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Smile The Omm Field Reports - 20-03-2016, 01:10 PM

Report #1 - First night out

As my first field report, I thought I'd start where I first used 'game' in any situation and actually got any kind of close.

So, it was a Thursday night, pretty boring, and I got invited to my local pub with a few friends from work. When I got there, there were two people sat outside. Now... I had met them twice before so I didn't really know them well at all. But, pickup is about being social right? One guy (gay) and one girl (target). They were pretty happy to be talking to me and I invited them both inside to join us after a short conversation. I focused more on the guy, leaving the girl to chase after the conversation. We were talking about school and work and she would pitch in every now and again and I'd respond with things like 'Sshh, the grown ups are talking!' or 'Do you always but in like this?'. Any negs were said in jest with a slight grin.

Eventually I had won over the guy (control the men, control the women). I had merged the two groups together and they were all chatting well. I would bring up a topic and include both groups (as what I believed was a Demonstration of Higher Value).

The girl gave me a playful punch in the arm and that's when I decided to give her some attention. Naturally I'm quite funny, I come out with a lot of sarcastic comments. So mixing humour with serious conversation, I could tell she was quite into me. Again, from how I remember it, I wasn't too try hard or outcome dependent...but it was working and I wanted to push!

When it came to home time, I said my goodbyes to my friends and got up to leave to which the guy says 'We'll come too, we need a tab'. So now there's three of us outside the bar and I'm still talking to the girl. The gay guy asked for a hug goodbye and decided to touch my arse when I said 'OK'. I turned to my target... I said 'Come here then' and put my hands out and brought her into me and for some reason I picked her up and put her legs around my waist (which made her laugh). I said I wanted a goodbye kiss, looking her dead in the eyes.

Me; I expect a goodbye kiss

Her; Oh my god really? Here?

Me; Yeah!

Her *laughs* But I'll look like such a slag!

Me; Probably *then just kissed her*

We said goodbyes, exchanged numbers and went. I went home feeling like a total boss! My first try and it went pretty smooth! Report Closed.
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