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Default Dynamic87 - Challenge Accepted (Blog) - 01-09-2013, 06:56 PM

Date: September 1st 2013

‘’Challenge Accepted’’ – Dynamic87

If you had told me a year ago that I would be sitting down writing my very own blog on becoming a PUA I would have laughed in your face. But here I am this Sunday evening ready to begin the journey on not just becoming a PUA but to improve my life as whole…

The Story So Far...

Let me take you back to last April, back then I was a shop assistant at a supermarket on a basic wage, I lived at home with my parents in which I shared a room with my younger brother. I had a girlfriend and we had been together just under five years, it was a long distance relationship but we saw each other every weekend and sometimes during the week as well. I also had plenty of friends in the village so socialising wasn’t a problem. I was pretty content with life, I was comfortable with the way things were going. I had an income, a roof over my head, a girl I was in love with and we spoke about getting engaged (I planned on popping the question in July last year) and then in one fell swoop everything had come crushing down on me.

It started off with a few changes in the supermarket and my job became more hassle than it was worth. I used to enjoy my job but management started becoming stricter and impossible targets were being set and the job become very stressful. During this time a close friend of mine then moved out to Afghan for around nine months, and he was the guy I used to spill everything to. A few weeks down the line I found out from someone that my girlfriend had been having an affair with someone, and this broke my heart. I loved this girl to the moon and back and worshipped the ground she walked on, and her doing that damn near killed me.

So here I was in a stressful job, trying to cope with the heartbreak of being lied and cheated on. Could it get any worse? Well it turns out it could. I came home one night to find my mum and sister crying in my kitchen and my brother with his head in his hands. I asked them what had happened and it turns out my Dad had cheated on my Mum. So another situation to add to the ever-growing list. I didn’t really know how to cope with everything and began drinking heavily every day just to ignore what was going on. I became violent and looked for any opportunity, not to start necessarily have a fight but more to just to take a beating as I felt worthless. This routine continued throughout the summer and one day I decided enough was enough.

I remember sat there at the bottom of my bed on a Wednesday afternoon looking at the bedroom floor crying my heart out. I needed to change, I needed to fix myself and get back on track. So I began job hunting, I slowed down on my drinking and got myself a clear head. I began to make slow changes and now here I am…

Who Am I?

My name is Dynamic87, I’m 25 years old and I live in a village in the United Kingdom. I’m an Insurance Consultant who shares a two bedroom flat with a friend. I’m like any normal guy. I enjoy sports, films, music, the usual stuff.

As you can see my life has changed a little since last year, new job, new home However, I’ve never fully recovered from my break up. Don’t get me wrong I am over my ex girlfriend but my opinion on women has somewhat changed. Its quite funny because my opinion on women is that they can’t be trusted, they’re liars and quite frankly, they’re fucked up in the head. And I’ve seen enough in the past year (not including my experiences) to justify my opinion. Yet for someone reason I still want to go out and meet them? However, my confidence with women is at 0%. I melt when a women talks to me, and I have no idea how to approach the female species. It’s not just women I have problems talking to. I am hard of hearing which doesn’t help my confidence either. My hearing isn’t as bad as what it was growing up as through the years I have been able to assess situations and lip reading has become a trait of mine. So when I’m in groups of people I tend to shy away and not get involved. Sometimes I just think people are looking at me and think who’s that weirdo just lurking around the scene. It’s been this way for many months now, and then one day I remembered my best friend telling me about a book that he read years ago called ‘The Game’ so a few weeks I decided to go into a book store and purchase it. Once I started reading it I couldn’t put it down. I was intrigued from the start.

The Journey Begins

Many peoples goal is to be able to pick up women at the drop of a hat, and whilst that is something I would love to be able to do, that’s not the only reason I have decided to enter the world of Pick Up. I have joined this community to not only be able to attract women, but to become a better person and improve all aspects of my life. So this is where my journey begins right now with this blog, which by the way if you have read from the start, I thank you.

So my first act is to write the three key things I want to achieve in life:
1) To be able to attract and indulge in conversation with women
2) To gain confidence in myself and be able to expand my social value
3) To rebuild a strong relationship with my Dad

Below is the list of goals and changes that I want to be able achieve along my journey to becoming a PUA

Health, Fitness & Personal Hygiene:
- To run/light jog two or three times a week with a circuit of push ups/ pull ups and weights in between days.
- Making sure I get my 2litres of water every day to keep my body hydrated.
- Cut down on junk food and takeaways as well as cutting down on my portion sizes.
- Extend my knowledge of healthy recipes and aim to cook at least one new healthy meal a week.
- Cut down on drinking Cider and substitute for low calorie alcohol such as Rum and Whiskey.
- Do a daily/nightly routine of brushing my teeth, rinse with mouthwash, cleaning my face with water, cleaning my face with baby wipe and moisturise.

Social & Lifestyle
- Create more time for family members.
- Get to know everyone I meet in social circles.
- Amend old relationships and reconnect with distant friends
- Read the local listings each week to find out what’s going on in the surrounding areas and experience new things.

- To find a job in which I am happy with and feel comfortable settling in to.
- To become more confident on the telephone and create a better flow of conversation.
- To re-ignite my passion for script writing and finally begin work on a movie idea I’ve had for the past year.

Pick Up
- To overcome my fear of approaching women and being able to hold an interesting conversation with them.
- Being able to set up dates with interesting and attractive women.
- To become a confident person.
- To up my social value and become someone who people want to get to know.

Twitter – Dynamic87Pua

I’m not sure if this has been done yet, but I created a Twitter account (get following) which I will be using as a tool when out in field as well as using to discuss certain topics to help in the game. I will also use it to express certain feelings and discussing certain topics with other PUA’s and AFC’s.


As far as I am concerned my journey to becoming a PUA as well as better person starts this very second and I will be blogging my progression, questions etc and hope you will join me along the way for support, to critique or just for something to read. And who knows maybe I could expire someone to get up and make a change? Some of you will probably laugh at me, some of you may respect what I am trying to do for myself, as long as I progress then this blog will help keep me on track and I can look back at my progression as well.
This blog will appear on more than one website as I want to branch out to PUA’s across the world (so don’t be alarmed) and I hope along the way I make many friends and create relationships with other PUAs as well as AFC’s and we can continue this journey of Pick Up together. Feel free to post in my blog or for anyone who has any anonymous questions then email me at [email protected]. I want to hear your experiences and would appreciate your feedback etc. So until my next blog report, thanks for taking the time to read this…


-Edit- I understand that some of this blog was posted a while ago, but due to certain circumstances I wasn’t able to proceed at that time. However, this is where my journey will start, if a mod/admin could delete the other one I would appreciate it. Thank you for your co-operation.

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