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Default 15-11-2013, 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by nova View Post
I too used to feel it wasn’t normal to touch or physically escalate with girls, especially ones I had just met. For me, I felt I didn’t have the right to, or deserve it. As a man, I now realise it’s my responsibility to do so in pretty much any environment, day or night, the street or club. If you feel you're only allowed to get phone numbers, it’s a limitation you put on yourself.

Start off with the basics, take her hand upon meeting her for the first time, and introduce yourself. At least then, you have initiated contact.
I want escalating to be like a motor response; something you just do naturally. At the minute, it's a self created limitation. I don't think it's because of fear or that I don't think I have the right to do it, I just give lots of attention to the person/people I'm talking to and honestly I don't even think about escalation. Then when when they leave I think 'yeah that was a good conversation.... oh wait, I didn't escalate or close.. damn'. I'm not noticing until the conversation has past.

There's times where I've touched, kissed, held hands and stuff like that without even thinking of escalating prior to doing it. Then, once I've do it I realize it was escalation.

Maybe it would be better to go out with the intent of escalation in order to keep it in my mind as a sort of self forcefulness to escalate. This approach would be temporary, just whilst I get into the routine of escalating.

I seem to feel fine in bypassing escalation and closing during many approaches, it's only afterwards that I wonder why I didn't escalate or close.

So, when you first approached someone during the day, you'd take their hand and introduce yourself?

Originally Posted by daleinthedark View Post
I don't think it is.
I agree. I see escalation as something I should be doing during day game. I don't want to settle for less than I am capable of.

I am the master of my fate

Last edited by Barney Stinson; 15-11-2013 at 04:11 PM.
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