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Buzz9 09-03-2018 04:41 PM

Don't get bitter just get better!

leonp 12-04-2018 08:57 AM

as a relative newbie in the art of seduction I would suggest going into every approach welcoming rejection purely for experience, don't stress about wearing the right clothes or trying to make your hair look inch perfect before you even leave the house, also be your true self as it puts you into a mentality that you have fuck all to lose and everything to gain, it's amazing how much better i have done seeking rejection than when i was trying to memorize when to to build rapport, make statements etc... once you get use to being confident in the approaching and interaction with the women then you can start introducing some of the technical seduction methods slowly.

Kyllerbuzcut 15-04-2018 10:33 PM

Advice from another newbie here who is learning a lot fast:

Look at them as if they are expected to fill any silences.
Ask "what about you" and "tell me more about that" and "what did you do next"
When listening, nod and say "yeah?" - "oh, wow", "that's great", "I bet that sucked"

If she doesn't come up with something to fill a silence even after you look at her and sort of raise your eyebrows or give whatever expression - say something like "Lost for words, huh?" and maybe add "I could go on asking lame questions all night, but I thought you looked like, or was at least hoping I'd get a decent convo from you - you're not another one of those pretty faces with nothing between the ears are you" - say that last part with a big grin.
Do something like a fake fist pump/punch on her arm when she actually does fill the gap with something. It's like a reward and she'll then keep doing it and coming up with conversation herself. Even say "That's such a good question" or something as a reward for doing it.

Main point= Don't expect that you have to fill in the gaps yourself! Throw some shame on her that she's crap at conversation. A convo is a 2 person effort, and women should actually do most of the talking. The man's part is to do the approach and the starting of the convo, and do the initial asking of a few questions.

Another good, and totally different tactic, is to try and turn off your own internal filter and say the first thing that pops into your head.- Pizza, I hate pizza. do you know anyone else that Doesn't like Pizza? Well you just met one/another one.
Shoes - how many shoes do you own? Are they all high heels?
Yeah I don't think I could fit into those.
... that was me just saying the first things going through my head - but it's not WHAT you way, it's how you say it. You've got to say it with fun, smiling, throw in a laugh and say things like "I'm in such a good mood tonight, I love it when I get into the vibe and random thoughts just pop into my head. It's like my inner child coming out to play."

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