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dan300 01-08-2017 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by daleinthedark (Post 104052)
I'm a pretty minor user. I probably average maybe a joint per week so it has a minimal impact on my life especially in comparison to alcohol.

I think like anything it can have positive and negative effects depending on use. For me it is positive.

Yea I was an all day long user. From morning to night. So I know it was the constant smoking that gave me he negative effects.

Except for the last 2 years where I cut down drastically, only getting a bag of weed here and there (back then it was 99% resin whereas these days it's the opposite).

Then I felt the time was right to finally quit for good when myself and some friends were smoking a big fat millennium spliff containing a quarter of resin.

kowalski 01-08-2017 08:32 AM

Nah, I smoke all day for decades with a year or so off one time and don't get any such anxiety. It's nothing to do with frequency of use.

Weed, shrooms, acid, anything that gets you to think introspectively will sometimes bring up uncomfortable things about you, your situation, etc. If people get anxious when taking them, that indicates that they have some issues they need to work through and that they are not happy with their lot. Sounds like you had some issues and weed was bringing them to your attention.



Shahanshah 01-08-2017 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 104057)
Nah, I smoke all day for decades with a year or so off one time and don't get any such anxiety. It's nothing to do with frequency of use.

Weed, shrooms, acid, anything that gets you to think introspectively will sometimes bring up uncomfortable things about you, your situation, etc. If people get anxious when taking them, that indicates that they have some issues they need to work through and that they are not happy with their lot. Sounds like you had some issues and weed was bringing them to your attention.



Weed is a psychoactive drug. It fucks up most people's heads, if not a significant amount at the very least.

As with ANY drug that has a powerful effect on the perceptions of the brain. Hell even caffeine is proven to affect people's brain make up.

Weed turns people into lazy, socially isolated, stupid beatniks on the dole.

It's like when you see teenagers who are stoned and can't even make eye contact. Or you see them debating on who has to go into be shop to buy everyone's shit as theyre all too scared to go in. Even if weed doesn't trigger any physiological changes, the very experience of constantly being socially anxious, being lazy, watching Adam Sandler films, will have a drastic effect on your psychology.

dan300 02-08-2017 01:54 AM

What both of you said.

For me. The smoking from morning to night affected me I know that. Whether it was cos my parents split when I was 11 I don't know.

But what I do know is that everything I done after that was my own choice. Nobody ever forced me to do anything.

Perhaps by Kowalskis judgement I may have had underlying shit because of that but I never once consciously ever thought or said that. And I have never blamed anyone for anything I've done. Nobody forced me. I did it myself.

Aside from that I will argue that prolonged cannabis use can fuck your head up regardless of life problems.

I also of course did have various heavy drug use such as E's coke speed & "legal highs"

Which were fucking me up also.

As I got older I understood how and why they all fucked my head up. And if it was because of issues, it was subliminal. I wasn't consciously aware.

I don't know why I got so easily addicted to everything I ever took. But that's what happened.

Ps. I quit drugs 7 years ago today.

kowalski 02-08-2017 08:18 AM

Also, niggers and Mexicans take it then rape your daughter's.

Shah, nice theory shame if someone were to test it... No, wait. They already did and the evidence says you are wrong.

Still upset from when Michael Phelps got him high and abused him.



kowalski 02-08-2017 08:23 AM

Dan, you drink alcohol. You have not quit drugs.



dan300 02-08-2017 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 104087)
Dan, you drink alcohol. You have not quit drugs.

I quit illicit drugs.

dan300 02-08-2017 09:41 PM

In what the fuck way?

I was arguably a slave at various points when I was hooked on something but I don't see how I'm a good little slave for eliminating shit from my life that had became very bad for me.

kowalski 03-08-2017 07:22 AM

First, look up the word slave. You can't be a slave to a drug. That's a poetic use of the word and not what it means at all.

Alcohol is a drug.
People who consume alcohol and claim to not take drugs are willing slaves.
First, they are using the language of the masters. Second, it is pure double think.

The word drugs has a use. When some are tricked into using the word in a different way it blocks useful discussion and it tricks those users into a series of other false beliefs wherever the word comes up.

It is the same with freedom of speech. People say they believe in freedom of speech, because it is considered virtuous. Governments want to control speech and say that, for example, "we have freedom of speech and incitement to violence is illegal". The people accept this double think and then repeat it. You do not believe in freedom of speech unless you believe that there are no cases in which speech would be illegal... that no test for whether an instance of speech is legal or not should exist. This makes useful discussion impossible

This is exactly what Orwell was warning of.

Or, think of someone saying they quit gambling whilst laying bets I'm the bookies on the reg. You question them and they reply "I quit ilicit gambling". What the fuck! Still a gambler. Still a drug user.

Illicit only means that it is illegal. That there is a law against it.

Everytime drugs are mentioned in any context up you pop "look at me, I quit drugs". First, no you didn't. Second, its irrelevant.. Then follow that with a bunch of 40 year old dogma that stands against all the science on the subject. Like a vegan.

Dan, you are a recreational drug user... just exactly as you were those 7 years ago. And your current drug of choice is the most addictive, most physically damaging and most likely to lead the user to violence, unprotected sex, breaking things, self harm, suicide, problematic relationships with loved ones, etc., and severe health issues out of all the common recreational drugs where we live. So three cheers for being a good little slave.



Shahanshah 03-08-2017 09:25 PM

TL:DR Kowalski spouting bullshitting to be right.

Weed is a drug and fucks your head up if you smoke it regularly e.g. more than once a week. Getting fucked up on a Saturday night is fine on pretty much anything.

Most studies that say weed is okay are badly done. Stoners don't have the required brain mass to figure this out. Too busy watching videos of children falling on YouTube, and eating chocolate hob nobs.

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