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Hustler25 Hustler25 is offline
Default 10-12-2012, 06:22 PM

Part 2

[Sorry for the length of this post, but I want to use this as rather like a diary of progression, general musings, to be as in-depth as possible so that you guys can give me insight, advice, brutal honesty etc in generating as much feedback as possible]

Same night. Move onto a bar/club with my mate. There are quite a few hot girls dotted about, I'm suddenly excited rather than nervous. I'm feeling horny. I go to the dance floor I'm loving the tunes so im busting some moves, taking up a lot of space on the dance floor, behaving completely in the moment, unashamed. I spot a girl as she's taking off her jumper to cool herself down, her shirt rides up and I see a tattoo on her abdomen as well as catching a glimpse of her breasts, I walk over and say;

Me 'That's sexy',
Her 'What's sexy?'
Me 'Your tatoo'
Her 'How'd you know I have a tatoo there?'
Me 'I just noticed it when you took off your jumper, your bra was on display too, you're breasts are sexy as well'

She thought this was hilarious, we danced some. Some guy kept pulling her away from me talking sternly into her ear, I can only assume it was her boyfriend. We then tried setting up her Tank mate with my mate, that was about as far as it went.

Little brunette on dance floor, grabbed her hand tried spinning her around, she wasn't having it. I remained unaffected, it really genuinely didn't bother me, I kept dancing and enjoying myself.

Went upstairs to get myself a drink. Spot 2 girls and a guy sat at a table, I walk up to the brunette I fancy and say 'Hi, I just couldn't walk on by without telling you how beautiful you look'. She blushes and doesn't know how to react but I can see she likes it. The blonde friend says; 'Oh my god, that's her boyfriend sat next to her' I didn't notice him at first, anyway he doesn't say anything to me I just say 'Sorry mate, she's really beautiful, I'm just being honest' I suddenly dont feel too comfortable at this point as I feel im pissing on this guy's bonfire so I politely eject.

I head back down stairs. See 3 girls dancing, one of them is stunning with the perfect hour glass figure her waist, hips and ass look amazing. I'm stood behind her just watching her move her hips, I think I genuinely am entranced. I walk over to her put my arm around her waist and say 'Your ass looks amazing, especially in that shimmering dress I think you have me entranced' She doesnt seem to mind I have my hand around her waist. She says something back to me but I can't make out what she's saying due to the loudness of the music. But for some unknown reason I just walk away.

The little brunette girl from earlier at this point comes back up to me the one who wouldn't take my hand. She's clearly trying to get my attention again on the dancefloor I just ignore it, she resorts to backing her ass right into me and grinding me. I'm not turned on by this, I dont like this behaviour have some class!! I go for a piss.

My friend has bailed by this point so it's just me. I go back to the dance floor I'm dancing by myself just feeling the tunes, some huge 6ft'6 brick shit house slams be into the wall as he walks past me to get to the toilet. I'm completely taken by surprise here, everyone around me asks if im ok and says what a wanker that guy was. For the guys that know me here I'm about a foot shorter than the guy so im not exactly going to square up to him so I just continue with what im doing.

The brunette girl who I told was beautiful comes down stairs for a dance with her friend, she's eyeing me up and dancing in a very sultry manner. I walk over, dance with her a bit, the friend is a bit annoying though trying to throw my attention to her taking my hat off, wearing it herself, trying to dance with me instead, saying inane shit to me I dont care for. I could have settled for this girl instead, a 7 at best but I wanted better. The boyfriend comes over, he looks pretty dejected so I feel bad for him, apologise for hitting on his girl and say 'honestly, can you blame me?' I leave them alone.

I go back upstairs, I'm getting tooled to fuck by some idiot juveniles upstairs at the bar. I stand my ground, the main antagoniser eventually wanders off leaving his mate who was giggling the whole time with me, I ask him if he's a pussy? He walks off. I could have handled that better, I realise by this point I was getting pretty drunk and feeling slightly vunerable as I was completely on my own at this point, I was too affected instead of letting them bait me I could have just walked away. My state has gone now, im feeling pretty pissed off. So I think fuck it, im just gonna go home now.

As I turn to leave I see two hot blondes stood over in the corner chatting, they're stood by the exit so I just think fuck it if I get blown out I can just leave anyway. I've not planned for what Im going to say, all I know is I'm feeling horny, a little pissed off and past the point of caring. So I say 'Hi guys, I'd like to jizz on your faces' in a very cool, calm manner. I'm not smiling or holding back waiting for a response, I continue by holding out my hand and say 'I'm Stu'. She takes my hand, I dont let go.

The girl who's hand im holding stares me right down, the other girl looks nervous and backs off. She's just staring at me for a good 30 seconds looking for any signs of flinching I remain calm, she eventually says;

Her: 'Why do you want to jizz all over our faces?'
Me: 'Because I think your hot and all the guys here are thinking the same they just haven't had the balls to come and tell you'
Her: 'Why are your eyes so dilated? are you on drugs?'
Me: 'No, I don't take drugs, my eyes are probably dilated because I'm attracted to you and when people are attracted to something their pupils dilate to take more of it in, I notice your pupils are also dilated are you attracted to me?'
Her: She ignores what I said 'Who are you here with?'
Me: I'm here on my own
Her: Why are you on your own?
Me: Because my friend left a couple of hours ago
Her: Why did your friend leave?, dont you think it's weird you're still here on your own?'
Me: He left because he got tired, I think it's weird that you think it's weird for someone to still be out on their own enjoying themselves without the company of their friends.

Anyway, the conversation continued like this for some while, it was more an interrogation the whole time she stared right at me, I held my gaze and didnt flinch completely oblivious to what was going on around me. She eventually realised I wasn't going to back down, she smiled, told me her name was Anne and said lets sit down. The conversation was more normal, comfort building I guess you could call it, she asked me what music I liked, I reeled off some bands she said she liked those bands too. I said 'You realise we've been talking for over half an hour now and you're still holding my hand?' She said 'I know'.

She would throw in some curve ball questions at times but generally speaking the conversation was fun and relaxed. Looking back a kiss was on, I didn't do it and for this I am frustrated with not making the attempt at the time I was not thinking 'I should kiss her' it is only through hindsight I realise my mistake. We ended up talking for about an hour and a half still holding hands the whole time. The bouncers are chucking everyone out by this point and the bar manager comes over drunk.

I actually used to think this guy was alright as I'd known him for some years and chatted every now and then. He completely tried tooling me, ignored everything I said as if I wasn't there and generally just tried to make me look beta. Whilst in my head I was raging I tried to remain unaffected, I feel I was sub-communicating that I had been affected by his presence as I fell silent for a couple of minutes whilst he went off on a drunken rant.

Anyway I got her number then left, but I should have kissed her good bye, I was thrown off at the last minute by the cunt bar manager. He certainly wont be getting any respect from me anymore that's for sure.

I'd appreciate your feedback guys, tell me what I should have done better, how can I improve.

Opened far more than the modest target I set myself
Felt Indirect to be inauthentic, went direct stating what was genuinely on my mind. Felt sick with myself for actually going in Indirect!
Felt excited about approaching girls not nervous (after the first approach was under my belt)
Didn't feel I needed the support of 'wingmen' approached solo.
Less outcome dependant
Not wanking for a few days makes me feel horny and creates more of primal drive within me.
No magic tricks, feather boas, big fluffy hats and eyeliner required.

Negatives/Work in progress:
Perhaps my frame was TOO sexual
Become even less affected by Twats trying to tool me, perhaps even call them out on their bad behaviour.
Escalate more
Be aware of the need to isolate, Go for kiss closes if I feel it is on, remain unaffected if physical advances are rebuffed.
Drink less alcohol in order to keep a sharper mind and think quickly.

It was fear of myself that made me odd
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Infamous (10-12-2012), Jaz (10-12-2012), kowalski (10-12-2012), nova (10-12-2012), SmileyK (28-12-2012)