Thread: Hobby ideas
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top-hat top-hat is offline
Default 17-10-2014, 09:13 PM

I try and stay off the computer/tv screens as I work on them all day.

Poker is a really good idea, I'm okay at it, just don't have much patience to sit there hours on end...even when I'm up. I'll check if theres any meets or clubs around me.

I'll email the street dancing class near me to see how much of their hands they use. At this stage my tendonitis is improving, I just don't want to fuck it up. You really don't realise how much you use your opposite hand till you break something.

I was also thinking about taking singing lessons, not seriously, just something I do all the time and could do with getting better at.

As for stamp collecting, I was wondering where I could find with images of a knitting kit or model trains on.

As for the your question Red, I'm not very big, I am getting bigger. But why are you asking that, it has nothing to do with the thread, do you want to play thumb war some time...I'm pretty good at that

I just puts my dick in the hole, whoever sucks is not my concern. - MarkUK
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