Thread: Actors
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chillem chillem is offline
Default 05-08-2012, 12:09 AM

Yes I agree about getting out there and taking a risk but not everything in life has to be difficult or risky. It is possible to have a good balance. Of course there is probably a lot of crap TV and films just the same as there is crap music.

We all like music don't we? Music can be art, it can touch us and inspire us. The written word can be inspiration or just simply enjoyable. Ever read a good book? Or read something on an internet forum which you found to be inspirational?

Add some moving images too and it very definitely is possible to create something funny, imaginative and inspirational. All risk free of course. Maybe there is an ideal art:life ratio. It's possible to enjoy watching Family Guy for example and get a look into someone else's imagination. This doesn’t have to mean that we don't enjoy life and take risks.

What was the riskiest thing you did today? Did anyone run up to a pride of lions on the plains of Africa, stick your head into the face of the fiercest and see what happens? That's fucking risky! Hanging out with friends, running lines on hot chicks, enjoying yourself and not giving a fuck is not risky. Not in this age.

Definitely room for watching a good TV programme or film if you are able to recognise that it is not real life and just a brief insight into someone else's imagination whilst at the same time living ones own life and taking your own risks.

Last edited by chillem; 05-08-2012 at 12:16 AM.
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