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Default The return of Top-Hat - 05-02-2014, 02:07 PM

I've got a few reports to write up on. I didnt want to write them initially, as 1 I was lazy and 2 I was pissed off with myself.

24th January 2014
So the first night out in a while, exams over. Time to have fun! I got back to my flat after my exam to see my roommates already ready and raring to go. The night before while I was revising decided I wanted to make vodka jelly. So ate that and had a few beers with my roommates and a couple of mates then hit up Shoreditch.
In the first bar played some table tennis then foosball. I then went out for a smoke and spoke to an Irish girl, about Irish stuff IRA stuff and other stuff. Asked her out and got her number.

In the second bar, went up for a dance, basically having a laugh. Went outside and my mates talking to some chicks, annoying them I'd say. So I went over said hello, and they were into it. My mates left and eventually, the girls and I went in. I separated from them, because I got all in my head and eventually went off to dance with them. Which yes I'm still shit at.
Two things annoyed me, 1 I didn't attempt to kiss any of them and 2 my mate kept butting in as I'm having a conversation with them. Some people just don't get it. (The next morning another friend who had his girlfriend there, told me they tried to persuade him to come back to theirs...the threesome was always potentially on the table." FACK FACK FAAAACCCKKK").

After this I went back into the club and we saw one of my roommates course buddies and a few from mine. The initial lot left back to the flat and I wanted to stay out so jumped back in the first bar with the new group. One of the birds who was my ex's mates took quite an interest with me. Which is cool only one problem think of a huge younger version of Whoopee Goldberg...aka YUCK! I was cool chatting to her (maybe enjoyed the attention meh i dunno) but at one point I was sitting down her sitting next to me throwing compliments at me putting her head on my shoulder while I was talking shit. Basically she couldnt take a hint. I did have an eye for her mate though who was not interested at all, and made that clear by hurling continuous sly comments throughout the journey home, which clearly she didnt understand I enjoy, and responded with some lovely neutral comebacks. I took them down the road to theirs gave Whoopee Goldberg a hug for being good chat and said "I like her" and walked off into the moonlight back home.

I can talk like a mofo when I'm drunk at least
Approaches come easy (also blame on liquid confidence)
Didn't go for m-m-m-monster kill (Hey look I've got standards and shit)

Don't drink alot when I'm out, conversations become a mess and you arent present (I was in dreamland when I spoke to Irish bird)
Alot of people don't know how to talk to chicks
Stop being a pussy and go for the kill

I just puts my dick in the hole, whoever sucks is not my concern. - MarkUK
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