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tat tat is offline
Default 29-03-2015, 05:39 AM

I know I am not breaking any new ground here at all; I'm just chatting about it, We live in an age with its own times. It seems to be a time when women are being empowered, which is good, but it may not be done perfectly. It just feels, to me, that the law is unfair, that there is a kind of 'men-bashing' going on. I could be wrong about this, but, for instance, I read in a law text book I happened to come across and thumbed through it, that stalking as a crime now needs only two incidents! and these merely being that a woman merely has to say that she saw you and felt scared. The bar seems set so low that it is impossible for a possible stalking crime not to have taken place, which on investigation would in all typical cases come to nothing, but would give the grounds for investigation, and for you never to know about this, that there could never be the grounds for you to complain that a false allegation has been made. A woman merely has to point a finger and there is no come back. It stinks, to my mind. It is like a witch hunt, to terrorize men into some kind of line, maybe as some kind of way to re-dress the balance between women and men, I don't know. Yet maybe this is the wrong way, maybe it is bad for women and good for men, but bad for equality. All I know is that being a man is not an easy option. It is like with respect, it has to be earned and deserved. To women, welcome to the man's world, if that is what it is. Bust your knuckles when changing the wheel at night on a wet road with jacks that don't work, where you have to use stones from a wall to get the thing off the ground. Men's skin is not made of iron. We are not that different. Our eyes sting from old oil in them, and hurt when rust gets in them. A lot of what a man does is because he has to. It just doesn't seem like heading for equality to me. Women are being empowered, but it is not in a way which wins respect, I feel, not when a woman can make accusations, can tell tales, is listened to, where you are the man and in the wrong because of that, or so it seems. But we are where we are, so be careful. The old adage comes to mind, 'Never tell all you know, lest your friend becomes your foe'.

Of course the internet is spied on, is studied, and files constructed on people and groups, it seems only natural. People should be very careful, and maybe always throw in some red herring searches, for instance, so no real sense can be correctly constructed, done cleverly, making patterns, just so that you have a privacy of a sort, as you may then be monitored but it means nothing, just inaccurate confusion. I don't know, I'm not an authority, it's just my opinion.

Last edited by tat; 29-03-2015 at 05:42 AM.
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