Thread: Taking Action
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Jynx-Manchester Jynx-Manchester is offline
Default 16-07-2013, 07:53 AM

Originally Posted by D!ce View Post
Absolutely mate, making too much change in one go just isn't sustainable, making small behaviour amendments will slowly over time improve your habits and overall result in a noticeable big difference to your lifestyle, even if you don't pick up on it straight away. But that's the point really, you need to do it in a way that an ideal behaviour doesn't seem strange to you, and the only way of doing that is to break habits which takes a lot of fucking effort.
Exactly, i need to just set myself small simple goals which are easily achievable which wouldn’t normally do in my lazy slobish mind-set. The problem is with self-development and making amendments to your behaviour is that it’s a slow process that you want to happen overnight! I need to just stay motivated.

Originally Posted by Jaz View Post
Just dont go changing to impress her to "win" her bag. From what you've told me, she sounds like a cunt.
Ive realised that I need to do this for me and not for her. I do have thoughts about me becoming a better man and maybe she would want me back but I keep dismissing it as soon as it comes into my head. Im trying to train myself to ignore any possibility of her wanting me back and im trying to make steps forward to better myself.
She is a cunt but its been hardwired into her by her parents. They have certain beliefs that they have planted into her and she cant help but think what she thinks. Her family are very money orientated and I don’t think I will ever be good enough in their eyes! I think this is for the best.

Originally Posted by Hustler25 View Post
A good way to save money is just to become a smarter consumer, look for the best deals, decipher between what is necessary and what is not. I like to be a little 'Anti-capitalist' also, I enjoy walking past a McDonalds untempted and giving a silent but gratifying 'Fuck you' to Ronald as his overweight patrons stare gormlessly out of the window munching on a Big Mac.

Capitalism likes to make you feel insecure that you NEED 'X' product to fill a whole in your life, it's a rigged game that most people sleepwalk through. Smarten up a bit.

I remember a great quote from Tyler Durden in Fight Club;

'Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.'

Sums it up perfectly.
I might print this out and stick it in my wallet!
I find myself spending money for the sake of it. I will spend money on anything because of boredom or to make myself feel satisfied. If I go in a shop to buy some cigs I will come out with cigs, chocolate and a drink. I cant help myself. On nights out I spend money on buying drinks when im too drunk to drink them because in my head it’s the thing to do!

Yesterday’s list was

1) I had an argument with a mate on Thursday and I'm going to be the bigger man and arrange a meet to try and rectify the situation. we have been in contact but there is still some tension there.

2) take my dog for her night time walk because I always say I'm too tired and make my mum do it

3) make a start on organising my room so I have a cleaner environment to sleep in

4) drink only water, no tea or coffee just natures juice!

I achieved 2,3 and 4 and arranged to meet my friend tonight because he was busy last night.

Today’s list is as follows:

1) Carry on with drinking water and taking the dog for a walk.
2) Go to the gym for an hour minimum
3) Eat 3 pieces of fruit
4) Get work clothes ready tonight and not tomorrow.

If Your Not Growing, Your Dying

Keep Progressing


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Hustler25 (16-07-2013), kowalski (16-07-2013), Lovefish (16-07-2013), nova (16-07-2013)