Thread: Dice Rants!
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D!ce D!ce is offline
Space Invaders Champion, Typing Test Champion
Default 04-04-2013, 06:25 PM

Last week I went out for a bit of a weekday sarge a few times during the week. Met up with Phil99, Liam and Bombhead at various points. Some interesting results, but I'm finding myself more up in my own head space right now, which is quite frustrating but I'm trying to get used to going out and talking to people without the need to get a few drinks first.

Biggest problem with weekday sarge of course is that it takes a bit of time for things to get busy, or at least to the point where it's not obvious what your up to, and by the time it does it's right about time to go home (I work full time), but we continued on nonetheless.

I'm finding myself almost mute when opening sets though, I mean I'm barely talking at all, and I can only start a bit of talk going once initiated by one of the other guys, it embarrassing! So anyway we get talking to a few groups, phil99 gets approached by this drunk girl which was quite funny, he does his thing and gets the number and the kiss. Pretty slow night, though got talking to this group in Dry bar, and I had a really good conversation going with one girl about computational and neurological linguistics so I go over later on with bombhead to reopen the group. So I try getting her number, her mates take the hint and wander off to the bar leaving us on our own, but she rejects with the whole 'I'm flattered speech', swing and a miss I guess, but it killed any momentum I had going.

Ah well, just have to keep at it I guess...

“A problem can not be solved from the same logical level it was created.”
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