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Default 20-03-2014, 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by Jaz View Post
Have you done much research in to Red Pill 'philosophy'? I feel it is the bastard child of pick up and masculinism. Just another fad movement that will die of and be replaced by something else in a couple of years.
I got turned onto Red Pill stuff after watching Nick Krauser on London Real a couple years ago. I spent some time reading the various manosphere blogs by RP guys like Roissy, The Rawness, Yohami and Rollo Tomassi to name a few. This then led onto reading a lot of masculine psychology books by guys like Robert Bly, Sam Keen, Moore & Gillette.

For me this stuff made the most sense. I don't think you can call it the bastard child of pick up since a lot of the stuff was around either before or at the inception of pick up. I'm interested to know what gave you that opinion?

I do agree that on something like the Red Pill subreddit a lot of the users espouse something that could be conceived as a bastardization of PU and a misunderstanding of positive masculinity which often comes across misogynist rantings.

I do believe that modern western society is becoming increasingly feminized and that men today are a shadow of what they were 100 years ago and that the Red Pill provides a positive compass towards what I believe are correct gender roles. If it is a fad as you say then it'l be very interesting to see what concept comes after. Either we'l all hit super saiyan levels of uber masculinity or we'l regress further and will be facing the social collapse of western civilization.
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