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Serendipity 27-05-2014 11:22 PM

I agree. It sounds like lack of approaching is the general issue here. I find myself getting lazy with it at times as well. Even if you are casual dating or have a fb you should be approaching other women. I'll also try to take my own advice btw.

nova 29-05-2014 12:30 PM

If you're crap at dealing with girls in the first place, you should make it a rule to talk to them every day. Flirt with the checkout girl for a start. Find out things about her.

Shahanshah 29-05-2014 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by nova (Post 90165)
If you're crap at dealing with girls in the first place, you should make it a rule to talk to them every day. Flirt with the checkout girl for a start. Find out things about her.

What does this advice have to do with me? When has any of that ever been my problem?

nova 29-05-2014 01:19 PM

It's cool man. I was responding to Serendipity.

Shahanshah 29-05-2014 01:24 PM

Wasnt very clear. Ill post up my report later from last night.

nova 29-05-2014 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Shahanshah (Post 90168)
Wasnt very clear. Ill post up my report later from last night.

I'll remember to quote him next time

nova 29-05-2014 01:30 PM

FYI, just for you ;)


Originally Posted by Serendipity (Post 90145)
I agree. It sounds like lack of approaching is the general issue here. I find myself getting lazy with it at times as well. Even if you are casual dating or have a fb you should be approaching other women. I'll also try to take my own advice btw.

nova 29-05-2014 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by nova (Post 90165)
If you're crap at dealing with girls in the first place, you should make it a rule to talk to them every day. Flirt with the checkout girl for a start. Find out things about her.

I've found this advise very good, as I have always been crap with girls :D

Shahanshah 29-05-2014 06:21 PM

Last night me and some friends from home went out in Manchester: 5th Ave, oh yes that old chesnut, I haven't been there in months. This was my first night properly chatting up girls and approaching in mooooonths. I was out with three people; a girl, her boyfriend and a mate. We all get along which is great but there was an odd group dynamic that I guess I'll reveal as I write.

Pre-drinks and we get the train to manchester, I'm feeling good. The girl says she's never seen me make-out in the club before and wants to see it. Im like "Uhhh sure if thats what you want" whilst a brass band play "S Club 7" in the background of the train. Pretty odd.

We get in the club, I've had about three drinks so sober as fuck, its early too so there's no queue and an empty, spacious club that's an eye sore on the sober sight. Waiting for my mates to get a drink, I haven't done any of this shit in months minus a few when Im completely smashed, interactions that went nowhere. I see two girls to the side of me, I pivot around "Hey" and the conversation is going well. They were cool girls, something I've missed from being in my local university town where every girl is a gob-shite (I actually figured out a reason as to why that is). I didn't escalate or any shit but looking back I should have took a number. If the conversation goes well or they don't fuck off after two minutes, you should always get a number.

I've also found in general its a good idea to sorta become a part of their gang or they become a part of your gang rather than this rigid 'pick-up' type thing. I can't actually remember all the chronology of the night, not that I was wasted but my memory is awful and when I'm out Im not really thinking or storing away events and their meaning etc.

On the dancefloor in the bunker a girl in the green top dances near me and looks over, I think I had a little "Weeyyy" thing with her, also a girl in a red dress, she was really hot actually and hooked but I didn't escalate. She wanted to go back to her friends but i think on reflection I almost made it too obvious about the fact she was leaving her friends to speak to me. Again join her friends or they join your friends.

Started speaking to some American girls, my friend was looking bored so I got him with the hottie and spoke to bigger gal (She was a red head which made up for it) she was aiight to talk to but didn't take to any of my advances, still I don't think I was aggressive enough. Reason why I need to go out more in this style, and push myself.

In fact even half the girls who I spoke to were hooked but I didn't escalate properly or get their number. Anyway the girl I saw on the dancefloor I spoke to her friend later, then her again later then made out. My friend took a picture and she was like "Now I've seen you do it, I have proof but it was kinda disgusting", what did you expect? Toby Maguire Spiderman kissing upside down in the rain? Anyway yeah I did a lot, even by myself when everyone was out having a fag which is something I always found hard.

That's the thing, sometimes I get too cocky and think I have no 'AA' so when I feel any resistance to approaching or escalating I don't compared to my earlier days where I'd go for it like a maniac jumping into the unknown.

Some girl was proper bitchy with me because I made a comment on her hen-do shirt (young fucking hen-do, kids these days).

Anyway later on in the takeaway (After a gay man accused me of punching him, which is a fucking long story in and of itself) the proper bitchy girl came behind me in the queue and we're chatting as normal, so Im like "Wtf you were a right bitch in there after I made an innocent comment on you. She apologised and said "she was getting that comment all night but really did have a boyfriend" we have a chat in the queue, I suggest the kebab by saying "Get a kebab, get a kebab, no a kebab, fuck pizzas, get a kebab", she gets a kebab. They were the worst, smallest kebabs of my life. Do not get kebabs from the takeaway outside 5th Ave.

After I see another red head I'd spoken to in 5th earlier start chatting, I remember her bitchy friend dragged her away from me when I think I had a mini-tug of war with her (or that mighta been another girl, I had some crazy tug of wars with bitchy-friends) but this time she just stood behind us, watching, just going "jesus christ", "UH", "Fucking hell", "Oh my god" at everything I said.

Luckily her friend was loving it, at one point she was like "Don't even give me those eyes", her food got called up and went to get it, I went up to the friend and said "Deep down you're a nice person really. I can tell". She's still a bitch but after that she was really nice to me and got all giddy. Attention and affection. They love it.

I got her number then me and my mates got a taxi home. Oh and I got a girls 'Name' LOL in the club, the one I made out with, she had lost her phone and only had facebook. I only took it as a 'what is there to lose' type scenario but she's been mesaging me on Facebook since. And the other girl has been texting me.

It was a good night, this night and the last saturday night have made me realise what I've been missing. The parts where I was by myself when my mates were smoking made me realise I can approach when alone which is partly why I'm a little scared of going out alone (I have nowhere to stay and earliest train is 6am!!) so I don't wanna be stuck in Manchester all night, or in a club bored all self conscious.

D!ce 29-05-2014 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Shahanshah (Post 90178)
I've also found in general its a good idea to sorta become a part of their gang or they become a part of your gang rather than this rigid 'pick-up' type thing.

I have to agree, I've had some success in the past with getting a girl (or two) to come join my friends, it seems to be the situation more at ease.


Originally Posted by Shahanshah (Post 90178)
The parts where I was by myself when my mates were smoking made me realise I can approach when alone which is partly why I'm a little scared of going out alone (I have nowhere to stay and earliest train is 6am!!) so I don't wanna be stuck in Manchester all night, or in a club bored all self conscious.

I've been in the same situation when visiting friends, you feel a bit hopeless because you know you're fucked if you lose them. Living in the city is ace.

Shahanshah 29-05-2014 09:05 PM

yeah too many times have I had to wait two hours for the train after a night out. Suuurrrrrrrrkkkkkksssss. When you out Dice

D!ce 29-05-2014 09:28 PM

You about next weekend brah?

Serendipity 30-05-2014 02:27 AM

I'm expecting with your experience now Sha you should be extracting a girl from that club quite early on. But I think you want to have a night out first and pulling is a bonus. I'm not knocking that at all.

You could pull early, get laid then go back to chill out, logistics allowing. I know a guy who used to do this regularly. There was somewhere he used to take them. Then they would both come back and get hammered. Then he'd go home with a different girl.

Just saying. But at least you are getting back out. Wing D!ce.

Shahanshah 02-06-2014 12:44 AM

On Friday I woke up to the 5th Ave girl asking me to go for a drink later that night. I wasnt nervous or anything and I thought we were getting on fine with a few lulls in our conversation (its a first date come on) but she apparently was not enjoying it as she left after an hour. I was even on good boy behaviour that night. Mehhh I guess im meant to be more snappy and chatty. We were sat across a table from each other chatting the entire time and I always wonder if thats too boring. It kinda is to me but I dont know. Ideas? Ive been trying to treat first dates as a time just to chat and kiss at the end. Takes the pressure off.

Saturday I went out for a friends birthday, went for my pre-town snack as I get starving every few hours (to the point I usually go home early due to hunger. I have a crazy metabolism) two girls sat eating food and we sit and chat. I remember making excuses but excuses in the past that were good e.g. im not a performing monkey and its not compulsory. Full circle now as I know now I gotta accept the initial resistance and do it anyway.

I remember my first approach in a bolton club that night. Fucking bitches man, in Manchester girls are so friendly or at least bitchy in a fun way, this girl, a solid 5, just blanks me. I plow for fun and still not even eye contact and her friend does the same.

I am literally too good for these girls. The next girl I speak to does pretty much the same. Fucking bitches. I hope the guys they meet smack them about a bit. My mate has recently started approaching girls but its in this really weird way in which he gay-dances on/to/over to them.

This is why I hang out with girls all the time recently, they are actually more fun, cooler and funnier than the guys I used to hang out with.

Out Tuesday and Wednesday in Manchester so should be fun and I can get back on track :) mainly approaching self-motivated, staying in set/re-approaching then closing.

PostScript 02-06-2014 03:40 PM

OK well gonna be kinda blunt but I mean to help:


I was even on good boy behaviour that night.
How do you mean?


I always wonder if thats too boring. It kinda is to me but I dont know. Ideas?
If it is to you then it will be to her. Some activity which gives you chance to move around, be silly n actually enjoy your time together.


Ive been trying to treat first dates as a time just to chat and kiss at the end. Takes the pressure off.
Doing more fun things/having more fun will indirectly help that.


Fucking bitches man

this girl, a solid 5, just blanks me.
Sometimes we demean women to protect ourselves you know.


I plow for fun and still not even eye contact and her friend does the same.
Maybe they are allowed to do what they want.


I am literally too good for these girls. The next girl I speak to does pretty much the same. Fucking bitches.
A pattern.


I hope the guys they meet smack them about a bit.
So rejecting a stranger is worthy of violence to make them more subservient?


This is why I hang out with girls all the time recently, they are actually more fun, cooler and funnier than the guys I used to hang out with.
Depends on the guys, and the girls, I guess.

Shahanshah 02-06-2014 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by PostScript (Post 90249)
OK well gonna be kinda blunt but I mean to help:

How do you mean?

If it is to you then it will be to her. Some activity which gives you chance to move around, be silly n actually enjoy your time together.

Doing more fun things/having more fun will indirectly help that.

Sometimes we demean women to protect ourselves you know.

Maybe they are allowed to do what they want.

A pattern.

So rejecting a stranger is worthy of violence to make them more subservient?

Depends on the guys, and the girls, I guess.

The stuff about dating yeah you are probably right or at least worth trying something new out.

As for the rest you take things too seriously. I'm fucking about on violence towards women. Its only around this area girls are rude, and they are always average girls. I've never posted about it in any other place I've been to. The fact is area, population, demographic have a large part to play in attitudes, actions and how they interact socially. It was something I always thought but never mentioned (Thinking it was in my head) but so many people have commented on it - guys and girls - that I'm more vocal about it.

In PU believe it or not, not everything is to do with the ego and state.

GoodRebel 02-06-2014 08:03 PM

Alright Dude!

I think I've told you about my 1st date place before, but its a little bar in St. Annes Square that not many people know about, got loads of character etc. Its got a few conversation starters like an old school jukebox and a pinball machine and stuff. Check it out.


Shahanshah 02-06-2014 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by GoodRebel (Post 90255)
Alright Dude!

I think I've told you about my 1st date place before, but its a little bar in St. Annes Square that not many people know about, got loads of character etc. Its got a few conversation starters like an old school jukebox and a pinball machine and stuff. Check it out.


What's the name of it? I hope girls don't say "Oh I've been on a first date here before!", or I would love that actually ;)

GoodRebel 02-06-2014 08:36 PM

haha its called corbieres, google it. yeah they might start asking your opinions on jaffa cakes!

Actually come to think of it i got this message on Facebook off a girl i don't remember speaking too "It's Chloe from 5th, won't let me add you so you'll just have to cope without me! Was you the guy that asked me if a Jaffa cake was a cake or biscuit?"


Shahanshah 04-06-2014 03:29 AM

We need a night out or a catch up of sorts. A full night, as we'd end up chatting half the night away anyway mate!!!

PostScript 06-06-2014 11:46 AM


The stuff about dating yeah you are probably right or at least worth trying something new out.
Yah, try stuff like funfairs or pier's, or crazy golf…all of which I've found work great and are relatively cheap too. The quicker you can make a dick of yourself and not be trying to escalate an interview, the more likely you are both to be swept up in it and things will move quicker anyway.

Anywhere with games and a focus on stuff that's not just the two of you. Lot's of opportunities to laugh about the surroundings/people, challenge her to a game, mock her skills a bit, act wounded if you lose…just generally loads of opportunities to be playful and let your personality out.


As for the rest you take things too seriously.
Tru dat :hihi: ...you did say that shit tho! Easy to misread the tone of text tho so maybe I did.


I'm fucking about on violence towards women. Its only around this area girls are rude, and they are always average girls. I've never posted about it in any other place I've been to. The fact is area, population, demographic have a large part to play in attitudes, actions and how they interact socially. It was something I always thought but never mentioned (Thinking it was in my head) but so many people have commented on it - guys and girls - that I'm more vocal about it.
I mean on the one hand I agree, societal/cultural/religious factors clearly influence behaviour especially in groups, but my point is that it will have felt disingenuous to the girls. You didn't fancy either of them, you knew it, they knew it, you wanted something from them (to progress your skills), they felt it and threw up the shields because it was yet another guy wanting something. I'm not trying to be a dick I'm just saying there are other ways to look at shit that might serve you more, even if there are environmental factors.


In PU believe it or not, not everything is to do with the ego and state.
Not so much ego and state, ego is a term that has mainly just sent me chasing my tail over the years and state comes n goes. More self esteem and healthy boundary function I think.

Shahanshah 06-06-2014 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by PostScript (Post 90311)
Yah, try stuff like funfairs or pier's, or crazy golf…all of which I've found work great and are relatively cheap too. The quicker you can make a dick of yourself and not be trying to escalate an interview, the more likely you are both to be swept up in it and things will move quicker anyway.

Anywhere with games and a focus on stuff that's not just the two of you. Lot's of opportunities to laugh about the surroundings/people, challenge her to a game, mock her skills a bit, act wounded if you lose…just generally loads of opportunities to be playful and let your personality out.

Tru dat :hihi: ...you did say that shit tho! Easy to misread the tone of text tho so maybe I did.

I mean on the one hand I agree, societal/cultural/religious factors clearly influence behaviour especially in groups, but my point is that it will have felt disingenuous to the girls. You didn't fancy either of them, you knew it, they knew it, you wanted something from them (to progress your skills), they felt it and threw up the shields because it was yet another guy wanting something. I'm not trying to be a dick I'm just saying there are other ways to look at shit that might serve you more, even if there are environmental factors.

Not so much ego and state, ego is a term that has mainly just sent me chasing my tail over the years and state comes n goes. More self esteem and healthy boundary function I think.

I only approach out of socialness, having fun, or pulling. Never anything to do with skillset, pua-ness or anything.

They didn't sense anything, they were just a bunch of bitches in that environment. I went out the Manchester just this Tuesday again and I met girls from the SAME town (of where the girls are bitchy) and they were friendly and normal.

In this town, or at least the clubs I've been to, girls are bitches.

PostScript 06-06-2014 04:09 PM

Ah well, fair enough.

Shahanshah 11-07-2014 05:56 PM

Im going to try to post up on here again. I have three main goals:

1) To be more ballsy when I'm out with approaching in a self-motivated way. My general 'plan' for a night out is this:

- Approach a lot
- Socialise
- Isolate, escalate, close, #close (if its early on or they're getting dragged away)
- Stay and keep going until the end of the night, stay with girls rather than walking off.

2) To chat up and close girls during my day. I don't even mean street game, literally going about my day be able to do it

3) Meet girls in my social circle. I guess its about that whole 'deep identity level change' shit RSD go on about and staying out all night doing it too. A shift in being, to make it sound far more deep than it actually is.

Still field reports are hard to write up these days as I don't feel them in my heart like I used to or see many 'new' observations or whatever anymore but I am trying to be a bit more open minded and newbie mindset'd.

Im back in Newquay and there seem to be far more hot girls than last year! Should be quite the feast for me.

My Manchester brothers (and sisters, Dice) should come down for a weekend during the summer. Get a gay pile-on going.

Shahanshah 13-07-2014 09:31 PM

Went out last night with my regulars but in a different dynamic. It was three guys and one girl, and the girl fucked off quite early to get stoned. I knew it was going to be a great night because the one guy is one of my best mates, who I have all these crazy nights out with. We're pre-drinking and the vibes and mood is going great; no drama; no people you have to put up with and it wasn't a big group full of everyone wanting to do different things and it ends up feeling like your managing a diplomatic company.

First we pop into a restaurant that's closed but we knew someone who worked in there who's having some after hours thing. Its full of all the druggy stoner skater kids I knew growing up. I resist the temptation to try and get any MDMA or K, especially after finding out they had none. Chatting shit with everyone until my mates decide to leave so we can actually get into town.

By now we are completely fucked. I try and get us passed the queue at the club and get denied in front everyone which made me look a right cunt, we laugh, in the queue I chat to some girl. 5 minutes later we're in and the girl's friend is getting her to go to the toilet straight away. Make out with her with "No, come here, one sec-one second" pulling her in. She says she'll come find me. On to the bar for a load of drinks which I don't need. Chatting to some girl at the bar and start making out with her, get my drinks and go off. 10 or so minutes later I see her again, and she asks where Im from

"I live across the road". I don't.
"yeah let's go"

Blah blah blah about her friends but we leave, I keep saying I live at the end of wherever we're looking at but end up half fucking her in an alley but take her back to mine and bang her. Back in town by 2am. The lay itself was really really weird and funny but no one wants to hear about a chick on her period and screaming about her boyfriend waiting outside.

Meet my mates again, chat to a few more girls but I think I didn't wanna ditch my friends anymore, instead spending the night having a laugh with them. Then went back to do ketamine at 3am which was fucking mad, I thought Ricky Gervais and Karl Pilkington were arguing with me but 'thought I wasn't tripping' when Steven Merchant started sticking up for me.

I know I could have pulled again that night as I saw the first girl again but ya know I really do enjoy all the antics that I get upto. I also took a girl home the last night I was out too but that really isn't a field report to write about. Although they both have two things in common: at some point quite early I put 'going back to mine' out there and acted on it, and the girls were not with their friends at the moment I met them.

Next time I'm out I am definitely staying out later to pull. Drugs man, they're bad for you. Oh yeah, and with this girl I straight away said "We'll be back in town in ten minutes. Your friends won't even notice". I've realised a lot of girls don't want to spend the night with you after you've fucked. Every girl I've spoken to it about always talks about wanting the guy to fuck off straight after a one night stand which is perfect for me.

Serendipity 14-07-2014 01:37 AM

Sounds like a great night. If ONS girls is what you like (I did) then go for it. Agree with you about the drugs, it was my big weakness and it's unecessarry tbh.

It's fine me looking back and wishing I hadn't got wasted so much instead of pulling but I suppose at the time I just enjoyed being wasted. But I'm regretting now not putting more effort into pulling.

Shahanshah 20-07-2014 07:45 PM

Last night I went out and got really drunk then spoke to girls. I was not great with the friends of the girls and/or fighting against the dynamic rather than going with it. Going with the flow I have always found better as it means a bit later on you can get them away from their friends. Silly drunk me. A gay man asked 'would you fuck my bum?'. My friend was so drunk he passed out the main strip and crack heads comforted him. A Czech girl had a bf but told me to come into Subway where she works for discount shit. I learnt that Czechs don't like it being called Czech - Slovakia.

Nearly got with my mates milf of a mother but I was locked in indecision as that's a friendship breaker if there ever was one. As she got dragged away she said something like 'if I wasn't thing's mother would you get with me' I said something really crude and sleazy probably. The bad thing is I wasn't feeling bad about doing it to my friend, just him finding out about it!!!

Oh and I got two girls numbers; one was a promo girl who I've been texting today and the other was some 18 year old - yeah I know numbers are gay.

Think that's my focus; approach consistently through out the night especially at the end; social; going with the flow/friends; isolating and closing

Shahanshah 12-08-2014 07:23 PM

Got a lot to post about when I get to my computers (it's ages away, almost 2 meters from my bed where I am) but I've found dates to be really good recently and im aiming for then. Nailed my first girl off tinder as well. Fucked 5 girls in 6 or 7 weeks whilst only being able to go out once a week! Had a close call for a fuck but LITERALLY the most fucked up coincident that could only happened to me occurred. Will write it all up soon. I also feel like I'm at a turning point in all this but maybe not and it's my imagination as I always think I'm having revelations.

Peace and love!

top-hat 14-08-2014 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 92166)
... said the retard.



this made my day !

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