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Default 20-10-2012, 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by Rebus View Post
for arranging your next "date" - such as a Day 3 - tell her you are cooking for her.

find out in advance if she is vegetarian or allergic to certain foods

tell her to meet at your place, or if your place is hard to find and a bit of a trek, chance to get lost, arrange to meet at a train station or pub in your local area

back to your place for dinner and possibly more

cooking = logistics: all sorted... the rest is up to you + her
This is exactly what I have in mind... It's just getting them out for a Day 3!!

edit: To add, I am now considering this option a lot more than I might have previously, maybe I shall try and push this type of thing for a Day 2, or maybe even a Day 1. I will obviously have to use some judgement here, but getting them isolated in a non-public place is essential.

girls just wanna have fun

Last edited by nova; 22-10-2012 at 11:28 AM.
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