Thread: Shah's Journal
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Shahanshah Shahanshah is offline
Default 14-02-2014, 12:26 PM

I'd love to write up a field report but I don't remember too much of it. An impromptu night out with a mate. At first he felt like just two of us going to a club where we knew no one would be shit but a little convincing soon changed that. We went Manchester and yes, 5th Ave, on a Thursday; reliable, cheap and I know where it is. I remember being excited on the way to the club.

Inside I got chatting to two girls, one was interested, one was not, "Hey, you're enjoying this aren't you. . ." standard. The friend is like "Come on cindy lets go dance", cindy's grabbing my hand telling us to come with her and dance. Probably should have spent a while with them and joined them. As my main goal is to stay with girls. I have ADD or something, my attention span is my enemy within.

I busted on girls all night about being out on Valentines day eve. This was obviously hilarious for them. On the dancefloor a girl looks at me, I smile, I pick her up and start semi-tossing her. Her friends love it and are sorta making me do it haha then we make out. Her friend drags her away. I should have followed up. Need to be a bit more tenacious and staying with the girl. Stay with, spend time, isolate/you+her type vibe, hang out. Innit.

That was me not particularly drunk but after this I don't really remember too much. Used Jaz' "Can I watch you poo" line to girls walking towards the toilet (whilst im walking with them).

Girls: "yeah come with us". Hahahahahah Didn't even know what to do with that and stopped at the toilet door.

Then made out with 3 or 4 fat chicks through out the night. But kinda walked off. Short attention span and wasted is not good for my f-closing. But staying in set/ pulling each girl is my aim. Until it becomes unconscious competence so I can do it whilst smashed, for all you nerds out there.

Then when the club closed and we were outside waiting for a taxi and getting food. I was pretty much an anti-social wanker to half the girls or too drunk to remember I'd already spoken to others or carry on a real interaction. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh.

And my mate took a shit in an alley which I was all casual and normal about because I was so fucked.

"Im going for shit down here hold on"
"Cool man"
*3 minutes later*
"I just shat in an alley what the hell"
"Yeah cool, did you wipe"

And some reason I was convinced the taxi driver was called "Josh" even though he was a Sikh, in full Sikh gown, beard, language barrier and him going "me not Josh".. Drunken Shah replying "Huh Josh what? Thanks for the lift mate." numerously.

Know Thyself.

Have fun.
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