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Lightbulb Cheeky & Confident - 30-09-2009, 06:51 PM

Be confident and in control and try to avoid the generic "Hey, how are you?" thing - eurgh, I HATE that! If you must, try reinventing it to something like "How's the form?" or How's tricks? if she doesn't understand what you mean, slip in a playful neg to her

Also, chances are, when she looks at her phone and sees your number calling for the first time (if she hasn't already called or text you of course) she'll be pretty nervous about it being awkward so I like to set a time constraint..
You: "I can only chat for a couple of minutes so I'll have to let you go at 10:07"
Her: "Why 10:07?!"
You: "Because I got some real important shit to do at 10:08"

It's fun, probably make her laugh and most importantly, break the ice so you can arrange a later date.

Hope this helps.

The hotter they are, the harder they fall
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