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Default 11-04-2013, 05:32 PM

Originally Posted by kowalski View Post
Addressing what you really need / want and only going for and pursuing those girls who exhibit those qualities could simultaneously solve both these problems.
This is very much part of the new bigger picture. Looking back I have pursued a lot of girls for the sake of gaming/practicing. I have pushed things with girls even though there is probably no mutual connection or attraction. It is now about me recognising where the girl is 'at' more, instead of just taking a series of formulated steps to suit my own agenda. These are individuals, not just yet 'another girl'. Sometimes it just has to be accepted that it's 'easy come easy go', rather than beating myself up because I couldn't 'get the girl' (of course, this 'getting the girl' is a poor mindset to hold).

Part of this is to recognise that I do in fact have a set of standards, and that is not just merely in looks, but interests and their attitude to life. Knowing what I want is a big part of this. Up until now, these criteria have been blurred.

girls just wanna have fun
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