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dan300 dan300 is offline
Default 30-10-2012, 10:50 AM

You have balls of steel - which daygame takes lots of.

I had only followed the first 3 pages of this until now, i have just read it all from start to finish, & i noticed this on page 3:

Originally Posted by dan300 View Post
This is great stuff man.

Now that I'm living in Belfast, I should be doing a lot more of this daygame shizz.

Ive not yet stopped a girl in her tracks as she is walking, but I'm gunna go for it. Fuck it.
I have been pussying out literally every day since then, & get all inside my head immediately, ruining it before i even give it a chance.

I did get a few chicks numbers, one was on the bus a couple of weeks ago, which if i had been staying on the bus back to belfast, may have went further, but she kinda flaked off saying she had a bf etc. But the numbers arent consistent, & i have yet to go direct & tell a chick she is beautiful, even if its only to get rid of AA, which is the main sticking point here.

Hotties are passing me by all the time, & i just let them. I talk myself out of going after pussy, by being a pussy.

Even my mate told me the other day while we were having a pint, that i need to grow a set of balls, he was half joking, but i took it to heart, & want to change that. Today.

You can't win if you don't play
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