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Luther Luther is offline
Default 27-12-2013, 01:45 PM

Thanks for the advice guys, I agree quality over quantity, if you're just going around approaching but not trying to continue the interaction that's just choding yourself out of possible success, and pretty much defeats the point of making the approach in the first place. The idea of ploughing and going down like a fighter jet is hard to take, but you're more likely to learn if you go as far as you can and get shot down than if you quit when it's easy to quit. Massive failure = massive success, as long as you learn from each failure and avoid making the same mistakes.

I'm becoming more aware of my mistakes now especially through writing these things down- more kino needed, more ploughing, and I need to work on my state. Really intrigued by the whole state thing, in a way it's the most important life skill, if you're happy then you've cracked it I guess. Thanks for feedback guys, much appreciated, I'll let you all know how it goes!

- Luth x
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