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Default 25-10-2012, 09:19 PM

Thurs 25th Oct

I heard that there was an art preview at a gallery in the Northern Q so I headed into town. I went early and decided to have a wander around the centre.

As soon as get off the tram a Japanese bird who'd I'd been on 2 dates with appeared. We clocked each other and she was all smiles. I wasn't. I was not happy as she'd been giving me shreds of hope about our 3rd date then withdrawing it. The worst bit though is she takes a fucking age to reply to texts, this is just poor manners in my books. I didn't bother raising this, but she had the cheek to say that she 'wasn't ignoring me'. I'm think I'm through trying with this one. Some girls really just revel off the attention.

This riled me up quite a bit so I had to sort my head out. I then spot a chick in the new 'bigger and better' Poundland. She was Japanese. We got on like a house on fire and chat about architecture. Bitch claimed she didn't have her phone in her rucksack so she went old skool and wrote my number down...

I then spot another Asian chick. This one was from Rochdale... there was something about the accent that just didn't do it for me. I ended up telling her I'd lost my job and slated her for working for a bank. Needless to say this bombed! I blame the accent.

I then headed to the exhibition at the gallery. There I chatted to the cute girl on the free bar for a bit and then later to some art teacher. Then later I spot a chick with some cool stocking gloves. I go over to tell her and she's loving it. Turns out she is the art gallery curator. Nice. We chat for a quite a while and she gets torn away by others hobnobbing with her. I mull over getting her number, but as I depart she tells me there's another exhibition in 2 weeks and I should come. I'll carry our interaction there then.

One thing that I'm enjoying now is talking to chicks about their clothes or accessories (this is genuine admiration and attraction on my part). It almost always turns out that they're into art or something creative. One thing I also tried today and think is prob not the best idea is banging on about loosing my job. I will just pretend I still work in the same amazing job.

edit: just remembered. At the gallery some pretty cute girl from London started chatting to me and ended up hinting for me to get her number, as she had just moved to the area, and she found it good to meet new people. I may as well oblige. The best bit about this could be the logistics as she doesn't live far from my part of town, and we've agreed I'll show her the cool bars.

girls just wanna have fun

Last edited by nova; 26-10-2012 at 08:56 AM.
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