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Default 09-09-2013, 09:45 AM

Date: 09th September 2013

So it’s Monday morning and I’ve not long woken up. I’m on the late shifts at work this week so that means its pretty much sleep-work-sleep-work for the next five days, but I have the weekend off so there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I don’t mind doing late shifts, but I don’t get to socialise during the week and my body clock just becomes a mess. I get in late and can never sleep until early hours in the morning, and as a result of that I struggle to get up early the next day. However, I want to try and break that trend and use the mornings I have wisely.

Dutch Courage

I had recently completed seven days in row at work from Sunday – Saturday and hadn’t really done any socialising, so Saturday night I just had to go out and catch up friends and let my hair down. So I went to a couple of pubs in the local area to see some friends and have a few beers, then my brother text me and said he was heading into town. I looked at my phone and thought why not? So after a few more beers I got the bus into town and met up with my brother and his mates and went into the club. It was quite busy and loads of attractive women around. By this time I had done half a bottle of ameretto (pre-drinking at home) and around five pints and a few jagerbombs, so I was on my way.
A couple of hours passed in the club and the beers were flowing nicely, and I had caught up with a few familiar faces in the club. I looked around just 2 sets everyone and I assessed everything in my head. In my head I was thinking ‘’I’d say this to them, and this to them two, oh oh and that to them two’’ But I wasn’t, I was just sat there beer in hand, thinking but not actually doing. My brother on the other hand has too much confidence and was talking to any girl with a pulse in the club. His approach was pretty much going up to a group of girls and shouting ‘’Alright girls’’ I laughed the first time I saw him do it, and thought what the hell? But he was engaged in conversation with them for like ten minutes after. This was his approach all night and they were happy to talk to them, but that’s all he knew, Just shouting ‘’Alright girls’’ and talk mumbo jumbo for a while.
So there I was sat there opener after opener in my head. At this moment in time I had never used an opener in my life, but now was a good a time as ever to test some out. I knew the alcohol I had consumed was coming into effect and dutch courage was coming into play. I stood up and turned to this two set next to me (both hb6) and said…

Me: I need to get a quick opinion and I’ll tell you why in a second. Do drunk I love you’s count?

HB6: Oh god no, I had an ex that sent me a text saying he loved me when he was on a night out…

The opener had worked. Here she was sat there giving me her opinion! However, she also gave me her life story. I was stood there whilst she literally told me her life story. She didn’t even come up to breathe! I was just like bloody hell love. A couple of moments passed and I just had to make tracks, so I did went old school and pulled my mobile phone out and made an excuse to leave.


Now I had seen what an opener has the power to do, it gave me a little big of a confidence boost. My first approach had been successful in the sense it engaged me into a set, however it wasn’t exactly a set I could get involved into a conversation with. I have watch many videos on the internet on how to use openers etc, but now I have used my first opener I truly understand them.
So heading into a different part of the club and seeing what the ‘Drunk I Love You Opener’ did, it was time to do my next approach. In the distance I saw another two set, this time the women were more attractive. Once again I slowly walked past the set, turned ever so slightly and said…

Me: Quick question, is kissing cheating?

HB8: Of course!

Me: (turning to her friend) What do you think?

HB7: I think it is.

I’m sure you all know the opener so I won’t go into to much detail, but they were very interested in the story itself and what I was saying to them and there body language opened up to invite me into the conversation. My only goal at this moment in time was to open the set and get there opinions. So I continued the routine until asking the ultimate question of the opener…

Me: So we’re trying to figure out who is right and who is wrong in this situation.

HB8: Is your friend a wimp or something? If he’s not happy he should just say he’s not happy. If she can’t accept that then he shouldn’t waste his time with her.

HB7: Is your friend not into that sort of thing then? Most guys I know would love it.

Me: It’s a tricky situation but I just thought I would just get a females opinion to see if they were different to his girlfriends. Anyways, I can’t stop, my friends can’t behave and god only knows what they are up to. Enjoy your evening.

It worked! I got them to engage in conversation and they happily expressed there views and opinions with me, and seemed genuinely interested in what I was saying.
Yesterday morning I sat down and looked back at the events that took place that night and I don’t know how you guys see it, but in my opinion I feel it was a success that I finally opened a couple of sets so I knew what openers could do with my own eyes, however it was under dutch courage. So my goal for this week is to open sets this weekend without being under the influence of alcohol, but to also lock myself into the set.

My Approach To Learning

As I had mentioned before I have created a folder with line after line, routine after routine. Its all there in black and white, and as I trail through the internet any routines or lines worth doing I jot down in the folder. But its becoming thin out there. At first I wanted to try everything and everything from start to finish but the reality is I am better off doing it one piece at a time rather than trying to doing everything all at once. So my first initial goal is to over my AA and figure out which five openers work the best for me as well as figuring out the best way that locks me into the set. Once I am comfortable with that I can then move onto the next phase.

- Dynamic87 -

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