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Luther Luther is offline
Default Luth's Night game Journal - 24-12-2013, 09:41 AM

Ey guys whats up.

A little background info for those of you who don't know me- I was born and raised in the NL (I'm British tho), started doing solo night game when I was 17 in dutch clubs, met up with some PUAs by total luck. They massively improved my day game, these guys didn't chode around, constant approaching. One of my friends approached a chick in a mcdonalds and was banging her in a public toilet within 15 minutes.

Anyway, I started getting success, dates, and finally lays. But my game revolved around day game scenarios, and the few times I went out at night I didn't even get makeouts.

That all changed when I moved to Manchester, went to a rave on MD and went crazy. I made out with some HB8 and it all went from there, I finally understood the vibe necessary to succeed at night game. Given my situation I wasn't able to go out and do much night game at all though, although recently that has changed.

I started going out with Shah, Goodrebel and some others recently and the success has been phenomenal compared to previous experiences. No lays yet from night game but I think I'm getting pretty close.

So that's the background, first FR coming up in a moment.

- Luth x
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