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TorchedFrog 04-03-2010 05:27 PM

Bristols not that big? its freaking huge! last time i was down there it was anyway, i'm coming down there soon for a invite only party....... i'll pm the details soon :)

TorchedFrog 04-03-2010 05:29 PM

i suppose if you can open a deaf girl and pull, you know your inner game is sorted

TorchedFrog 04-03-2010 05:44 PM

in marrage they swore to god,

allthough not religous i'm not taking chances on upsetting him

(if it was me your reffering to i cant remember that post)

Summer Junky 04-03-2010 05:47 PM

I think there is a difference, depending on how much you value marriage I suppose. People get into relationships knowing full well that they're not intending to spend the rest of their lives together. When you get married that's the deal.

That's not to say that I don't agree with what your'e saying Kowalski, cos actually I do. If as she says they have a good thing going on and they do love each other, I can assure you I would not go any where near that. Unfortunately for me I have a conscience.

Summer Junky 04-03-2010 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 16086)
Does that mean my woman is fair game?

Damn straight :p

Not sure enough to debate on this one. All I know is marriage is a life commitment, and a relationship is not. I would have therefore said that marriage holds more value, but I'm fairly sure that this could be proved wrong.

By the way, if you say that you wouldn't be willing to get married to your girlfriend, and considering the fact that you are active on a PU forum and so blatantly are interested in seeing other women, don't you find that situation a bit morally questionable? I don't know the situation, so pardon me if I'm wrong, but is this not the same as this girl cheating on her boyfriend?

Tom 05-03-2010 08:24 AM

I think that's more of an example rather than K's position although if you hit on jynx I think he might get possessive.

Adding another angle...

My mrs got chatted up the other day got asked for a number and gave him a made up one, so you might want to check it's actually the right one.

Summer Junky 05-03-2010 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Tom (Post 16104)
My mrs got chatted up the other day got asked for a number and gave him a made up one, so you might want to check it's actually the right one.

Only way of checking would be to ring her, which I'm not gonna do cos I know there's a good chance she wouldn't answer anyway. I text her last night with no reply, but I didn't set out for one, so who knows. maybe she'll text me in a months time telling me how she's split up with her boyfriend, or maybe she wont. I'm easy either way.

Summer Junky 05-03-2010 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 16106)
I already put forward two arguements that (currently) prove that wrong in my last post.

Tom is quite right. I'm talking more about my principles, rather than my current reality. I meant to be understood as saying - I don't intend on marrying my girl, whoever that turns out to be.



I feel like I do have a valid argument for this, but don't feel confident enough to find the right words. Maybe I'll get back to you on this.

I think it's fair enough having a girlfriend without having any intention of staying with her by the way, and likewise, so long as you state this from an early point, but in my experience girls tend to be ok with this until your'e out shagging other women, and then it's not cool anymore.

legend 05-03-2010 10:45 AM

Let me explain my position cos I think K was referring to my other response on a thread about sleeping with a married woman. I too don't have the intention of making out wit a girl in a relationship. When I say back burner, I meant to say in a 'friendly' kinda way. I don't see anything wrong with that. The friendly weekly text of saying hello or hanging out now and again for a coffee and a chat. I have a very special hot friend who is happily married and now heavily pregnant. We have lunch together everyday. I remember approaching her 1 lunch time last year. We chatted for 1 hr. She gave me her number altho she told me she is married. Nothing else gonna happen whilst she's married, we just enjoy each other's company...!

Summer Junky 06-03-2010 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 16086)
Say I'm in contract with Sky TV for a year and with BT for life. Is there any difference if I breach both contracts?

Yeah there is. BT can take you to court and attempt to get a life times worth of payments out of you, Sky TV cannot. Does that make it any more morally questionable? .....No :confused:

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