Default Email - 08-11-2009, 12:05 PM

Got a couple of email addresses last night but not sure when to send them a message, also seen another post about texting and the link that was provided should email be used same as texting?

Last edited by Angler; 08-11-2009 at 12:07 PM.
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Default 08-11-2009, 12:15 PM

Hmmm... I wouldn't expect too much from emails. Did you try getting their number? Forget Facebook or email addresses in future. Go for what you really want - the number!

As for the RSD text advice that K linked us to, yeah go for the same technique. I've been following the same 'value giving, not taking' tactic and it's worked absolute wonders!

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Default 08-11-2009, 05:11 PM

I've never had any emails just numbers and facebook. All the facebooks were from girls who were already seeing people so I'd put more faith in numbers above anything else. Next time just "say give me your number" don't say can I have or something like that make it a command.

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Default 09-11-2009, 07:28 PM

I have to say that a facebook close can be just as rewarding as a number close. My friend has close many girls from a FB close. Or you could follow this method that I have used and turned a FB close to a true number close:

Me: So whats the best way me and you can stay in touch?
HB: Ummm do you have facebook?
Me: Yeah, hang on let me enter it into my phone or I wont remember. So whats your second name (assuming all uve got is a first name).
HB: Ok its (enter name here)
Me: Sorry I didn't get that.. (music too loud, strange name spelling etc)
HB: (........)
Me: Ya know what, just tap ure number into ma phone, would be much simpler and i can get ure fb off you later (defused)
HB: Ok!

This has worked for me a few times now, but feel free to change bit to suite.



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Backbone (09-11-2009)
Default 09-11-2009, 09:40 PM

Jaz, your a legend in my eyes already for supplying wyptaj with the link on text advice, used the advice with email and sent her the following: Despite what your friends say - I think your pretty cool.x.
not asking for anything and got a reply already. saying thanks and she thinks I am cheeky and asking me if I enjoyed myself Saturday. Now I would never normally say that shit cos its just not the sort of thing I would come out with but results is what counts lad, that was my second sarge as well, delighted, cheers for advice lads.
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Default 09-11-2009, 10:02 PM

Originally Posted by Angler View Post
used the advice with email and sent her the following: Despite what your friends say - I think your pretty cool.x...

...Now I would never normally say that shit cos its just not the sort of thing I would come out with
Nice work taking onboard and trying this text advice Angler. Bear in mind you can use the whole 'value giving' senario to suit your own way of talking and thinking though. I've not used this text advice word for word as such. For example I'll say things like - 'Hope you're a happy girl today'.

The principle is the most important factor to this advice - Giving value, asking for nothing.

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Default 09-11-2009, 10:44 PM

Think women dig that sort of stuff as deep done its like your telling them off lol. just going to play it c&f with her. How long do I play with her before suggesting a meet or do I just keep going till she asks?
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Default 10-11-2009, 10:56 AM

Originally Posted by nova View Post
Nice work taking onboard and trying this text advice Angler. Bear in mind you can use the whole 'value giving' senario to suit your own way of talking and thinking though. I've not used this text advice word for word as such. For example I'll say things like - 'Hope you're a happy girl today'.

The principle is the most important factor to this advice - Giving value, asking for nothing.
The only problem is you don't want to appear needy it's a fine line to tread

"Is it wrong for a man to love his guitar?"

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Default 10-11-2009, 11:44 AM

Very true Tom. But then the concept of not expecting a response will not come across as needy. I think a good way of avoiding crossing this fine line is to try and not ask any questions in your texts... even - 'How's you day going?' It also means you don't loose ground if she doesn't respond.

I recall asking some chodey mates about a text I was sending some new girl about a year ago. They said, 'You've not asked a question, she won't respond if you don't ask a question'. Not as simple as that boys.

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Default 10-11-2009, 01:27 PM

@Angler, don't wait until she asks. Chances are she won't ask but instead send you subtle messages for you to ask her as she may feel it to be your job. For example I have this girl at the moment texting me out of the blue asking me 'How my day is going...yada yada and asking me what i'm upto this weekend?' It's only Tuesday, why is she asking me that now?! Because to her chances are I haven't made plans for the weekend yet, she's checking my availability and perhaps wondering if i'll take her out this weekend.

Only a chump would wait around for a women to ask him! Be that man who takes what he wants when he wants, if you want to meet her then tell her and tell her when and where. Strike whilst the iron is hot, you should feel it intuitvely when you feel you should ask her out.

Remember attraction is fleeting, its there one moment, gone the next. Who's to say she'll still be interested this time next week??? Act fast, keep the momentum going mate.

@Nova 'Hope your a happy girl today' Like it! mate, hope you don't mind I'm going to add that one to my repetoire! I remember the 'seduction oracles' Tricky, John and Gormy giving you that advice about always ask a question!! classic!

It's far better to talk in statements unless you genuinely do have a question to ask? Personally I don't ask a girl im not romantically involved in things like 'Hey, hows your day going?, you upto much later?' because frankly I couldn't give a shit! Questions can leave you wide open and exposed it your seeking validation.

Another thing I'd say about texts is, girls often play by the rule of making the guy text last as this allows her to control the frame with the vulnerability asigned to the guy, flip that script, leave her being the one hanging.

Also, not only is the context of text important but others say timing is also and I would agree. Text back when you want to text back, don't feel you have to send quick-fire responses everytime a girl texts you. It's A) Needy and B) Can be unsociable. One of my social gripes is being out with some mates for drinks and one of them is constantly texting away to some girl not engaged whatsoever with his friends. I don't do this and I would expect others not to do it around me. If you're worried you're girl will kick-up a fuss about you not responding when she wanted then tell her straight you find texting numerously whilst in the company of others second rate behaviour.

It was fear of myself that made me odd
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