Thread: Gomad
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Default 21-08-2014, 07:58 AM

Originally Posted by top-hat View Post
I was awaiting your post, if you get the time go ahead and rewrite it.

So a few things spring to mind. None of them fast fixes I'm afraid.

First thing is that you want to give your digestion a tune up so that it optimally absorbs energy and transports it to the cells. No point half of what you eat not getting to where you want it getting to. This means a bit of a detox wouldn't hurt as a starting place. Do some googling but basically what you want to do is drink nothing but water and a lot of it, eat a lot of green veg and salad, and keep the meats and in particular fats, organic. Nuts and organic butter are fine. Things that go gloopy like chia seeds can be good too, binds to the nasties that live in the gut and helps the body shit em out.

I'd do that for at least 2 weeks, preferably 4. Lower your training load a lot during this time as your body will have work on it's plate processing the toxins out anyway. FYI you may feel shite during this.

The next thing you want to do is increase the nutritional density of what you are eating so you get more bang for your buck. Organic is good. Grains are bad, some people even call grains anti nutrients because they slow the absorption of some minerals in the gut (including magnesium I think, which is important). Grains means bread/pastries/cereal/pasta/rice…etc. The other trouble with grains, well I could go on forever, but basically they are nutritionally barren, fuck digestion up in a lot of people, and cause blood sugar drama.

On the Gomad thing, thing is you can't do it for long or you'll fuck your gut up. It's nature's way of forcing us to get a varied diet. You may well end up giving yourself a long term sensitivity to dairy. Moreover if it's not sustainable you'll only lose any gains you get so what's the point? Besides milk is full of sugar, lactose itself is a sugar.

To gain weight while improving body composition I'd eat per the detox diet above, but just a SHIT LOAD of it. Each plate say a third animal, two thirds plants. 3 or 4 plates a day. Handful of nuts every now and again. Maybe switch each plate up to half and half, the ratios are an individual thing.

I think most people would suggest a high quality protein shake after your workout and a lot of fish oil tabs throughout the day high in EPA/DHA but neither of those are my bag personally.

The other thing I would suggest is plenty of sleep, especially the hours before midnight if you can, it aids with repair of what you are breaking down in the gym.

That's bout it really. If I think of anything else I'll edit later.

"Civilise the mind, make savage the body"
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