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bbboy bbboy is offline
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Default How do you escape friendzone? - 06-07-2013, 09:15 PM

Will make it short and to the point

-Meet girl
-Mutual attraction
-Sleept together a few times, until she said she wants more
-Told her I really like her but im not ready to start something serious because of my recent break up ( well not so recent but yeah )
-Didn't see each other for a month
-Started contacts again and seeing her again, she said she likes me as a person and wants to be friends
-Keep seeing her, she sms me often (i reply alot too, act too available, not sure why but my mistake I realize it now)
-Start liking her more and more... so now i want more
-Hint I might like her more than a friend ( not in a way that she would know for sure ) and she said that I hope I understand we are just friends, she likes me but isn't attracted to me anymore like before ( so we have comfort, trust but lack of the attraction aka sexual tension at this point )

Whats my best options at this point to break out of the friendzone?
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