random nonsense that is not relevant... and still didn't get to the crux of it.

You got as far as that you can't really do anything about it. Ok. So why are you spinning your wheels in the dirt?

Nothing to do with what you've read. I've read stuff, other people have read stuff. You don't get to blame being a broken record playing in some unused subway tunnel to a couple of hobos on what you've read.



dan300 30-08-2021 09:52 PM

The bottom line for me at this point isn't even the coercion and all that (although that's certainly part of it) it's now that I kind of feel like I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.

If I don't take the vaccine/s, Covaids will probably find me eventually. If I do take the vaccine/s, I'm now quite worried about being damaged by it, based on the experiences of people I know, and of course, the healthy people who've pretty much dropped dead from it.

Feels like Russian Roulette either way.

Aside from this, everything else just feels entirely fucked as well.

I watched a press conference last week, with Taliban leaders and reps at the table. Seriously, the fucking Taliban.

And I could list a dozen other worrying things that are going on in the world.

Shit's giving me anxiety, and you're correct. I need to stop this overthinking crap. It's doing me no good.

dan300 17-09-2021 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by dan300 (Post 131687)
Two shots, for now.

Next year it'll be another.

And so on.



Originally Posted by dan300 (Post 131744)

Covaids vaccine approved for teenagers. This shit is like a dark movie.



Originally Posted by dan300 (Post 132022)
Now medical staff and care workers are being made mandatory to get it.

And that's the first step towards it being made fully mandatory.

Medical staff now, everyone else eventually.


Originally Posted by Stein (Post 134161)
There's literally nothing to do on here anymore except argue with Kowalski over bullshit and watch Dan conspiracy post.

Again I'll point out that not once have I ever posted anything suggesting a conspiracy. I've always and only ever highlighted what I have seen and what I am seeing.

oH sO YoU sEe ThInGs otHeR pEoPlE DoN't, dO YoU

It would seem so, yes.

Yesterday saw the deadline pass of care sector staff having to either submit to having "the jab" or resign, as an outcome of this disgusting NO JAB NO JOB policy mandated by the reprehensible bastards in government (I hope they die from AIDS).

Do you think that's ok? Any stupid analogies to defend this?

Now 12-year-olds are being given the power to overrule their parent's wishes with regards to them taking the injectable. Nothing wrong with that either, surely? Any dumb analogies for this one?

The next age group, the group my 9-year-old is in, is up next. I actually commented to Boris Johnston directly the other night, on his Facebook post, not to make the mistake of making this bullshit mandatory, especially not for our kids, or it would not end well.

Slowly but surely they've worked their way down the age group ladder, and most of you fuckwits have just bent over and taken it up the ass.

It's actually quite irritating how willing so many cunts are to allow themselves to have their freedom and civil liberties raped.

A definition of Tyranny: Cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power.

bUt juSt ShUt Up aNd tAkE tHe VaCcInE

dan300 19-11-2021 07:49 PM

So, the other day, Austria declared that the unvaccinated would be placed on lockdown. Just the unvaccinated.

Today, they've used some form of extreme authoritarian shock-tactics, and have not only put EVERYONE on lockdown but are ordering mandatory vaccines for everyone.

This week, mandatory vaccine passports were announced for Northern Ireland, excluding us from a lot of places. Then the mandatory vaccines will follow.

But I'm just a conspiracy theorist, right Stein?

The only response to this now is violence. I hope and pray that the Austrians respond accordingly.

This shit terrifies and infuriates me, and I will fully support extreme retaliation.

stonecastle 22-11-2021 02:23 PM

I am glad that I caught a mild version of covid a few weeks ago. Because now I do not need to have the vaccine. I had it so mild that I did not even need to take any medication for it like I usually do when I have a cough, cold or the flu. I just felt tired, cold and shivery and lost my appetite. But after a week I was better.

dan300 22-12-2021 04:24 AM

I can declare that I'm officially on the fence about taking a vaccine and that I have been for quite a while.

Sometimes I just feel like saying screw it, and going and getting my first jab. Going through the pharmacy today they had a sign offering free vaccines and I felt the urge to get it, but I didn't.

Part of me wants to just do it and part of me is still quite aggrieved by the perceived pressure to take it. Am I just succumbing to the pressure, or do I really want to do it? I'm not entirely sure at this point. Am I also being very stubborn? I'll admit that's a strong yes.

It's got nothing to do with entering certain places because everyone can enter restaurants and pubs etc here in Northern Ireland if you show either proof of vaccination or proof of a negative test. So it's not that.

Something I really dislike, and I believe it is contributing to pushing me the other way, is some of the crazy, deluded bullsh*t that anti-vaxxers come out with 🙉 those looney bins do not represent me in any way and part of me wants to take the vaccine just to distance myself from these airheads.

At the top of it all is that although I'm fit and I'm sure I'd be okay if I caught Covid, I wouldn't want to be responsible for giving it to anyone vulnerable (I've never tested positive, however).

I also just realized this has probably subconsciously come to a head with the turn of a new year looming. Do I want to begin and endure another year fighting this? Why the hell am I even fighting it?

It's because I'm a fucking stubborn cunt and the idea of being excluded from being allowed to engage in certain areas of public life got my back up and I got defensive.

I'm just personally torn that if I get it, I'm somehow 'giving in' even though I know it's beneficial and that I'm obviously not more knowledgeable than expert scientists in this field.

Someone either lecture me or reassure me. Anything.

Shahanshah 22-12-2021 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Dr_Zed (Post 131670)
I'm undecided about vaccination. In essence, I'll only get it if I really need it, especially with regards to future abroad plans. Most people I know who have been vaccinated, have had minimal side effects.

Whilst a lot of things seem authoritarian about it, we're not living in 1984.

Please elaborate

The year is 2021

Shahanshah 22-12-2021 11:03 PM

Never getting the science juice injected in me.

Jumping through Boris' little hoops and submitting to daddy government - no thanks.

Not wearing masks, not social distancing, no washing my hands 16 times a day until I have a skin condition.

Not doing track and trace, not doing lateral flow or PCR tests. Not fucking whatever else they want you to do.

What I will do is, when I feel a bit sick, ill get some chicken soup and go about my day.

And if I feel too sick to leave the house, I'll take a day off.

Like a normal human being.

dan300 22-12-2021 11:43 PM

Yeah, I'm completely against the "do what we tell you" situation, and that's not what my recent thoughts are about.

I wouldn't be backing down if I were to take it. I'm taking information from experts into account and have adjusted my views accordingly.

How can I claim knowledge as my highest value whilst at the same time rejecting the knowledge of experts?

I'm a complete hypocrite, at best, because...

I'm a person who smoked and swallowed and snorted anything that could get them high without question of what was in it and where it came from, how the fuck can I hate the idea of a thoroughly tested and thoroughly scrutinized vaccine to prevent severe disease?

Not to mention, I regularly get paid thousands to literally test out new drugs.

The vaccine itself has never scared me. I dig my heels in at authoritarianism. I'm with you on that.

kowalski 28-12-2021 10:29 AM

Dan, are you out there waving a proof of test or recovery certificate in people's faces so you can enter bars and restaurants? If so, you have already given in to authority. So if it is only about authority for you, just take the vaccine. The vaccine has some protective effect, the document is just retarded.

No entry to bars. That's all they had to do to get most people to line up bare ass for the authority dick. It is not an up yours to authority, you dumb cunt. We are the weakest humans of all time.

You aren't concerned about other people. I don't buy that virtue signalling horseshit one bit. If those people you could potentially infect are deciding to be in public places and trust in the norms, that's on them. We endanger others all the time in ways none of us can comprehend.

"The healthy people who've pretty much dropped dead from it" don't exist.

And, ignore that fake tough guy fat dwarf faggy cunt. He's taking the dick too.



dan300 30-12-2021 11:26 PM

I'm not out showing negative tests and shit but I have considered making the reasonably small sacrifice of doing so if it means I can do the same shit as vaccinated people without having to get vaccinated.

Yes, I know that's still kind of "showing your papers" but in my opinion, it's a win, because like I said, you get to do the normal shit without being injected. It's a big UP YOURS to the authoritarians.

However, I'm not entirely fussed about doing much of the 'normal shit' like pubs and clubs. The only thing that would really cause inconvenience is the possibility of not being able to go watch a movie in the cinema with my 10-year-old, and stuff like that.

This is why I'd consider alternatives as opposed to sitting it out and seeing what happens.

My entire being wants to fight and oppose, though

dan300 30-12-2021 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 136597)
It is not an up yours to authority, you dumb cunt

To the ones who want to inject me, it is (that'll be most of them)

dan300 30-12-2021 11:33 PM

Oh shit, Kowalski's on his period again

kowalski 30-12-2021 11:46 PM

Period? lol, you fucking retard. Try make a point ... good luck.


Restrictions may include the following:

official identity cards (internal passports, citizenship licenses) that must be carried and produced on demand;

No one wants to inject you. You can't find a single person that wants to inject you. You don't even know what you are talking about. All that reading for nothing.



dan300 08-01-2022 03:58 AM

I was just thinking that the small sacrifice of showing a negative test might be like I said, a small sacrifice in being able to do the same things as everyone else. I haven't actually succumbed to such methods, just floating an idea in the midst of the bullshit.

I don't think it matters really, though. I have faith that it will all blow over eventually. It only amuses me now when I hear of 'new variants'. Like some sort of dark comedy, but in real life.

Funnily enough, when you turn off social media, that stress and perceived fear go away. Not ground-breaking news but it's worked for me.

Stop calling people retards. It just makes you sound like a grumpy old man.

Dave111 11-02-2022 11:20 AM

People are welcome to believe what they want about this pandemic, but unlike an anonymous online argument, being wrong about in the real world will likely come with severe consequences. Personally Im not vaccinated and ignore the restrictions as best I can. I think its the biggest and most blatant scam in history.

My major concern now is that Im looking for a girl to have children with in the next year or so but obviously not with a girl that has been injected multiple times with an unknown substance by a serially criminal company that is exempt from liability. Unfortunately my options have shrunk dramatically. Anyone else in a similar situation? Any tips? Might have to find a girl in Ukraine or Russia as they aren't taking it...

Dr_Zed 17-02-2022 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Dave111 (Post 137747)
Personally Im not vaccinated and ignore the restrictions as best I can. I think its the biggest and most blatant scam in history.

So, what exactly are your reservations with vaccine & lockdowns etc this time round?

Worth pointing out that with Omicron being around for a while, vaccination is becoming increasingly redundant as more folks get infected with it. Given that it's not actually that severe an infection (for most), I'd take that over most vaccines.

dan300 18-02-2022 05:24 AM

Well personally doctor zed since the start of year I've avoided Facebook and the news and had faith that it would fuck off.

Here in Northern Ireland it looks like it's fucking off (restrictions, etc).

So I still don't give a fuck and I refuse to take a Covaids vaccine.

Am I stupid? Maybe. But I'm also not willing to bend over and be ordered to take something I don't want.

Again, I have faith that this will all fuck off.

Dr_Zed 18-02-2022 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by dan300 (Post 137903)
So I still don't give a fuck and I refuse to take a Covaids vaccine.

Am I stupid? Maybe. But I'm also not willing to bend over and be ordered to take something I don't want.

So, as I don't trust mainstream media to report on vaccine usefulness etc, I've been watching the odd video from John Campbell MD (via YouTube) for more informed and data-driven info.

What he's said is that if you've already had the illness yet get vaccinated anyway, you're more likely to suffer from adverse effects. Also concerns have been raised as to the point of having 3rd or 4th boosters (especially with short gaps between each other) due to adverse effects (can't exactly remember what). Myocarditis is also an adverse effect that he's been looking at lately, though it's risk is low.

Omicron (both variants currently out) he has described as "the vaccine we never made." Given that most vaccines are derived from more dangerous variants and have side effect profiles, I'd rather just have Omicron and be done with it.

Though if I cared more, I'd get an antibody test to confirm if I'd really need a vaccine or not. If positive then travel would be easier for me, especially as I have plans to go to Mexico at some point this year.


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