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tat tat is offline
Default 28-01-2015, 09:58 AM

Daleinthedark. I, like you, want to draw a line under this, but i think there is some value in looking at a few loose ends which have been thrown up.

I don't know what you mean by saying I posted a picture of a beast. The only picture I have ever posted here is of a woman who i find attractive even though the picture is unflattering, yet her attractiveness to me still shines through such that I don't even see the picture as being unflattering.

At this point I will write this to you because that picture illustrates what i am about to write.

You called me a troll, well that is just too repugnantly repulsive, however much you might like to try and hide behind that it can encompass almost anything. You know that. you call someone a troll and there is bad mud that sticks. you know that.

But anyway, the reason why you follow me is because you detect that I have something very valuable to you, though you do not know what it is.

It is to do with what Redemption and myself both mention and like to consider.....thinking out of the box.

What you mistake for some sort of trollism is actually just a tendency towards thinking outside the box. This is something you can't see, and this frustrates are clever, intelligent, able, yet you just cannot grasp it.

And it IS important to your whole life's happiness, you do need it, it will make all the difference. It is too much to go into here, but you need to do your own homework......think of zombies, think of the dominant ideology, how ideas (about things) are sown and grown and perpetuated. And consider just how much you are yourself programmed with these ideas and beliefs.

You may be convinced of something, but be prepared to be wrong or you will never see, you will blind yourself. The goal is surely to be a free-thinking individual, to make your own choices, not just follow someone else's signs.

This means going against the general flow, quite often; being one person saying one thing with many others saying you are wrong.

And here we have it, Dale, this is what you are feeling, me not caring about the force of the crowd, me having the strength to go my own way.

You want to do this, you need to do this, but you will have too many forces in your life to break is a lonely path, my friend, which is why i said before that Redemption and myself are unusual in this respect and in that are friends. He has the strength. Respect and gook luck to him.

I hope you understand what I have written. It is a great gift to you, seriously, and I sent it with thoughts of all the best.

It is definately worth it, I can say that, for all the hardships.

I have to go in a mo. So here's an example. I might say that i like carparks. But people do not usually say that, they say they hate them and want a sandy beach, so you thus assume that I can only be taking the piss (being a troll) because you cannot conceive how i might choose them for a holiday. But if I explained how to look at it from my perspective then you would begin to see that carparks would be good.

So you need to start looking alternatively at things. Get into art, mainly for its openmindedness.

There was a big fire and people got killed, burned alive. They did psychological tests afterwards to see why noone left the building. They set up a lot of people on chairs waiting for interview, stooges, in on it. They someone unsuspecting came for interview and sat down to wait with them. They wafted smoke in and because no-one bothered they just sat there eventhough they could clearly see much alarming smoke.

the only one who broke away from the way of the group was an artist.

I have to dash now. only seconds left, sorry for grammar spelling, etc .......
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