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BroadswordWSJ BroadswordWSJ is offline
Default 06-01-2014, 11:46 PM

The last few posts have only really come as a result of seeing that girl again at New Year. But there are elements of truth in them.

I do lack self confidence & self esteem and although Dale scored it out, I am not a typical "manly" man. Based on how I perceive their personalities by how they post on here I'd be the complete opposite of Phil or Kowlaski. I'm realising a few things from Reading "No more Mr. Nice Guy".

It is true - I AM a nice guy. Women tell me that all the time. They only ever just want to be friends. Forget height & looks and a logical answer to this must be lack of masculine presense or sexual expression. My situation is also extremely uncommon & (if) potential women know of this they would be heading for the hills; you can't blame them. I'm a 31 year old man who's never been in a relationship or got naked with another women. It's also not ideal when every single girl you've ever asked out has said no. This is also difficult for me in that I don't know anyone else like this, nobody can relate to it & its not exactly the sort of thing you talk to people about either.

I suppose a big flaw I have is I'm a perfectionist by nature & a black and white (all or nothing) thinker - these are not good traits to have.

But yes, reading back through thiese FR's there have been nights out or interactions I've had whereby I've had a great time and although minor to you guys on here some of the stuff I've written about would never have happened or experienced 5 months ago. It's also occured to me I've always in ways been ashamed or scared of a girl knowing I like her, even when I ask then out. "OMG! What if she realises I like her or she thinks I'm sleazing on her!". I've also never really tried to "seduce" or physically escalate with a girl - I think I've only ever went for a kiss like 3 times (including this New Year). I've now realised this is ridiculous thinking & lack of action and that i should just be more direct & honest! But again crops up the sexual expression thing - whenever I try to do it I either come across as nice & friendly, or the complete polar opposite - sleazy, creepy & weird. I struggle to calibrate it somewhwere in the middle.

At New Year whilst I was at dinner with my female friends, i thought our waitress was hot. Eventually i asked her name, it was Karen. i said "Karen, your a pretty damn good waitress, I bet the rest of them aren't as good as you?" She looked a bit startled embarrassed butt before she could really reply my female friends freaked out and covered their faces with shock...and "apologised" to the waitress for me before scolding me "Oh Broadsword, what are you doing, you don't talk to women like that!" I was actually pretty chuffed with what i said and felt like I couldn't take it further because of my friends! They are women - what the hell do they know about chatting up women??

Anyways, this has all been blown up, crying and whining in self pity with what I've written in italics will get me nowhere. I need to do more of what i did in the last paragraph. Thanks for the replies.
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