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dan300 01-07-2014 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Shahanshah (Post 90752)
@Dan300, care to explain how I am a keyboard warrior? Or do you throw buzzwords around to get attention.

Here's an example...


They run the forum man, they run this town.
In what way do we think we "run this town?" What the fuck made you say such a stupid thing & on what basis?

In general a lot of the stuff you come out with is sarcastic verbal attacks or just being a dickhead.

And you & Kowalski's default line when you have nothing else to say to someone "you're a retard"

You don't see me or serendipity for example, attacking people on the forum in this way, or even rising to this kind of shit for that matter.

A number of you fucks on here take everything way to seriously (I'm tired saying that at this point), & when all you really do is jump into people's threads & give shit or call them braindead or whatever the fuck rubbish you say you "really believe", that to me is what makes a keyboard warrior.

top-hat 01-07-2014 07:18 PM

Right pumpkins let me put it my way because I'm actually always right, and I'll put it in bullet points because fuck sentences.

-Half of what Shah says is just taking the piss anyway. Stop taking it seriously.
-Listen to the old guard, although their criticism may upset you, it's probably right.
-Both Dan and Serendipity are called out constantly on being incorrect. Get some "success" first, learn a bit before you give out advice, post shit that is bothering you.
-Don't over think the small things, that's what mystery method is for.
-Remember this is a goddamn forum. Not all advice is right(unless it's mine). If something worked for you once, it doesn't mean it's right for every situation.
-Go out and make mistakes, hopefully you'll learn from them.

And as per usual, I'm probably wrong. Tell me why.

markuk 01-07-2014 08:06 PM

Stop hijacking my thread you fucktards

BroadswordWSJ 01-07-2014 09:40 PM

Everyone just needs to chill out, its an interweb forum for gawds sake. Dan, doesn't look great if your freaking out about what some dude has posted on a web page online; how you going to keep it together with women in the real world?

dan300 01-07-2014 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by BroadswordWSJ (Post 90763)
Everyone just needs to chill out, its an interweb forum for gawds sake. Dan, doesn't look great if your freaking out about what some dude has posted on a web page online; how you going to keep it together with women in the real world?




I keep saying how not serious I take everything. I actually wasn't even gunna reply to him & one post later all of a sudden I'M the one taking it all too seriously?

Ok I'll start smoking weed again I clearly need it :yeah:

Serendipity 01-07-2014 11:31 PM

Mark originally seemed to be seeking advice or at least aired his thoughts that chasing girls might come across as needy.

Tony gave a good reply that it's not needy. It's the opposite and I agree with that.

Dale said he hadn't seen any evidence a yad was effective. On that point I do know someone who got laid and subsequently had a three month relationship with the girl who he had yad stopped after she made eye contact with him when they past each other going in opposite directions on an escalator.

He's not a PUA guru. He's a guy who only seriously got into daygame after doing a bootcamp in October last year. Mark has also met the guy and we've been out winging each other several times.

I confirmed with him tonight that's what happened. I've met the girl as well. She was very impressed by the way he went after her and stopped her.

End of.

Shahanshah 01-07-2014 11:51 PM

Oi guys leave it out, Serendipity has put his foot down.

Serendipity 02-07-2014 08:29 AM


nova 02-07-2014 10:09 AM

Lots of useful stuff here to help Mark along on his journey.

dan300 03-07-2014 03:08 PM

Mark, for daygame watch the daygame blueprint.

Also watch Tom Torero's conversation king, it's an awesome resource not only for talking to girls but for life in general.

Also, Andy Yosha is a bellend who only cares about making money.

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