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Hustler25 Hustler25 is offline
Default Back in the game... - 10-12-2012, 02:52 PM

Part 1

I've not written one of these for time! I aim to write a few of these as I initially get back into this to keep track of my progress. A bit of background, I'd been out of the community after a 2 year hiatus, in my arrogance I felt I knew better and shunned all things PUA, I'd still listen to Nova's PUA 'drivel' out of politeness but felt he was edging more towards 'creep' than 'pimp'. How wrong I was!

Anyway, so recently I had the realisation that I had reverted back to my old ways, I examined myself and scrutinised my behaviour with complete honesty with some harsh (but true) words from Nova thrown in for good measure. I had not been progressing in the last two years but regressing back to old habits and mind-sets, I had been procrastinating and not taking action.

I decided to go out Saturday night with the intention specifically to meet women, not just go out and socialize and 'hope' an opportunity might present itself, but to create those opportunities for myself. As I felt I was starting pretty much from scratch again my goal was simple; just open 3 sets.

I'm feeling pretty pumped as im heading out, I feel pretty confident, I'm wearing some new threads, I feel fresh I think I look like pretty good. I head to a pub with a mate of mine, some live bands are playing. There's a two set in front of me, one of them is Oriental, (Nova suffers from Yellow Fever so to show support and solidarity towards his cause I approach the oriental girl) My heart begins to race all of a sudden, I feel a little tense, my mind tries to talk me out of it, my thoughts are no longer lucid but mushy. How odd and illogical this sensation is. I fight it and proceed anyway, I open indirectly with 'Hi you seemed to really enjoy that band, what was their name?' She tells me excitably who they were, she's a big fan (groupie more like) and followed them for years the interaction fizzles out, I say enjoy your evening and eject.

Now, I felt a sense of accomplishment that I approached, it felt great getting that adrenaline rush back but I was unhappy with the fact my approach was Indirect, therefore it felt insincere and phoney and the conversation from then on felt to me as if I was coming over insincere, I was disinterested in the chat because ultimately I could not give a shit about that band, I thought they were rubbish I was not self-amused. 'The self is always coming through' I was thus presenting insincerity and disinterest. I then asked myself, I thought she was sexy, why didn't I just communicate that from the off?, it is true after all and my intent towards her is of a sexual nature there is nothing to be ashamed of here.

From then on all approaches for the remainder of the night had to be direct, no excuses......

It was fear of myself that made me odd
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Jaz (10-12-2012), kowalski (10-12-2012), nova (10-12-2012)